Here are four suggestions that will make the discussion of performance evaluation more relaxed.
It's tough. :
Performance evaluation of employees
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In the previous article when I discuss several performance tips that share some tips that reduce the feeling of discomfort that often comes up-collecting your material in advance and covering you, here's a more relaxed discussion of the performance rating Four suggestions to become.
Choose a convenient time
When is the best time to hold a discussion of performance evaluation? There is no ideal specific time — it does not matter in the morning or afternoon, early or late in the week.
The problem is having enough time. Wise managers set a specific time for performance review—perhaps 60 minutes—and just how long they are budgeting for a discussion but they also were scheduled after a discussion of evaluation An activity of either low priority (as it can be rescheduled) More time may be required to discuss some important items that occur during the discussion . Also, the discussion of performance evaluation should turn into a very creative brainstorming session that needs to continue beyond the hourly schedule Make sure that the unexpected event has enough time to come out and play You
Decide the agenda
How are you going to kick off the discussion of performance evaluation? What is the first word you plan to say? Do you want to review the sections of the performance evaluation sheet section by section, or start with the final evaluation and move backwards from there? When are you going to go to employee self-appraisal?
Too often these questions are simply answered "it just happened that way" —the manager wanted a series of events he wanted to follow
A better approach is to have an agenda for the meeting. There is no need to write down the agenda (though that is not a bad idea), but the manager needs to decide in advance how to structure the discussion.
Arrange work coverage
If there is no one who answers your phone, and you can not switch the phone to send all calls directly to voicemail, to simply ignore the phone coming in during the meeting of the room you are staying in and you are meeting Put "Do not disturb" sign from the next hotel room put it on the door handle. Tell your staff and colleagues to follow the "thousand miles rule"-tracking and interrupting if it is a thousand miles away at what it is not the same emergency
Give a copy of the individual performance rating to read before the meeting
Tutu Satsutsu Otsudzutsu, Tutu Satu Dzu number one Sutsu Dzu 淞 Dzu Allowed one "Tutu Interview Tsu Dzutsutsu Utsutsutsudzuitsu Dzu 慊 one tight. Rigorous performance evaluation system to their their company Each one of my chiefs took the process seriously.
However, the same clumsy procedure was followed when each day came for my discussion of performance evaluation. When we were set up for a meeting, I would enter his office and he would pass me an assessment. I was able to quickly make several pages while I was sitting behind his desk trying to gauge from my reaction how my boss was taking it
How do I start a meeting? How can an employee take everything from 2 minutes of speed reading?
Here is a much better way to get a meeting on business-like start-up effective. Give employee performance rating before time or two evaluation meetings are scheduled. Say, "Sam, this afternoon at 3:00 we are going to gather for a review of your performance. As we are preparing for our conference, pre-evaluate the performance I would like to read: feel free to write any questions that you have directly on the form, or highlight something that you want to make sure we speak.
Sam now reads some time well, it's my own pace. He can reflect what you said without immediately explaining or defending himself. He can make notes under his notebook and think about the questions he wishes to ask.
If you ask people to complete a self-assessment, ask them to give them a copy of their rating at the same time (it makes them it you) that you can also read a more relaxed and better preparation Individuals are written about themselves, in an unpressed way. .
But one note ,. If the person you are reviewing is a marginal performer with a bad rating, wait until the beginning of the meeting to hand over the performance rating. This improves control of the situation.
Is it offensive to talk about performance evaluation required? No. After these little suggestions will help to discuss the assessment of produce becoming a productive learning event and a true teaming experience.
Get a reply to voicemail
Is a voicemail overcall service. Here's how to leave a message to get results:
It's tough. :
Voicemail, communication at work, communication, effective communication
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If you like most business people, voicemail simplifies and complicates your life. On the good side, it helps to exchange information. On the other side, leaving a message can appear to put notes in a bottle that floats in the ocean. This is the way to use it. I get a message.
1) Prepare for the call. Realize that you are more likely to end up with a voicemail system than talk to someone. In this way dial before writing key points or questions in the writing list. Use that list when leaving a message and as an outline. Of course, with such preparation, I think that it works effectively when communicating properly.
2) Hang up if you receive a sudden mental block when a beep tells you to leave a message. Then organize your thoughts and call back. Reciprocal after this day, incoherent message.
3) Please speak clearly when leaving a message. Hello to people, for example, this identify yourself, I "might say hello flicking here Steve -. Kei 714-528-1300" This standard communication protocol, the partner you want to call Tell and identify who you are.
4) Write the numbers when you leave the numbers, while mentioning them. This slows down your speaking pace to match the writing speed of the listener. Then repeat all the numbers as additional courtesy. If this is your first contact or your name is unusual, also spell your name as you speak it, writing each letter. The clear message to spend the time is easily returned to the [Investigator] card.
5) Describe the purpose of your call. Candid and concise. We will provide you with enough information to be added by others to your message and a mail system.
6) never leave personal information in the message. This can bother you and others. Your assistant or colleague receives your message, and the message is played on the speakerphone with others in the office, or your message
7) Also, the upset of the message field is strong. Anger always cloud clear thinking. Instead, hang up and call back after settling down.
8) How do the messages and directions correspond. I will return the proposal. For example, you might say, "I want to return and welcome calls this afternoon." Then add a positive encouragement like that, "I look forward to hearing from you."
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