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How much is too much?

Should your child go 5 days a week for football practice? There are 3 days
Is it okay? It is common for parents to get a little confused when it comes to
See after school activities, how many decisions are too much.
They claim that most activities are fun (
Study), children simply wrap these classes. But too much fun
You can also make your child ill. Here is a simple guide to help you
Let's catch it.

Discipline His or her after-school life should be simple and comfortable.
One time child "one piece" one piece child
Stay calm, look for more challenging activities like music programs.

Grade 1:
"Tsatsu" "Tsut" "Ts" bond "Tsuts" "Tsatsu"
Recommended Avoid competition sports activities. Children are still too
You have to worry about young wins and loses. After the severity of
One day at junior high school, he or she needs a healthy outlet for stagnant energy.
Physical activity and non-competitive sports are perfect for this era.

Grade 2:
Your child is old enough to express any activity his or her opinion
Want to play sports, skate, swim or computer-steer him towards things
He likes Many children start instrumental lessons around this
Age But you can relax in "only in some" children
And just what he wants.

Grade 3:
Socialization starts the center stage. Team sports are a good choice.
Development of motor skills, painting, drawing, etc. are also good. Let the children
Explore areas of interest. But with enough time for the family
For fun activities.

Grade 4:
At this age, the child will tell him what he likes. He needs to get
Involved in activities that boost his confidence. This also helps
He manages stress as this is the time when social pressure is beginning
Build. But be careful with the devil of your homework. Time depending on the needs of the child
His study. There is a great balance between other activities and his school work

Grade 5:
Fifth graders are bubbling with energy and just want to do
All about. But she or he can conveniently push research
background. Therefore, strict supervision is necessary. Keep one or two days for free
Family time and other activities. Now is a great time to get your child
Interested in community services.

Junior high school:
Take him away from the television. Engage in activities to strengthen him
Learning. Preteen to promote improvement of academic performance
Girls Club / Chess Club Program Languages ​​like Club Club Chess
Club etc. As a rule of thumb, should be 16-20 hours a week for extra activity
More than enough. But look at the signs of burnout.

You choose for your child and how long he should work with it
It basically depends on the child's temperament. As a parent, you
Closely observe your child and feed from
Children themselves.

Valid after school activities

There are so many activities on offer, when each looks as good
How do you assess these values ​​and effectiveness next?
Activities? I really want the activities that juniors enjoy. But we are really
Can't afford to waste time for pleasure? there
It must be somewhere in the grain of gold. The list below
Characteristics that must have good things after school activities.

Clarity of purpose and purpose is the first important thing. what
Offer of course? How would you suggest to achieve the results? How many
Do children make up batches? ask a question. After all, when you dish
The fabric needs to understand what you really are doing in return.

Provides lots of opportunities for good after school activities
Young to raise the level of understanding of complex concepts. this is
Recreational activities are similar. Throw a ball or learn dance
Tune-Regardless of the activity involved, the child will be
Fighting and encouraging to conquer new concepts. Not only this,
Not only get bored in the bay by challenging a child, build him
Confidence. Development of academic, personal and social skills
One of the main goals of after-school activities. As the skills develop,
Children's self-esteem also increases.

After school activities are all about raising the senses of children
Ability and well after school activities are promoted and effective
Encouraging them to recover and grow strongly in youth and doing it mentally,
Emotionally or physically.

Safety is one of the first requirements after school activities. this
The staff should be qualified enough and attentive. Naoko
Program not an issue of safety but an issue of accident
Priority hotel policy
Relationship with children. Therefore, in the program
Specialist and trained staff who love to interact with children. this
The program has a supportive and supportive attitude
Structured environment. In contrast to participation and collaboration
Competition and conflict must be encouraged.

Some programs, children plan activities
It is a decision Adults often forget their children's opinions. By
Give children the opportunity to express their
Fun activities that children are motivated to join. Young people
Prosperity, respect and contribution when they are listening to
Their ticks.

Routine assessment is an important part of the school's program later. The
Children do not benefit from classes and do not waste time
Over optimistic. Try a new one

Here is the last school activity we are doing now
It's a child But we must not forget that it is an important part of having fun
Of growth. Children deserve several hours of pure pleasure. Remember,
No work and no play, ......

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