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Google Adsense: What is Google Adsense for investigation

Google Adsense for Search is different from Adsense for Content, but it is equally important for the profitability of the Google Adsense program.

In Adsense for content, Adsense for search uses "motion" on the page so that advertisements targeting the content page are displayed on the results page of the search set

We will also search users on the standard Google search box sites available on the web. When you feel more comfortable, basically change color and customize it, use your logo, change the appearance of Google search box

The best thing about Adsense for Search Google is that you can track what your visitors are looking for. That is, there are multiple hits in the search. Unique queries are not tracked. When you click on the search site you made the top 25, you select from the report date in the specified date range from the report report tab in advance.

Google Adsense: Tips for using Google Adsense

Like something else, what goes into it comes out from Google Adsense. The following optimization tips can help Google Adsense dollar growth:

Write interesting content and write every day.
In case
There are multiple sites. Possibility of advertisement on site of

Configure the channel and monitor the statistics of all sites. When a certain site is running
Consider incompletely changing content or ad layout. Experiment!

Change the layout of the ad to see which layout is best. there is
Review deleted
One will run best.

If you are blogging has a list of useful topics. They state it
It may be available in the topic of formation of a cultural area and other cultural areas, but please try it, or at least plug in
To some of those search engines.

We will do what kind of content and advertisement on Google different keywords, phrases and notifications.

Do not be afraid to ask questions.


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