Wondering how to choose the perfect cigar? If you are a newcomer to the cigar smoking world, here are the few tips to the best cigar selection.
First of all, be careful of the quality of the cigar. Squeeze it gently. Is it very soft or rigid? Ideally, cigars should be given slightly, but not much. Very gently, squeeze the length of the cigar to check the lump. Good cigars have consistent quality.
Next, we will inspect the cigar for defects. Cracks and discoloration are signs of poor quality cigars. Cigar wrappers should be wrapped smoothly.
Finally, please look at the end of the cigar. Pay special attention to the exposed edge with the cigar. If you are new to the cigar, it can be difficult to measure the quality of cigarettes. The easiest way to judge the quality of cigar cigarettes is to inspect the color of the cigarette. If you notice a sudden color change, this may indicate that the tobacco leaves are not properly placed. Look for a cigar with a smooth blend of cigarettes.
How to buy a cigar as a gift
Is there a cigar enthusiast on your gift list? Wondering how to choose a decent cigar for friends and loved ones? Even if you do not know anything about choosing a cigar or a good cigar, you can sniff a good cigar (sometimes literally) that you give to a friend by simply learning a few basics.
Fortunately, the cigars have now entered the mainstream. When it becomes a rich and powerful symbol, it is easier than ever to buy a good cigar by anyone. Of course you can probably buy a cigar box of upper Cuban cigars you can not buy your friends completely You can buy a good quality cigar that puts a smile on the surface to them.
First, visit your local tobacconist or professional smoke store for the best quality and wide selection. Avoid "chemist" cigars. Although they may be cheap, convenient to purchase, drug store cigars are usually filled with preservatives and generally poor quality. They may contain, at a minimum, palm, paper, glycerin and other preservatives and stimulants. You should make sure that the cigars you purchase are made up of 100% cigarettes. If you have questions about the ingredients of the cigar, ask a salesperson. An experienced knowledgeable clerk will be able to convey extensive information about your ingredients.
Your local cigarette store is generally a good place to shop because you can pass cigars and touch it is allowed. Gently squeeze the cigar. Good quality cigars will give you a little when throttled. The cigarette should be firm without excessively soft or hard points. It is a purchase goshigger. When watching the rapper and noticing drying or discoloration, we recommend not to purchase. Ideally the rapper is smooth. Please make sure the color of the cigarette is uniform. I will do this by examining the end of the cigar. Several color changes are normal, but if the color suddenly changes, the cigar may not be properly wound. Cigars that are not properly wound may result in uneven combustion and unpleasant smell.
If you are not sure how long your friends will smoke, choose a longer cigar. Longer cigars tend to have "cooler" preferences for beginners - excellent choice. If you know that your friend is a veteran and regular smoker, choose a larger cigar in diameter. These cigars tend to have a richer taste than veteran smokers admit.
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