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Guitar - Learn to play free tips for beginners

Is it new to guitar playing? This paper is a wonderful performance power to be transmitted.

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Learn guitar and guitar lessons

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Finding a good teacher - There is no substitute for a good guitar teacher. You can purchase all the books and videos you want, but in order to be a really good guitar player you need to learn from the pro. Professional guitar teacher has the necessary wisdom to teach experience and how to become an appropriate guitar player. Lack of ability to give the Internet, feedback and advice for books, videos, and that matter. A good guitar teacher corrects if you make something wrong so as not to form bad habits or technology. A good guitar teacher also encourages you when doing something right.

Do not be discouraged - as you learn any instrument about the first guitar, or about that, yourself is discouraged, or perhaps you say to yourselves you practice the same song and chords again and again Then you may never get it any better. This should not make you discouraged. Sometimes the brain needs a little rest, or occupies it with something else. Take a break and come back to your practice with a fresh heart.

Practice - The more you practice your guitar, the more you get used to the instrument. Your performance will be easy over time. Try it and release at least 20 minutes of the time you practice your guitar every day. Search time and place you know you will never be interrupted. As long as I could stop interrupting it, I grabbed the rhythm as I expected. Warm your hands and stretch your fingers. I will play the chatter guitar with the proper style with the practice of education practice.

Create an effective practice schedule - the length of your exercise is not necessarily the most important thing. Usually, the most important thing is the quality of your exercise. I will practice guitar playing and practicing in a rich approach that can be a guitar teacher.

Slowdown - One big bit of advice and advice for your practice. Many new guitar players listen to it and rush through the first lick or song that tries to roll it only as it rolls it, but at the same time it does exactly. Even if you have to learn to be unable to play before, the speed will be slower on the right side. Then I will slowly increase the speed.

Look at your posture - guitar playing is very painful and not uncomfortable. If your shoulder, neck, back, etc. have various pain and pain. , The opportunity is not in the correct playing posture. Ask your guitar teacher to do the best playing attitude and do your best to stick with it. Please observe you during practice and tell your teacher to fix you each time it falls from the correct posture.

Get a Metronome - A very important part of guitar playing is the ability to maintain good timing. You help to get better at the timing Instruments are called metronomes. You can purchase any guitar center. When working with metronome, you need to start off at a slow speed in the beginning. This will help you build your muscles and develop better control and good playing habits.

Changing Your String - Your guitar string is very important to the quality of the sound that will produce your guitar. If you change the contract content can not be changed due to changes in part-time workers and changes in strings on the guitar. Renewal open every time before the character string of professional guitar player change. Others who do not play as frequent may change their strings every two months or so. Again it really depends on how often you play and how much care of your guitar strings. You must wait until the string breaks before changing the string, then change all the strings at the same time.

I'd like to have / experiment with uninspired I do not try to play, is not it very fresh? If you learn a particular song of your electric guitar, why not try the same song of an acoustic guitar? If you are playing the guitar in and going in and going in use. Perhaps I enjoy playing the blue guitar. What about Jazz or Classic?

I think these guitar most important things are never discouraged, never give up. Persistence is the key when it comes to playing guitar. Even better motivation to learn in good faith is a better guitar player in practice.

Learn to dance salsa

The Spanish word "salsa" means the sauce. The salsa dance is aka Slot Dance as the couple does not move around the large area of ​​the dance floor; instead they are ready to learn salsa dance so that they are more fixed on the floor.

Salsa's music is usually complicated and is fast at about 180 beats per minute.The salsa pattern is generally one of three steps, after that...

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Salsa dance, salsa dvd, salsa dance

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The Spanish word "salsa" means the sauce. The salsa dance is aka Slot Dance as the couple does not move around the large area of ​​the dance floor; instead they are ready to learn salsa dance so that they are more fixed on the floor.

Salsa's music is usually complicated and it's fast at about 180 beats per minute. Salsa patterns generally skip or tap a single step It is that.

The basic steps are as follows: Calculate 1, 2, and 3 leader steps first, then take it back to your previous support feet to maintain it Count to 5, 6, and 7 Step backwards, then exchanging weight to maintain it in your previous support foot place, then advance again.

Followers perform exactly the same procedure, but run in reverse order. The basic steps are the basis for many of the other salsa patterns.

Some of the breaks to the basic steps are as follows:

1. Equipped with a side brake - You can step your foot step sideways from either side, and the weight may gain legacy support.

2. You may step back one foot from one of the bars, and the weight may be enough for the old support.

3. Forward Break - You start with either leg and move forward.

Move the different patterns of different timing procedures with many different salsa styles, dance floor. Attitude of the style style is not something that individuals can not add in, it is considerable salsa.

Cuban style can dance as contratiempo or on-one. In Cuba's salsa, backwards basic occurs while counting to 1, 2, and 3 counts 5, 6, and 7 basic advances occur. The follower reflects the movement of the leader. It is a common exercise with Cuba with regular circles of leaders and followers.

Dile que no or cross body lead is also essential for Cuba. This is the most complex movement, not designed for beginners. But once you master it, it can be used with Rueda, Cuban Casino, Wheel Dance.

Colombian style is the most common in Latin American countries. Here leaders and followers standing in one place and making their movements. The main difference with Cuban style is based on the movement of space. It's a very sexy version to see!

LA style is a derivative of Cuban style with cross body lead added. Leaders advance in 1, 2, 3, turning to the left 90 degrees and stepping to the right. The follower then walks with five and six leaders, then seven and eight while turning 90 degrees. By the 8 counts the leader and the follower are in opposite positions. Los Angeles is a flash form of salsa dance.

It is only a small part of the most common style. Of course there are a lot of other people, there is always creative element to come to play.

Learning salsa from articles can be a bit overwhelming, but you really will be a local dance class or online dance lesson you will be like a professional dance salsa with no time!

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