Judging from the current national sentiment, Uncle Sam once again wanders off a happy path on which he will like to ride. But we can help him just wend his way through normal joshing companion, maybe tumbleweeds.
Well, at least, we can try it.
In order to get started, the most sagely free, prosperous nation frequently needs us to satisfy the prerequisites of satisfaction, including wide praise of our allies, and our own bliss
What we do, if we look for clues by dividing what we have led us, nationally and internationally, in two perspectives: step we as a nation, do not take a step
As you will see in the perfect story, we will discover, in our search for the way home, we are often led astray led
And what we need is not the compulsion of those who do not agree with us, but the encouragement of those who want to follow us.
What we need is America, not as power of the world as much, but more true we win the world to what we believe
With such a signpost we may again find ourselves on a happy road - and for the first time, ourselves and our legendary white charger
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Humor, comedy, satire, political satire, laugh, jokes, news, news laughter, newslaugh, lol, laugh, spoofing, skit, skit
Article body:
Judging from the current national sentiment, Uncle Sam once again wanders off a happy path on which he will like to ride. But we can help him just wend his way through normal joshing companion, maybe tumbleweeds. Well, at least, we can try it.
To begin, the most sagely free, prosperous nation can wander far away from the road where we may frequently find the prerequisite of satisfaction
What we do, if we look for clues by dividing what we have led us, nationally and internationally, in two perspectives: step we as a nation, do not take a step
We need not to have much choice about what needs to be strong, so by casting savvy eyes to what we should do by will, but just to confirm various passes before us So for us to find outstanding security and our way home, easy for repair
Ancient Bugaboo, the necessity is where to compel us to tread?
Of course, providing general defense such as defeating terrorists everywhere, defending the rights of citizens freely deciding what to wake up and do every morning
Internationally, we must naturally encourage our greatest enemies to cultivate our allies and reassure actions; and we are mostly public
Since we have little or no choice about the above, we can not think of them as a signpost along the way we should be on
Now, we will come to the first signs of hope about return - about what we actually have choices. And what do we see? It is less than the place we wandered from a happy road.
First, nationally, as we actually do, like us, we choose to offer for the ordinary series of things we should have had a long time ago as we as individuals Even we may choose to do ourselves to mutually contribute to a healthy society, and that our lord
Now, in the longest time, we think, Uncle Sam came to the point of the way that is the most badly losing his way, that is, we do what the US does internationally, in fact, As we stumbled off our happy trail, regularly Uncle Sam, with some frequencies, 80 evidence guidance
In this suspicious place, we decided too often that our way to solve our problem internationally is going to war. We, of course, are not pointing to big wars. However, the war that we chose to participate is the most miserable example of Vietnam and the current Iraq. These distant guns never rang and we never carried out their economically debilitating costs or remorseful losses of life.
But before we can stop wandering off these miserable disasters, we will definitely keep us on our happy course and in alternative pass and in our international behavior What is a revolutionary and informative remedial measure made of?
We think that the answer has arrived at this point in our short but insightful house that we are in front of our eyes. Rather than fighting to achieve our goal, in cooperation with allies and all the friends we can attract, in fact it is free and democratic afterwards, our relatively stagnant antagonists , We will encounter examples of repeating mistakes in their methods, while we have nurtured the world of success in emerging democracy
As a result, we will find ourselves, the fatigued gladiators of the passive empire are not free and many happy messengers. We live in a world where we can not scapegoat due to its myriad self-injurious instability, but the world depends on the model of the method we propose
And, as for the example, we supplemented the deboned treasury so we had to be able to provide abundantly the world's richest countries long ago
We are now looking for a way to happy trails to know exactly which fork we often get lost: We have choices.
What we need is not the compulsion of those who disagree with us, but the encouragement of those who want to follow us. What we need is more, as an example of nurturing America, so much fearing power, but what we consider as the most beneficial principle.
We may accomplish these choices and internationally in a way that actually helps us to achieve our objectives - and our goal nationwide.
Yes, in many cases - selfish uncle, such a signpost, we might find ourselves in a happy course again - for the first time, knowing how we themselves
Halloween Hauller
On the history and tradition of Halloween
Small tits. :
Trivia, Humor, Fun, Quiz, Test, Challenge, Halloween, Ghost, Ghost, Terror
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1. Work as a rock star and start gravedigger Before you start with what is his music career?
A. Roy - Orbison
B. Billy - Joel
C. Mick - Jaguar
D. Rod Stewart
1. Worked as a famous rock star and started gravedigger Before you start with what is his music career?
D. Rod Stewart
TBD: That was neither QuizQueen 's guess, but that is what the research says!
2. Have you traditionally not precursor Halloween?
A. Celtic tradition of appreciation at the end of harvest period?
B. to flee in costumes to scare the European tradition and spirit of lighting candles.
C. Celebration of the birth of Marilyn - Munson.
D. Wealthy landlords will give food to the poor in anticipation that ghosts look favorably on them and do not spare them from mischief Ireland
2. Have you traditionally not precursor Halloween?
C. Celebration of the birth of Marilyn - Munson.
TBD: Oy QuizQueen certainly expects you to have that right. Who knows the next Millennium historian to conclude after studying the effluvium that we left behind.
3. Which phobia is the fear of Halloween?
A. Caspari phobia
B. Samhainophobia
C. Satanophobia
D. Boufovia
3. Which phobia is the fear of Halloween?
B. Samhainophobia
TBD: Personally, QuizQueen has always been more frightening of Caspar than Celts, but you can not quibble with the facts.
4. Where did the name "Halloween" come from?
A. In Scotland, marking the end of the summer The sun's Celtic feast was known as "Halloween". "
B. Ireland marks the end of the summer The sun 's Celtic feast was known as "Hollow Eve."
C. Druid held a ceremony that night to honor the leaders of their sects. The name is Hull - Vienna
D. Roman ritual of embedding a hollow coffin to trap demons under the ground.
4. Where did the name "Halloween" come from?
A. In Scotland, marking the end of the summer The sun's Celtic feast was known as "Halloween". "
TBD: QuizQueen really hopes you did not answer "C" here.
5. What is the purpose of the witch familiar?
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