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Hip-hop love story and construction of socially acceptable city identity

Hip-hop love story and construction of socially acceptable city identity

I studied some hip - hop love songs and analyzed lyrics as text and poetry. In my study, I found a form of five common story used by hip-hop poets to convey the story of their love: contrasting, perception,

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Hip Hop, Hip Hop, Hip Hop Album Review, Hip Hop Papers, Hip Hop Love Song

Article body:
Hip-hop existed historically as a male-dominated company. Past hip-hop artists reflect the urban life and struggle, maintaining some degree of masculinity to be accepted by the urban community Old school rappers talk about people smartphone content browsing software or myself It directly connects to your own problem consciousness. Because of this perception, the existence of love in hip-hop is a rather new concept.

Love is becoming an increasingly common theme in hip hop music and poetry, as exercise is gaining support and recognition around the world. But taboo still exists. Even today, hip-hop artists and poets submit their love story in a way that allows them to maintain socially acceptable identity Hip-hop stories about love still move but real And a masculine ideology to settle for being perceived as true.
In case
The aim of this research is the analysis of hip-hop love story and what the artists are now identity to be socially accepted to build these new hairstyles. I think that is the identity of the construction closely related to the individual's story. It is a personal story that can reconsider the events that change lives, achieve socially acceptable behavior, and create individual identities.
In case
I studied some hip - hop love songs and analyzed lyrics as text and poetry. In my study, I found a form of five common stories used by hip-hop poets to convey the stories of their love: contrastive, perception, these five stories are stories Not only to present correctly but also to recognize this sensitivity as weak or disgusting Positive recognition in society I plan how each story form uses poet love Identity as storable storable constructable
In case
<b> Contrastive story </ b>
One of the most common forms of hip-hop love story is a contrasting story. Many artists use hip - hop music and poetry to talk about the negativity surrounding the urban environment. A contrasting story makes it possible for poets to express the story of his or her love, as opposed to this negative, building an acceptable identity.

A big introduction to a contrasting story is like the following from Method "Man All I Need":

<i> When I had nothing
You felt the younger brother felt like he was somethin '
This is why I am with you Frontin 'without boo on this day'
Even when the sky was gray
You will rub me against my back and say "Baby is OK" </ i>

In this song, the poet uses a contrasting story and shows his love to the man standing when the sky was gray. "He thus shows a positive contrast around his negative circumference And he talks about his love interest like someone helping to survive a chaotic era.

Another example of contrasting love story can be seen in this passage from the guru's "all I said"

<i> This world is crazy, she is supposed to help me stay sane
It is supposed to help me to maintain and to help the pain </ i>

In this song, Guru uses a contrasting story to share his views on how love should be. He admits that his "world is crazy" and admits his concern for love is one who can make it tolerable.

In "she tried", Baba Spa wax contrasts to tell the remembrance reminiscent of his love that he is there for him when he was actually in trouble with the law:

<i> Girls in a fly country, just workin 'those gifts
She is my queen, I was a speculated virgin
But I is not never ask and I is not never tell
But Betty had cash every time I go to jail </ i>

This song further shows the use of a contrasting story to express love. The poet confessed by spending a lot of time in prison, but Betty was always there to rescue him.
<b> Perceived story </ b>
Another common story form of hip-hop love story is a perceptual story. Like a contrasting story, perceptual stories are based on the negativity surrounding the poet 's life. But rather than presenting this love as opposed to negativity, the poet uses this story to explain how that love changed formerly negative recognition, and the form of this story is also , Allowing the poet to build a socially acceptable identity for recognition of the negativeness of city life.

In "Jazz Bell", outcast Andre is using the perception tale to tell his love changed his former perception of a woman:

<i> I went to Queen thangs from yellin crickets and crows, wizards and hoes
Over the years, I uploaded to my toes, yes I saw thangs ...
Now, I'm willin 'going extra kilometers -
I have you taught me various things just by the meter senorita pillow
Not a girl staying ever on my bed side
The house and the doctor were games that we played.
But now it's real jazz Siebel. .. </ i>

In this song, Andre talks about the personal change of perception caused by love. He admits that he considers women "witches" at the same time. "But" It is true now ", he says the new recognition of women as" Queen Tangs ".
Another wonderful example of a perceptual story can be found in the following passage of a "black brown skin woman": "

I will not get many compliments, but I am sure
It became too complicated
You have me, try Willingin ', I looked at me with eyes
My head is still in the sky as you are walking. </ I>

In this example, we are proposing issues to be overcome in order to recognize the poet as it brings love. Poet's love interests helped him change the perception of "too complex" love and fear "
"Mr. fat Booty", Mos Def And furthermore the state of love of a calm adult atmosphere is different with recognition recognizing this point clearly:

<i> Yo, let me apologize for the other night
What kind of cancer is your baby?
Several siblings will not come right
I understand, I 'm feelin' you
Is it okay to dance? 'It is not really original </ i>

In this song, the poet admits that some men should not "come" using perceptual stories, but he has a different woman 's perception than other men.

In "come near", the common uses a perceptual story to express how love changed from his old way:

<i> I want to build wit for your tribe
Protect and provide for you
Actually it is not possible to hide
My pimp
You may need to die with you. </ I>

This poet was "urban", an urban term for men who romance many women, but how his interest in love changed his behavior and perception

<b> Spiritual story </ b>
The third common form of hip-hop love story is what I like to refer as a spiritual story. Spiritual stories often feel that what Story Teller has to protect its power, being like God, building speech departments of spiritual forces and spiritual stories of royalties Possibly identifies the identity of love and heart and sometimes predetermined.

A wonderful example of a spiritual story can be found in this passage of the roots' 'You got me':

<i> This planet is said to be small
We will use it on the same floor to live in the same building
Until we go abroad by tour
I looked into Queen of Ethiopia from Philly
I will take classes overseas </ i>

Here, poets write time, place and emotion that his love was founded on, speaking of them as if they meant something to happen in some way. He also spiritual Using the very common royal character with a love story, it points to his love interest as "this Ethiopian Queen from Philly".

In "Language of love", Talib Kweli uses the form of a spiritual story and calls his love a kind of royalty:

<i> Now, if they call your name
That's another thing.
Anything but the Queen
I will go to war like a king. </ I>

This example shows the aspect of protection of the general spiritual love story. The poet feels that it is unacceptable for anyone to use "derive your name", or in other words, the derogatory words towards his love. If someone does, he will maintain his manhood in this way and think "I will go to a war like a king".

In "Mind Sex", Dead Prez uses spiritual stories talking about the introduction of love:

<i> Princess of Africa teach me the benefit of yo
Wait, gift, as in most cases poetry
Here's a little thing I wrote down if you found out around you
So I will take advantage of this opportunity </ i>

In this song, the poet uses a spiritual story to talk about an introductory conversation where he was interested in love. He calls her "Princess of Africa", and again shows the tendency of poets who call spiritual stories the benefits of love as royalty.

<b> Story of conversation </ b>

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