If there are many signs of bullying and you suspect that your child may be caught at school, look for these signs and make sure your doubts are true Some signs are others Although more subtle, they can point at all bullying cases.
If you notice that your child is coming home often with broken property, torn clothes, or missing property, this is a child's bullying relationship where they are victims of bullying or property damage Which physical damage comes out. Similarly, if your child comes home often with unexplained bruises, abrasions, and other injuries, they can be victims of bullying.
Your child may have several friends, or they may be victims of bullying if they withdraw from friends who are associated with them at once Friendships while friends go in and out of school A sudden decline in may indicate that your child is a victim of bullying. Children who are being bullied often withdraw from what they care once because of the stress of their situation. So popular children, if your children have problems making friends that they may be subject to bullying, so the risk of bullying increases
Sudden unexplained fear of going to a sudden loss of interest in school or school or activity may also indicate that your child is a victim of bullying In a childish bullying experience The fear of disappearing is received with interest once. If you find that your child refuses to talk about school or other activity where bullying can occur, this is also your child's bullying victim Reluctant your children to talk about their experiences If there is, you are there to help, no matter what is happening
Another sign that your child may be a victim of bullying is a mood swing, depression, or complaint of unexplained illness or pain or pain. Children who are victims of bullying often excuse why they do not want to go to school or go home in bad mood. Children usually use these excuses to avoid the situation of being bullied, but especially when these problems occur unexpectedly, the source of the bullying problem is
If neglected, these symptoms can cause a child to be at a victim of bullying to loose self respect, and a child who is deficient in school. Although these symptoms are not always caused by bullying, they are a common sign that bullying has occurred. If your child has any of these symptoms, you should investigate what caused the problem and investigate further to find a way to solve it. Make sure that making does not make the situation worse. If they refuse to talk to you, consider consulting your child's teacher to gain a good insight into what is happening.
How to stop cyber bullying
Cyber bullying is a new way of bullying targeting their victims. They are used to threaten, humiliate, and despise victims, IM's, chat rooms, and websites. If you are a child you will seriously take what cybers have experienced and should be bullied. Stop your child responding to cyber bullying and save all the messages and photos used to bully your child. You should also try to identify who is bullying, and if bullying breaks the law, you can let the authorities track it.
Using the wrong language may violate the terms of the chat room and IM service contract.
It is also possible to block cyber attacks on bullying phones and computers. You can block screen names and phone numbers so that your child does not keep receiving inappropriate messages. Those who do bullying will continue to have interest rates, even with very new names and opportunities. If your child's cyber bullying occurs, you should better contact the school and stop at the school admin. The possible bullying to send a message is taking the school rules and necessary procedures and the school where it was generated. Cyber bullying can be done when school property occurs off, but depending on what is happening, you can take legal action
As you may not know, as an identity cyberbullying, the Internet remains anonymous. If you know the identity of a cyber bully, it is a good idea to contact their parents. You should be sure to make your contacts written and explain the state of the non-oppositional way. The bullying parents will probably not help but believing that their children are bullying others online. It may be that cyber cyber shows a bullying instance and can be seen as a perpetrator's parent.
Children are often not aware of the damage or consequences that can occur as a result of cyber bullying, and adults can take steps to stop them even if children get torn to make them known There is no chance of sexual activity, so we act as adults.
If cyber bullying is serious enough, it can actually violate the law. If cyber bullying is harassed, in nature, or threatens pornography, this type of bullying may be illegal and you may be a legal person sometimes a cyber man or a stolen password account It is illegal. Contact your local police station and tell them what is happening. Children who are acted and realized immediately are bullied. In the case of cyber has stirred up bullying, but it has serious consequences. After the tournament, "the traditional bullying that cyber can not go to bullying, is emotional for children who may be permanently damaged.
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