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How to increase sales and profits without spending cents!

High sales is easy, but most people "care" the money and spend the money, you can nurture the business. No! The easiest way revenue growth, growth, non-business sales As much as 5% of people need to know and use it here is the secret strategy we used to sell doubles, triples and even quadruples in months and sometimes weeks!

It's tough. :
SME marketing, sales, revenue growth speed

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I heard something called "conversion value". What do you do with your own face in the measurement?

If you don't know the conversion rate means you're missing the most powerful strategy, increase your sales without spending cents, plus conversion rates and more are told about net income!

So what is the converted value?

How many conversion rates differ, and how many do you buy as a walk or contact business. For example, if you had 10 calls to your business and took a call with your name over time, just how to really track a lot of them So 3 people from you conversion rates If you have purchased it will be from 30% or 3 10.

This simple measure is a life that changes for business owners when it sees the power of it. If you do not know your converted value and "Guest" it is about 50% I guarantee you are wrong! Almost everyone really thinks of some higher converted value with it. The reason is that the people you talk to it say that they come back and make a sound that they will buy later, or they are often very interested in buying, but that they bought I do not know it unless I measure every query.

Be prepared for shock when measuring your conversion value. I worked with a retailer who thought it was 75% and found it to be 38%. I work with a service business that thought it was 50% and we found it to be 13%.

They get a little depressed when they realize that only 13%, but I get excited! It's impossible to double the 50% conversion rate, but with 13% you can triple it and still have room for improvement!

Did you know that raising your conversions proportionally would increase conversion and net income? It also increased your conversion by 50%, which means if you increase your conversion by 50% (eg from 24% to 36%)! It gets 50% more than customers now have to pay more than they have It is And you can increase your conversions, conversions and profits without spending cents on advertising or promotion.

So how do you measure it? You need 2 to 3 bits of information for everyone who first contacts all your businesses. Something like their name, phone number, and what their question was.

For this kind of information, many people will contact you to actually buy. You may take days before you can devote a query to your business and customers. For some service businesses, you may need to wait a month from the date of inquiry to buy for the time it takes people to make a decision

Why is your conversion value that of your staff? You have to do something with the difference between good questions and not, so that's how you can measure it.

So now, on magic questions, how to improve your conversion rate!

There are at least 80 ways! Do you want to know the best thing? It's here. ..

1. Disc Pro Disc profiling should be the most unknown way to understand people, yet you can learn and use it in business Disc is an insight into the four major differences in people's behavior is. When learning a disk profile find some other annoying friendly sellers from some people and don't buy from them Buy some people (about 50%) all selling decisions, usually Do it very soon on the spot. Usually for one or two days, while 50% of people always want to think about it. The disc is something I teach to all my customers, and all that learn from me boosts sales (conversion and profit) by 20% -300% a week!

2. Provide a written guarantee. Everyone has a level of anxiety about farewell with money, so security helps overcome that anxiety and helps people to make confident decisions. Can you guarantee in writing that you are not offering it now? What about the service business not leaving confusion? And would you be happy to buy completely back? Retailers often don't want to reimburse as they chase off dozens of potential customers for a very small number that they probably want a reimbursement. (For more information about the disc, see the Tim Stokes article "How to Build R Rapport in 7 Seconds" at

3. Work is displayed. It's a powerful tool, "separate stop" unique to make selling price easier to shop. In fact, using a warranty like the one above makes it very unique.

4. Learn body language. Body language is responsible for 55% of what you communicate before you open your mouth! Everyone has heard how many people should use it? Almost none! So read a book and try it. Body language is a form of compliment, and people buy from people related to what they like.

5. Try different words that you use to greet people by face or phone. Retailers are famous for saying that they are drawing out "thank you for looking". They are to set their response by what they say. Everyone say hello to the phrase and see what happens. If you finish your greeting with "speak name", you often get someone who you think is a dummy, and "I want to talk to someone .." The words can be I will go with people who give up. If you don't use the alarm, you can see what happens.

Are you starting to get a picture that has many ways to improve your conversion and what you are doing now? First, you need to measure it before you can improve it. Then check it, then, one day a week and one day a month. However, it is a powerful and important performance indicator.

Using the conversion value of the business owner I had a lot and a lot of nice profit improvements in the weeks and months. My record had a conversion rate of 3.5% and after six months we took it to 75% and it was a 35% increase in price along the way the blind manufacturing company What percentage Do you increase that of profit? I don't know, but it's huge!

I did the same thing as a retailer. They had a conversion of 68% and using the sales system hit the 100% conversion I wrote with them the week we started using it. Never dropped under 82%.

If you do not increase your conversion rate, your marketing will rarely return a good profit, or it fully doubles the conversion rate from self-to-profit, so it can double your conversion and advertising response, so You can also run half of your ads saving as well.

I leave this idea to you. .. I can not improve something unless I measure it. Measurement is the secret to all of your success in business.

How To Improve Your Profit With Better Google PageRank

Is Google's business ranking of Google's page? How to generate off-page criteria to get higher rankings

It's tough. :
google page rank, marketing, page rank, internet marketing, home business

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Tsutsutsu Tsuitsu.

Each one with a business website that the search engine the vitality of their business can get to it is a sure and economical way to get it ..


Your website will show you the keywords of your website during the first 20 or 30 results when you look at the search engine.
That's why Google is one of the largest search engines (or largest) and Google is one of the most used.

If you have a big PageRank on your website, it's a great google page that thinks so many people in the easiest way to reach the first place on Google search

And what is PageRank?

A measure of the site's reputation according to the quality and quantity links on PageRank.

How can you get a finger-on-link expert site when?

You can do it with a link exchange campaign but most of all you can achieve it:

Have good content!

So for the same keyword, pages with higher page rank will rank higher in the survey and run higher pages leading to your location

To determine the relevance of a web page, look for keywords in different places on each of Google's web pages plus many other things, each one of those Google keywords

So the marketers and search engine optimizers start processing keywords to have larger page ranks, and soon the search engine notices that each

And this is an endless dance, search engine optimizers continue to investigate better ways to make the most of web pages, search engines evolve

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