Smoking is the cause of many illnesses and kills about four hundred four hundred thousand people each year in the United States. Despite anti-smoking campaigns and bulletin board warnings, more and more people are joining smokers' banded cars each year. Among the total number of new smokers, it is children and adolescents who replace smokers who quit smoking or died early due to illness caused by smoking. Smoking is the top cause of prevention and early death, following obesity.
Not only does smoking increase the risk of lung disease, it also increases the risk of getting lung cancer, oral cancer, emphysema, stroke and heart disease. Certain statistics from the American Lung Association show surprising results. Tatsu Otsu Zutsu Zatsu Zatsu Zetsu Zetsu Zetsu Zetsu Zetsu Zetsu Zetsu Zetsu Zetsu Zotsu Zotsu Zotsu Currently there are nearly a million adolescent smokers. Twelfth year Twenty percent of the raw smoke regularly.
There are many harmful effects of human health on smoking. It damages the circulatory system, causes high blood pressure, increases heart rate, increases the risk of ischemic injury, the risk of clot formation formation Not only smoking but also physical health It also affects your health. It causes psychological distress and depression.
It affects not only smoking but also the smoker, as well as others surrounding him / her. According to the American Heart Association, nearly thirty-five thousand passive smokers die from inhaled smoke from lit pipes, cigars and cigarettes. People who smoke directly and who do not breathe smoke from tobacco smoke by his / her neighbors are known as passive smokers, secondary smokers or indirect smokers. Among passive smokers, women, children and toddlers are at high risk. Children and infants exposed to smoke develop asthma, frequent ear infections, and may experience infant death syndrome. Symptoms experienced by secondary smokers are coughing, excessive mucus formation, airway, chest discomfort, chest pain, and lung inflammation. They may even feel the throat, nose and eyes. If a passive smoker experiences chest pain, it can be an indicator of heart disease. Sometimes the symptoms of secondary smoking may coincide with the symptoms of other medical conditions. Therefore, it is recommended that you contact your doctor immediately after the onset of symptoms.
In active smokers, smoking away from building high cholesterol in the blood is a risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity, high blood pressure, physical inactivity and diabetes thus smoking cessation is the top of the list coronal Not only reduces the risk of arterial heart disease, but quitting smoking but from the heart attack and death caused thereby takes on much of the physical and mental effort. That person has a mentally relaxed state. In the case of adolescents, they are required to exercise regularly and sleep well. We have developed specific tips that can be of great help to smokers who are thinking of the American Lung Association and the American Academy of Otolaryngology end. Smokers must first understand the reasons for quitting smoking. Only stress is becoming more difficult and smoke ends when it is necessary to choose in a stressful period. Encouragement and support of family and friends is very necessary to persuade smokers to stop. If support is not sufficient, smokers can join smoking cessation programs and support groups to achieve their goals. A balanced diet is needed, along with many of the rest.
Sometimes for smokers who want to quit nicotine replacement products, such as nicotine chewing gum, nicotine inhalers, and nicotine patches, these products stand out in the restaurant streets of nicotine camps where the smokers are satisfied. The good thing is that these nicotine replacement products can detract from the toxic gases and tars emitted by tobacco. There is a nicotine alternative product that nursing pregnant women try to consult with a teacher. For such people non-nicotine alternatives are available on the market.
Youth sexually transmitted disease
Sexually transmitted diseases are transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse and are highly infectious. Unprotected contacts endanger the life of adolescents by suffering with transmitted diseases such as HIV infection and unnecessary pregnancy. Each year, nearly one hundred thousand infections are reported in the United States alone, and of these, half of the cases involve people from the fifteen to twenty-four-year age group.
The best way to make sure that adolescents do not suffer from sexually transmitted diseases is to refrain from any kind of sexual activity. Despite this, if the adolescent becomes sexually active, he / she should be advised to take precautionary measures to reduce the risk of getting a prescented illness by the parents the best preventive measures during adolescence It is to use a condom every time you fuck. HIV infection can be prevented only when other sexually transmitted infections are prevented and controlled.
This is perfect when adolescent delay or sexual relationships are avoided, because young people, more susceptible he / she is to get a sexually transmitted disease. Sexual contact during menstruation Is also dangerous. Avoid anal sex in the place of sex even if you are in the condom. Every person should get an STD examination as often as possible, regardless of whether they are sexually active after changing to adolescence. It is also essential to work in conjunction with the cautions, and the use of the combined drug for intravenous administration by injection will inject and sterilize. Adolescents should be educated about the symptoms and risks of sexually transmitted infections.
It may be well known to adolescents. Safety just has to do this. A story I think parents should have is honest and quiet safety and answers questions for every child. Topics such as date rape should be discussed in detail for sexually transmitted infections, contraception, pressure from sex partners. Most people think that kisses are safe, but they can spread sexually transmitted diseases, cold sores and many other diseases. Condoms do not provide one hundred percent protection for genital warts, AIDS, genital warts. It is also possible to infect the reproductive tract of the infection in the female pressure bath and protect the spermicidal. At one time, sexual intercourse should provide the only partner, who is not involved with other sexual partners.
Sexually transmitted infections take an immune deficiency Syndrome or AIDS, human papilloma virus or HPVs, chlamydial transmission, inflammatory disease of the pelvis, symptoms of PID or gonorrhea, reproductive herpes, sexually transmitted disease takes time to the surface . It has been shown that there are less symptoms than these diseases can be transmitted. The symptoms of sexually transmitted infections can be confused with the symptoms of other diseases, especially in women. But women get severe symptoms and get more often. Sexually transmitted infections can cause damage to the fallopian tubes and the uterus. It can even lead to inflammatory diseases, which can cause ectopic pregnancy or infertility. Cervical cancer can be associated with infections in women. If a woman develops a sexually transmitted disease during pregnancy, the disease can be transmitted to children. Sometimes you can successfully treat a neonatal infection, but at other times your child can lead to life or death.
If adolescence is diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease, his or her treatment should begin immediately. As soon as sexually transmitted infections are diagnosed, it is easier to treat them successfully. Other sexual partners must be notified so that they can diagnose themselves and receive treatment. Adolescents should be instructed to avoid sexual activity while treatment is continuing. You will need to have a medical checkup after treatment. Tests such as pelvic exams, Pap tests and tests for Std should be taken periodically.
Sexually transmitted diseases can affect people at all economic levels and backgrounds. Half of the cases of sexually transmitted disease involve young people under the age of twenty-five. The more sexually active person, he / she is more at risk. I am abstaining because it makes a certain time very dangerous with several different partners.
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