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High demand for legal nurse consultants at all times

Legal nurse consultants have existing expertise as a specialized training and health care professional to consult in medical cases at a fee of $ 100- $ 150 / hour

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"Tsutsu" "Tsu" "Tsu" bonds

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What is a Legal Nurse Consultant?

Legal nurse consultants have specialized expertise in consulting on medical cases at a fee of $ 100- $ 150 / hour existing expertise as a health care professional and some lawyers read medical records In some cases, knowledgeable nurses know how to understand the subtleties of the medical problem in order to achieve the best results for the client Legal nurse consultants bridge that gap of agent knowledge. Lawyers are specialists in legal matters, while legal nurse consultants are specialists in nursing, medical systems and their internal workings.

According to the Houston Chronicle, "about 900,000 * lawyers actually deal in the case of 25% medical malpractice and personal injuries today." As a specially trained legal nurse consultant who relies on these lawyers You can earn it.


Legal nurse consultants live throughout the United States, rural or city. Legal nurse consultants are involved in traffic accidents as a topic in the case of Fen-Phen, Vioxx, silicone implants and toxic type lawsuits King Rodney

In addition, legal nurse consultants meet the construction of insurance nurses, utilization review companies, government agencies, both private companies and hospitals as staff and consultants, and many options of nurses who can nurse nurses in law. And consulting careers focused on profitability.

"Tsutsu" "Tsu" "Tsu" bonds

Legal nurse consultant services include assistance with discovery; conducting research; reviewing medical records; identifying standards of concern; coverage of injuries or illness; most legal nurse consultants are behind the work , An original expert witness. Legal nurse consultants are a specialized team of litigation teams whose professional contributions are often crucial to the achievement of fair and just results for all parties

"Tsutsu" "Tsu" "Tsu" bonds

1. Lawyer (plaintiff and defense)
2. Insurance company
3. Medical facilities
4. Other legal nurse consultants and medical legal consultants (plaintiffs and defenses)
5. Government agencies
6. Private companies (eg, for developing a company strategy for quality assurance, risk identification and management, loss exposure evaluation and management)

* There are 1,104,766 lawyers in the US in 2005, according to the US Bar Association's market research department.

Deloitte records 2007 financial results

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu reported that total member revenues increased to $ 1.26 billion, recording 23.1% growth in US dollars and 15.5% in local currency. The Deloitte Tohmatsu Group is a global company of the Deloitte Tohmatsu Group. Deloitte's earnings are found at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Worldwide Member Farms 2007 Review, a Travel Milestone, released in Cape Town, South Africa

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Deloitte Records Financial Results 2007-November 2007

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Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu reported that total member revenues increased to $ 1.26 billion, recording 23.1% growth in US dollars and 15.5% in local currency. The Deloitte Tohmatsu Group is a global company of the Deloitte Tohmatsu Group. Deloitte's earnings are found at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Worldwide Member Farms 2007 Review, a Travel Milestone, released in Cape Town, South Africa

James H. Quigley is told Global CEO Deloitte I am truly pleased with its performance commitment to excellence in customer service. He added, "This result is based on Deloitte's strategy, providing a wide range of services and deep capabilities to help customers solve increasingly complex issues."

Financial advisory services increased 25.2% to US $ 1.98 billion, consulting services increased 16.5% to US $ 5.19 billion, tax services increased 16.5% to US $ 4.98 US region increased 11.9% to $ 11.49 billion Europe-Middle East-Africa region increased 12.6% US $ 9.18 billion yen.

Global CEOs remain positive about Deloitte's future success. Deloitte said it was able to face more new challenges and help its customers overcome the hardships. He further said they continued to invest in people and new products and services.
Quigley emphasized recruitment and retention as a key driver of Deloitte's growth. Whether he is a graduate or comes from any of the major countries such as China, Germany, Canada, Finland or New Zealand, Deloitte is competent Quigly, "My goal is challenging Helping people achieve personal and career satisfaction by providing a work environment, continuous learning opportunities, and an inclusive culture

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