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Hillary Clinton-Political Profile

Looking at Hillary-Clinton, we can see the exciting prospects of our first female president. We serve two terms in that office and see a husband who knows how to earn it and a person who has the upper hand. We are already seeing activists of various causes and have established well-known national people. But now we have to ask ourselves.

In her first term as a Senator, she strengthens her weaknesses and establishes a balanced portfolio of work while maintaining her strengths We already have her for the home front domestic agenda Know that it's a darling, health, education, labor and pension commissions, aging

However, the Airland Subcommittee, an armed services committee with emerging threats and capabilities, preparation and management support, is a refreshing change to her focus. This is what many voters are concerned about her qualifications. She was also easily on the Budget Committee, so she was overly concerned about financial issues, she joined the Commission on European Security and Cooperation, so she

Can she get things done now? Well, she was quick to secure $ 21.4 billion in funding for the redevelopment of the World Trade Center site. Meanwhile, she booed with a New York audience at the 2001 concert for New York City, despite her husband being praised. This seems to be understood from this, but it is still a painful public image of her. After she fired off the investigation of the health problems facing the first responders on September 11, she knew how to fix it, or else she also responded to Hurricane Katrina I worked to form a panel to investigate.

She favored and voted in favor of the Patriots Act, but then there was the only Senator Ruth Fine Gold to draw a nasty. She initially supported it, but later reversed her position and is now one of the "Iraq war wafflers" who support gradual recovery from Iraq. Strange for a Liberal Democratic Party focused on civil liberties, she is against gay marriage, but she is in favor of homosexual civil society. However, she voted against the revision of the central government marriage trying to control the central government over gay bans. Albert-Gonzalez was one of the senators seeking resignation to Attorney General.

She said it was financially irresponsible to reopen the budget deficit and voted to look to maintain a budget surplus from the Bill-Clinton administration, and she was also in her condition in New York Worked to bring in much work, and brought broadband Internet access to rural areas, and 21st century she is aware that the United States needs work and will strengthen its scientific development.
Beyond matters of activity awareness that demonstrated drowning she is usually a task in front of the state. Partisan critics may find her solution to be "old school liberals" than what today's political landscape seeks, but as hard-lined as ever seen During his experience as one of the first women most politically engaged in this country, paired with a very conscientious Senate career

"Tsutsu" "Tsu" "Tsu" bonds

George Phillies was born in 23 July 1947 Buffalo, NY. Raised in Kenmore and Williamsville, New York, he ended up as a salutator at Williams Central High School. It is also the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge Massachusetts. There, he received a bachelor's degree in science in both physics and life sciences, and a master's and doctorate in science in 1973. He then conducted research and joined staff at Harvard's Health Science and Technology Program.

Scattered with his academic activities he joined the US Army Reserve in 1971 and achieved the fifth Professional Class. He received an honorable discharge in 1977.

I moved to California in 1975 and began working as a postdoctoral researcher in the chemistry department at UCLA. In 1978, I moved to Ann Arbor, Michigan again and worked for seven years at the University of Michigan as an assistant professor of chemistry. Transferred again, he moved to the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, where he achieved the rank of professor of physics. There, he has gained international fame for his research activities in many aspects of physics, among light scattering, soaps, and polymer solutions. He has been elected to several committees within the Worcester Institute of Technology, which is welcomed as "WPI faculty conscience".

George Phillies's political interests in the year 1994, hosted by Libertarian on behalf of Central and Western Massachusetts. He was elected executive director of the Liberal Association of Massachusetts in 1996, and from Massachusetts to the United States Senator in 1998, he ran for the seat of the House of Representatives as a libertarian. While he was pulling third place, it was pointed out by the news media he did well in the debate. In 2004, he was elected as a full member of the Massachusetts State Commission's Libertarian Party, and again on this time in 2006 as the same Commission, Vice President.

His other activities are "Let's Free Ring!" And "Libertarian Strategy Gazette". He is also the chair of both the Pioneer Valley and the Worcester County Libertarian Association, whose motto is "domestic spy, rendition, torture, secret punishment" In addition, he also "stands up for freedom!", A manual for libertarian strategies.

When it comes to problems, George-Phillies is missing from the agenda of mainstream candidates much of the same stand that voters are listening to complain violently He opposes the war, and the majority of the candidates are so As you want, you want a military house. Since he is a professional citizen's freedom, he supports homosexual marriage, the right of privacy, and claims that we should have the emperor, not the president. He favors moderate but effective tax cuts and spending cuts, without the radical planning behind it. He supports privatized schools when public schools in our country receive a failed grade that seems to be hardly worth the bother

The gun owner has something he likes because he is a pro-second revision. He has an idea for fixed health care, migration, and ownership that should be a favorable opinion with most Americans. And he is to end the ban-not so popular. But on this day just a marijuana criminal, imprisoned just to have less than an ounce of medicine, making the overwhelming majority of our prison population even more harmless

In 2006, George-Philis announced his candidacy for the US president for the 2008 elections. Given the mere vacuum of attention that American society pays to the Liberal Party, there is a long struggle ahead. But more and more every day, voters are expressing their disdain for the existing monoculture in American politics, and George-Philries says his position on the liberal problem is both liberal and conservative Provide a great opportunity to attract voters from

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