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How to help your child find a career in the 21st century

Most of us chose a major "practical" university that gets good grades in studying hard, and was brought up to strive for good work.

Speak to the main chain middle-aged career changer, you realize the game was changed. Yesterday's rules prepared us to be a large oceanic liner passenger who promised a smooth trip. Today, the sea liner turns out to be Titanic and if we want to survive, we need to keep myself floating on a small life raft

Here is a tip to hel. .

Small tits. :
Job, job search, career advice, career information, career counseling, career planning

Article body:
Most of us chose a major "practical" university that gets good grades in studying hard, and was brought up to strive for good work.

Speak to the main chain middle-aged career changer, you realize the game was changed. Yesterday's rules prepared us to be a large oceanic liner passenger who promised a smooth trip. Today, the sea liner turns out to be Titanic and if we want to survive, we need to keep myself floating on a small life raft

Here is a tip that helps your child to learn, but also some tip is to prosper and grow in a disorderly world to survive.

1. From the first day of kindergarten, encourage your child to build a strength rather than focusing on the limit.

Does she spend her studying the model of the car for the last twenty years? Perhaps she will be a car mechanic - or maybe she parlay her ability to classify detailed information on a career as a biologist or pharmacist

2. Encourage your child to select the field of study, based on his or her natural abilities and passion, not "to get a job to me."

Claudia Kennedy, the Army's first female three star in general, majored in philosophy. Generally speaking in her book she is preparing her for philosophy to become a top-level intelligence officer. Curly Fiorino, a famous CEO of Hewlett - Packard, learned the history of the Middle Ages. And Michael Lewis, author of the bestselling of financial writers and liars poker was the main in art history.

3. Warranty may make a mistake in the number of children fatal.

Did your child fail the course? Rejection of face from first choice university? Most of us can not avoid temporary failures as soon as we can talk We can learn the leaping attitude.

Yolanda's Griffith is pregnant by the WNBA basketstad Premier program. She returned to the lower university program, the baby towed, now is playing for the Sacramento monarch.

I once taught students who failed from junior college following a close call with the legal system. Tsutsu zetsu zetsu zetsu tsutsu zu tsu, tsu ku, tsu botsutsutsutsutsuetsutsutsu, tsutsu tsutsu tsutsu "tsu zetsu otsutsu" Sut.

4. Encourage your child to experience success in any area of ​​her life.

Did she make an honorary roll? Get picked for play, club, or exercise team? Win an election for a competitive office? Survive intense application process for summer job? If your child tastes success, he knows how he feels and functions like a winner when he enters the employment market.

Cecilia, shy twelve years old, flowered when she won the lead in school play. "We are still rehearsing with a gradeful time!" I got angry at her mother who was worried.

To everyone 's surprise, Cecilia improved his grades, she made new friends, "good children" was also accomplished. Most importantly, whatever happens, Cecilia can return to that success every time she gets disappointed.

5. Entering the top university - or any university - does not guarantee success.

I experienced unemployment, bankruptcy and homeless who met Ivy Leaguer. I met a high school dropout that flourished under my initiative.

In my own small town, in order to pursue artistic career, the couple of graduate degrees drop off - they clean the house to pay the bills. Recent minimum wage jobs are posted by nonprofit, and some unemployed lawyers have applied.

The career changer that faces the future with the attitude of "being able to do anything" is the winner of today. Thrown into the sea, they will improvise the all set and maintain their spirit until you understand what to do next. A person who felt betrayed ("I thought what was put" for life) "flounder" for week, month, year.

Qualifications lies in those who have a positive outlook that can capture an unexpected opportunity that can be counted by reaching the coast. There is a safe harbor to a resting place to convert just by realizing it.

How to handle difficult interview questions

I am in the middle of an important interview and I am convinced that I am doing excellent work of showing your skills and qualifications for location. The interviewer asks the question - it is a difficult thing. You will start sweating as your glorious vision of landing your dream job is being spirited away rapidly at furious speed. What are you doing?

Small tits. :
Job, Job, Carrier, Carrier, Employment, Recruitment, Resume, Resume, Interview, Interview, Truck Driver, Truck Carrying, Truck Driving, Driving

Article body:
I am in the middle of an important interview and I am convinced that I am doing excellent work of showing your skills and qualifications for location. The interviewer asks the question - it is a difficult thing. This will take some time. You may answer this question. The word gets caught in your mouth. You will start sweating as your glorious vision of landing your dream job is being spirited away rapidly at furious speed. What are you doing?

First of all, the best crime is good defense. To prepare the interview in advance is "Why should you get this job?" You may want to know that you may potentially be asked about both interview questions, general questions and job-specific ones Compile the list of. Next, practice to answer all the questions. You need to practice several questions several times until you can clearly present a definite answer. A good rule of thumb is to practice until you no longer feel uncomfortable with the question itself or your answer.

Attractive as you can dismiss a simpler question, such as "Please tell me about yourself", you rehearse your answer to all the questions Often, job seekers prepare "hard" questions Ignoring what you feel involved in a "simpler" question. As a result, they are not ready to answer basic questions and are stumble on the answer.

It is impossible to think and practice every question you can ask So interview you did not think about before When this happens the first thing to do is to take a deep breath. Repeat the question to yourself, in your head, or to the interviewer to confirm that you heard the question correctly. It seems that this question and other works have been done in relation to drawing practice with. Answering about the fluctuation of this new problem. Does it resemble other questions? If you can draw in parallel with the question you are familiar with, the new question is not that difficult.

I also fight a little, because I can take more questions and smaller parts. This is particularly useful for multipart questions. For example, the imagination you are asked for: "Please tell me about the time you discovered yourself against team members, what kind of circumstances, how did you handle conflict." It is (1) providing an example of team member conflict, and (2) how the conflict was resolved. When answering this question, please concentrate completely on the first part. Set the stage of the conflict that occurred and give all the necessary details to the interviewer. Once this is complete, you can move on to the next part, detailing how the conflict was resolved. This is really "meat" of the question. The interviewer is interested in hearing how to deal with conflict and tense conditions from actual details of conflict itself. Resolution - So please do not phobicize the second part. This pattern applies to the majority of multipart questions: one section of the answer has the opportunity to set the stage to the other more appropriate part of the question

If you ask questions that you do not know the answer, it is often better to admit that the answer is unknown than trying to answer. Most interviewers are extremely experienced in the confirmation of the "BS" answer and can be taken to easily construct raw materials. If this happens, they write a table about your pseudo-answer, or write off that it is deception - neither of these is the proper response of landing the job, you have the answer to the question As you have this knowledge for future reference, such answers not only indicate integrity, but also to enlarge your learning It is not disadvantageous to you and you need the extra effort necessary to keep your skill sharp

Other tips for answering difficult questions:

It is better to ask the interviewer if it does not listen it first or if it is a question of multiple long parts, to repeat the question.

It is also good to ask the interviewer to explain whether the question is not obvious.

Please do not volunteer personal information which is not job related.

Try to turn negative negatively positively. For example, when asked about your weaknesses, please demonstrate that this weakness is also an asset of another field.

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