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Google has a fun coloring holiday with advertisements on Google Adsense theme

What is a theme ad unit? Simple They are advertisements with special colors and graphics to celebrate the season! For example, there is an orange print with a black cat image for Halloween, a hole with orange print, Christmas for me in red printable green.

Themed ad units are specific to users in the appropriate places determined by the IP address. For example, users in the U.S, while users can see colors and graphics for the new year anywhere, appropriate colors and graphics for the fourth of the month

Once again, that is your choice and your page. You can turn on or off theme ad units yourself. Simply log in to your account and go to the My Account tab. On the account setting page of the screen, click the ad type setting part of the scroll and the edit button. You can now enable or disable theme ad units. Save your changes and click on done! Your choice will apply to all Google Adsense ads.

Google Adsense: Get used to the Google Adsense preview tool

With the Google Adsense preview tool, it lets you make decisions about whether to add Google Adsense to your existing page, thereby making any decision

Also, display the format and color of sample ads to see how the colors and formats displayed in ads are displayed before they actually appear on the page

You can also confirm that previewing the border with the background and text color from the preview from the preview will actually advertise.

You can also display location targeted location ads.

Tools to preview all active display languages ​​make installation easier. For specific installation instructions, please visit the Google Adsense support site. Follow the instructions, click on the provided link, you will be a preview genius with no time!

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