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Horse characteristics

The seventh house of Chinese zodiac signs is a horse.

Like wild mustangs, horse people are said to be independent, and confident. It runs through a wealth of people who need a free spirit that tends to be done. I also strongly hated the feeling of being confined or writing above.

Horses are good at thinking with their feet. This trend, combined with the feeling of natural horses, means prosperity, luck and happiness that are horse pastures.

Give attentive and good listeners, horse people make great friends and partners. They are kind to others' thoughts and feelings. However, the people of horses tend to get excited and it is not good to keep secrets. They do not mean betraying trust, their enthusiasm only gets their best. Horses are known for their integrity and determination. Horse people set goals and know how to achieve it.

It is intelligent, but also smart to be able to communicate to many people. They are large in number and have a natural ability to identify patterns.

Horse people are at the center of the party life, attention and they love every minute of it.

Are there innovative new ideas? Go find a horse man to share it. They will first tell you how great it is. And, they're helping to spur excitement. Who knows, maybe some of the great horse wisdom and advice will give your idea the start of making reality.

Of course, all this energy, enthusiasm, and spontaneity can cause horses to get lost. They tend to jump from the next great idea without finishing a lot.

Relaxing and persuasive, that you are doing a great job like a horse hiding questions about your inner emotions and yourself or your ability Also, a person born under a horse sign It will work very well to avoid people with rat signs. Explosive outcomes that may lead
Characteristics of element water

Still, dangerous important and fatal nurturing, water is contradictory and ripe. In a moderate amount, it is a blessing, a richness, a curse. Water is the only element of the ability to extinguish fire, grow and thrive.

Water is essential to our survival. If there is no water crop, there is no food if it dies and dies. The human body, and in fact, all life on earth depends on water. But even in life, water can be deadly. Too much water in the body can even lead to water poisoning and death.

But that is a delicate balance. Too little water and all life die with the influence of the hot sun. Choking and drowning the oxygen you need too much water.

It is represented by the element aqua black for this very reason.

Water dominates intelligence and wisdom. People born under the element water are unusually intelligent and capable. Because of all their wisdom and reasoning ability, the people of the water tend to make difficulties and have a commitment to decision-making. They analyze the situation on and consider all aspects and tend to roll the situation around in their mind. This makes it impossible to supplement their hearts.

Water controls the excretion system and is said to control the kidneys. Those with water elements should exercise attention with all things related to the kidney.

People in diplomatic and intuitive water are flexible. They have the special ability to "go to the flow" and are usually easy.

Those with water elements make friends easy and do well in social situations. They are attractive and caring

The proportion of those who sign communication water for natural traits of these traits is this element a good leader, partner.

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