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I would like to talk about your key to marketing and selling products and services.

It's tough. :
Target, customer, marketing, marketing planning

Article body:
I would like to talk about your key to marketing and selling products and services.

Who is your ideal customer?

Who has problems that can solve your product or service?

Who is most interested in your product or service?

Who is likely to buy your product or service?

Once the best customer or ideal client has identified a person for your product or service, write a description of that person.

How old are they?

Are they men or women?

Where do they live?

What kind of work do they do?

What do they do for fun?

What is the problem that helps your product or service solve it?

Are they rich or tight money?

There is no possibility that there is no answer to all these questions, so I will explain the book in detail.

Once you complete the description, take it one step further: Create the letter.

What exactly do I mean by that?

Your mind, a single person picture that embodies all these features. Once you have a picture in your mind, start thinking about who this person is.

Here is an example

While you are a wellness coach or fitness expert and your ideal client is not currently taking very good care of yourself

First of all, here is the explanation

She is a woman between the ages of 35 and 50; she is married to a school-age child; she works full-or part-time; her family and work responsibility

Well, here's how to create a character

First, we name her: Mary Smith

Her typical day after death is as follows:

Mary wakes up at 6:00 and corrects the breakfast for her primary school child. She helps them get dressed and prepare for school. She makes their lunch. She will kiss her husband as she leaves for work and prepares for work.

Mary load children's car falls and the head of school makes it. She works in a busy office and rarely takes time for lunch. Because she usually does not make time to pack her own lunch, she often runs out for fast-food or another quick take-out lunch, and she does

At about 3:00 pm, Mary needs a pick so she grabs soda and sweet snacks from the vending machine.

Mary leaves the office at 5:30 and heads up to pick up the babysitter. They arrive home between 6:30 and 7:00 pm, tired and hungry.

Dinners are often fast food, frozen pizzas and even meals that are usually not solid.

After dinner, Mary does homework, helps the children, takes a bath and sleeps.

She sits to relax in front of the TV with her husband around 9:00 pm and has some ice cream f: 00am to start this routine again

Well, let me ask you questions

Do you know what it feels like and understands the general description of your future customers (age, family status etc) or based on a detailed "letter" description of Mary * Smith and her typical day?

What is an effective marketing message that can best describe your business?

It is possible to explain where the selection is ideal for marketing messages.

If you are like most people, your answer is to turn the generalized description of your ideal customer into a person you understand, so it is a detailed description of the character who is a very clear task-when it is an issue Contribute to the solution.

Yes, you make some assumptions and generality when doing this. Think of a good thing happens to clients who represent the characters that make up. This character is just an expression.

Combine the character's description and the picture

To further identify you as your ideal client, you also represent him / her as a reminder of the person you are marketing

Life for both of the characters created

It makes it possible to sell and talk to people. It makes it possible to touch those ideal customers and create messages that address the challenges that truly face their everyday life. It allows you to see how to solve those problems, as a solution to your product or service life.

It makes it possible to sell more effectively

I look at your target audience description, take a step ahead of it, and challenge to create traits. Then set up to talk to that person in a language that will help all of your marketing resonate with them and help them understand issues or needs.

I think I'll try, so there's no marketing to see, and it's an effective result.

(C) Copyright 2005 Debbie LaChusa

Get your craft show business from the ground

For many years, my family, friends, and even the people you met really liked the craft you made. When it comes to holiday dinner centerpieces for conversation, or when neighbors come for coffee, it's a "good idea" thing. So, you decided that you might be able to profit from the sale of your craft to others. Great! Here is what you need to do to make it work!

1.) Have a plan-just equal that of a piece of loose leaf paper, that w scrawl. ..

It's tough. :
Kraft chow

Article body:
For many years, my family, friends, and even the people you met really liked the craft you made. When it comes to holiday dinner centerpieces for conversation, or when neighbors come for coffee, it's a "good idea" thing. So, you decided that you might be able to profit from the sale of your craft to others. Great! Here is what you need to do to make it work!

1.) Have a plan-even if you scrawl it down to just a piece of loose-leaf paper, it works-but you definitely have to go this in a plan and plan something like you : How many attend the craft show, cost for making crafts and how much to sell it for

By entering this without a plan, you are essentially blind, without a way to follow. This is a omen of failure, which is not what we want. Set some goals, if you decide the cost of a few technology shows you are going to be much better.

2.) Search Market-Many people are expressing interest in your craft, but are they going to buy it at a craft show? To find out, you need to start with your own and go to a few technology shows before deciding whether this product you have sells and others are selling it. Do you sell it because you have to find the answer for?

You can even talk to employees of craft stores, people of other crafts, craft shows – you may be interested in your products, your crafts This is a slim down version of market research Is-but it is worth to help you get your craft show business off the ground

3. Presentation – If you have put together a plan, do your market research and prepare you to take this craft business to the next level Some of your crafts are scattered on the table If there is only one, people are less likely to buy.

However, once you have created an attractive sales area, make your products easily accessible and offer customers a simple transaction – Bought

4.) The price is right-you bet it is! You have to do a little price discovery when you start, to see the price when most of your crafts are going to sell. Here are some tips for finding the best price: go penny lower than the next best number; eg $ 9.99 instead $ 10. Ask people what they are willing to pay for. The questions give them the chance to come as a surprise and an honest answer.

The above points are just the tip of the iceberg. If you are starting a business selling your crafts at a craft show, you need to do a little bit of foundation before you begin. Talk to others who are in business and you will find more along the way. Good luck

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