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How to lose friends and make enemies

We guarantee failure with these popular tactics.

It's tough. :
Communication, effective dialogue, business communication, respect, neglect

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In the past few years, rudeness has hit the United States. Here's how to make your illness last.

1) ignore people. Please do not return the phone. Don't answer the phone Don't listen when people talk to you. Talk with others, especially when on your mobile phone in a restaurant or other public places. Don't admit that there are others. The biggest bribe you can give someone is to ignore people. If you are good at this skill, you can skip the next four paragraphs.

2) Show rudeness. Make other fun. Assign a foolish nickname or deliberately a wrong name. People are waiting for you. Laugh the mistakes, struggles and fears to people. Use sarcasm and sarcasm freely. Treat people like idiot. Rudeness is powerful because it removes people of their dignity.

3) criticize. Find all the defects. Spread Gossip Something, complain about everything. Even if you make a mistake, a decade ago. If possible, decorate your complaint with an exaggerated description of the failure. Keep a log of defects, flaws, and fumbles documents so that you can grind daily with them. Make a cry in your voice. Critics reduce everything to dirt.

4) is negative. Master pessimism. It is a change of attack and a new idea. Always focus on failure. Expect the worst to happen. There is no or approval. Refuse to join or cooperate in any effort. However, despite the fact that he has worked, he is able to make efforts late and is developing a fresh discussion technology. Aggressive darkness creates eternal despair.

5) get angry. Throw an annoyance. Scream Yes Cry Close the door Hit the wall Throw things. Use Violence Use accusations, bribes and threats to confuse the conversation. I do not tolerate anything. Insist on retaliation. Always attack first. Condemn your anger to others. Unpredictable, anomalous behavior keeps balance out to people.

Caution: The application of these tactics ensures that the need for a lawyer is increased.

How to Protect Good Employees: Look, Listen, Learn

Recently the client told me a great story about how changing attitudes helped her keep her valued employees.

It's tough. :
See, Listen, Learn, Understand, Knowledge, Perspectives, Communication, Mentor, Problem Solving, Business Relationships

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Recently the client told me a great story about how changing attitudes helped her keep her valued employees.

Angry and complaining about one of the provisions of the company policy, the employee seeks a private meeting with my client, the owner of a small sales company The customer plans that she is too busy with her own rebuttal strategy So I couldn't hear anything the employee was saying. It was important to let employees know that the policy was good. On the other hand, she didn't want to lose her top distributor. Physically, she was able to feel cramped in her body and mentally, she was crazy about what she should say.

<b> Speak first she loses </ b>
Luckily, she remembered the old saying from her own sale day: "When the first talker loses" when asking for an order to negotiate to close the sale, this is the customer Instead of thinking about, taking deep breaths, and listening. Almost immediately she felt a physical tension drain and found that she was actually hearing for the first time as an employee started talking.

<b> Seek first to understand </ b>
Seven of the very effective people of Steven Kovey, one of the best-known of the habits-and perhaps the hardest to achieve in difficult moments-the fifth lesson My client behind the explosion I started asking questions to find out more about what's in. She became curious as she wanted to know more about her employee's perspective. She will increase, and the way to enjoy it will appear. -The more she listened, the more she could see the situation through her other eyes. As she sought clarity, she began to regain her balance and power. She saw that she could admit and build on the thoughts of her employees, and at the same time can speak what was true from her perspective as a company leader.

<b> hard problems, soft people </ b>
She heard not only the words of the employees but also the motivation-the employees were concerned about fairness, clarity of communication, and the reputation of the company. She was too They seemed to be on the same side as wanting the best for everyone. From this common foundation, the client sees how the company policy supports clarity, fairness, and the company's vision, especially how to follow her some positive for change The proposal could be left open and, finally, reassert her role as a leader and mentor. The owners of the company, as they can work on and resolve together Help to position the problem, and the competition is their relationship and future challenges

Ueshiba Morihei, a 20th century martial artist and founder of Aikido, said, "The opponent always stands against us, but there is actually no opponent." Can be challenging, exercise with different types of power. What we think of listening to, actually doing it, is quite another thing – imagine ourselves instead of the person we are listening to and try to interact with the issues you are your own When you have security by force, you can temporarily step away from it and discover something even better

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