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Free public relations and more customers from all sides

Remember that while a cost-effective marketing strategy can be an integral part of almost every strategy, you can do it most from free or very economical technology, even if your marketing budget is tight, still a lot of inquiries Increase, boost referrals, unique aspects of your business

Marketing strategy, low cost marketing, free advertising, free advertising, marketing tips, marketing ideas, press releases, news releases, mede,

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Copyright 2006 Joel Sussman

Traditional Marketing Why do you sell if you know what you believe you are doing? However, business building, positive through some channels that may not occur to you, or which you can not take full advantage of

1. send a press release to the media when your business opens, enlarge, diversify, invent something or innovate a process, partner with another business or organization,

2. Suggest feature articles and news articles ideas to reporters and editors in your area of ​​expertise. Offer to be interviewed or provide citations to articles.

3. As a self-directed speaker at the Chamber of Commerce Conference, there are specialized groups, regional groups, and seminars. Announce your speaking commitment to the publication in the form of news releases, phone calls, emails, or postcards.

4. Write a 'letter to the editor', but avoid taking the controversial position of the problem that the customer can cost. You don't want to alienate Practice reading the editorial page to see what is written about it.

5. Teach classes at local community colleges and continuing adult education programs. It is a great way to increase your credibility, visibility and gain new customers.

6. Become a columnist. Talking about credibility and visibility, with print or online publications to move your regular columns, especially with photos and short creatures at the end

7. Word of mouth is the best kind of free and solid advertising. Providing excellent service and focusing on going beyond what clients expect, new business from word-of-mouth advertising and referrals is virtually guaranteed

8. Write informative articles useful for your customers or prospects, posting them on your website. Let people know about the article in every way you can think about it: talk it, edit your outgoing voice mail or reply, upload your article and you (optimize a web designer or search engine When it comes to choosing a keyword or phrase, do it against having a specialist in writing, write about what you are looking for a topic or service from the perspective of a customer or prospect entering a search engine. Keyword placed by popularity (the number of times they have been searched). Click "Access Resource Center" to go to the keyword selection tool.

9. You can invite people to sign up for your monthly email reports that can give news to customers and prospects Your business If you do this Four recommendations: anyone signing without permission Don't guarantee that the email address and other personal information will remain private for the contractor (For more information on the responsibility of email marketers, please visit: http: //www.ftc. gov / bcp / conline / pubs / buspubs / canspam.htm

Remember that while a cost-effective marketing strategy can be an integral part of almost every strategy, you can do it most from free or very economical technology, even if your marketing budget is tight, still a lot of inquiries Increase, boost referrals, unique aspects of your business

Advertising flop nine function

For business advertisers, some of the rules in the process of enforcing your perceived information. But they are often overlooked. It is really very annoying. So I recommend turning everything upside down and making use of this "wrong" advice to make the ad flop ...

Business, advertising

Article body:
Another title for this article can be "How to write an advertisement that is immediately thrown into a wastepaper basket?" But it is too long. For business advertisers, some of the rules in the process of enforcing your perceived information. But they are often overlooked. It is really very annoying. So I suggest turning everything upside down and take advantage of this "wrong" advice to make your ad flop: the first wrong advice. When you open an ad with the words "if you want ...", the client will forgive you if you really need your service or product. In principle, he comes to the conclusion that he will buy it later, but that is not the case now.

Second wrong advice. There should be lots of hilarious and spicy remarks about the client's flaws. The first phrase from the wrong advice of the third "Well? Do you play?" Third, with the client, is the most ingenious and universal of any product. For example, "Our theory writing service solves all your problems". Fourth wrong advice. If you are new in business, there is nothing better than the heading "Company" and so "Current". The idea that some people do not know the name of your great company should never happen to you. Fifth wrong advice. There are so many different prints! Not using them is a crime. The best variation is to write every word in a separate print. Prioritize the decorative type, especially with regard to your contact information. Customers will also have write addresses, phone numbers etc. for the minimum type of customer satisfaction with 3 or 9, b, d. It is an office to find my customers.

Sixth wrong advice. When we are reading the text, we are telling it to ourselves. That's why the larger print-is more emotional and our ad appeal. Make your print larger with every new phrase; make the main part in bold and more italicized parts – more impressive the seventh wrong advice. Serve to your customers: Of course you don't know it ... or "you don't know it ..." let God understand that God deigned to admit him eighth wrong advice . Your business is the most important thing in the world and does not deal with people who don't think so. You do not need their money. That's why I don't take time to explain something. Uses many special terms and words learned. Let your clients suffer from inferiority. You can not do these things. He must think. If he does not know, he has to find it for himself. There is nothing else that he occupies himself in any way. Ninth wrong advice. Do not divide text into paragraphs. Your text is a computer science theory valuable, and the readers you guarded the year before must look into every word. The text must be included and can be as many sub-sections. I do not write a tenth tip to follow these ten things your sales rate just remains the same. What can be good?

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