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Hidden traps in 5 meetings

Those who take meetings for the permitted danger who are victims of the trap. Here they how to avoid them.

It's tough. :
Effective Conference, Convention, Steve Kaye, Leadership, Facilitator, Facilitating Business Meeting, Minutes, Agenda

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If you are sitting through some bad meetings, you should have experienced the following traps. Here they how to fix them.

1) People are experts who think.

It tells me that many people know how to hold a meeting. In fact, all they host a party. They invite guests, provide sweets, and manage conversations. People speak. People eat. Nothing happens Or if no agreement can be reached somehow, no one implements it.

> What to do: Learn how to lead a real meeting. Schedule a workshop or buy a book. When the results are really important, hire a facilitator. Make sure you have modern tools to help people make systematic progress towards the results. These tools are practical and easy to use. Of course, I use it for anything. Call me (714-528-1300) for more information.

2) People think that they are urging.

Many believe that lengthy announcements impress others. In fact, that is the opposite. Long lectures quickly become boring (and sometimes aggressive) Harange. why? Most employees want to play an active role in contributing to the business, so listening to a speech feels like a waste of time.

> What to do: Design meetings that give participants the opportunity to contribute. Plan questions that you think directly towards the results you want. Use activities that help people make decisions. Deliver a letter, note, or e-mail announcement. Or, keep announcements brief (less than a few minutes) if you need to use a conference.

3) People think that others agree with them.

It depends on many people, so it can be used to measure smile and eye contact. In fact, most employees do anything to soothe their bosses. And if your boss looks upset, your employees will be even more comfortable. When the meeting is over, then, the employee does one of three things: 1) forget the lecture, 2) ignore the message, or 3) disturb the idea.

> What to do: Hold meetings according to the process that everyone considers fair. Use agreement to reach agreement and make decisions. People accept the decision that they helped to make.

4) People think that others are a thousand eyes.

Many people call meetings without an agenda hoping to share their vision for what everyone needs to be done. In fact, everyone brings private hope, fear, and vision to the meeting. Without a clear agenda, the result is between chatter and confusion, depending on the complexity of the problem.

Note: The vague agenda as a list of topics like this is almost as unhelpful as no agenda.

> What to do: Write your purpose for the meeting. There is no meeting used to execute someone unitedly and everyone regardless of their maintenance issues. Specify each step and specify the time budget. Send at least the agenda the day before the meeting so that participants can use it to prepare. Call a key participant before the meeting to see if you have questions or want to talk about an agenda.

5) People think that a meeting is necessary.

Meeting the needs of many people by meeting emergency surprises and calling them by calling “twitch.” In fact, meetings are a special (and expensive) process. This is a group of people working as a team Meetings need to be used only to obtain results that require effort Meetings are not a universal treatment for all Meetings held for the wrong reasons waste everyone's time.

> What to do: Challenge every meeting for the ability to earn a profit for your business. In other words, make sure that the value of the result is greater than the cost of holding the meeting. If other activities can achieve the same result, use other activities.

Five Major Reasons to Hire Home Workers

Would you like to hire someone more stimulating than qualifications, but not all employees at all costs less than average employees? No, I'm not talking about hiring someone illegally. This can simply be achieved by using a home worker. Let's look at the five very good reasons why it makes sense to consider teleworking from the perspective of the employer.

1) overhead reduction
How long is this office furniture, computer equipment and so on. ..

It's tough. :

Article body:
Would you like to hire someone more stimulating than qualifications, but not all employees at all costs less than average employees? No, I'm not talking about hiring someone illegally. This can simply be achieved by using a home worker. Let's look at the five very good reasons why it makes sense to consider teleworking from the perspective of the employer.

1) overhead reduction
How much do you keep this office furniture, computer equipment and IT department, such as utilities costs. Your costing? Telecommuters do not require any of the above to cut your overheads tremendously. Use Telecommuters, computer paperclips, own power from your own equipment, phone and internet connection. If your computer works, it's up to them to get it and run again.

2) Less advantage to pay
Most home workers are independent contractors. There is no need to provide healthcare, workers compensation or paid leave. We do not pay the employer part of federal and state taxes.

3) Hire a specialist if needed
Do you write occasional press releases and maybe someone needs to make corrections to your brochure sometimes appropriate? Instead of hiring people as full-time marketing, consider the outsourcing task of freelance telecommuter. You will pay for each project, and will be hiring in a few hours for marketing positions. Freelancers also give you the opportunity to hire a specialist for almost every task of a small business.

4) Work on request
Are you expecting a temporary increase in your workload, that it's seasonal, or you just have a large project Why instead of picking up some telecommuters for the task, experience Working with shallow temps, or you three months on the road Home workers combine extraordinary flexibility with on-the-job experience with resident employees. You get the best of both worlds.

5) More motivated workers
Home workers have a very good reason why they want to work at home. The reason is that being able to stay at home with the children, avoid obstacles, or long commutes, able to work from home, as you know well, happy employees Staff can count on minutes until they can leave the office and complete more work overall

If you haven't done yet, I suggest you give a telecommuter the next time you need a motivated, experienced worker and you're a telecommuter your organization If you experience all the benefits that bring to you, you may also consider converting more positions to work at home

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