My first grade student returned from school on her first day. I asked her which of her friends in her class. She has two names. I asked if she played with other friends during the break. She declined I asked above all about a friend she played with in kindergarten. "No, she is with popular children." I took a double take and asked her to repeat herself. I did not hear it was wrong She was talking about a popular child. In first grade. I am "popular and nothing like not popular. You are only in first grade." She assured me that such things existed.
This honestly blew me away. What are we teaching? Why do ten-year-old girls get manicures? Why do eight-year-old girls get their hair streaked? As a parent, I almost do not believe that we look at the easy life of our children and feel sorry for them. We "Oh, I can not wait until they get a job and can not go home to clean the house every day." I think that's quite the opposite. Our greatest stress is longing that small bobby thinks we are cute.
I hope parents pay more attention to the impact we have on our children. Teach them like a kid, have fun and deal with their little world. Don't bring in ours They grow too fast. Don't push that road too soon. And don't let your seven-year-old daughter act as she can be popular. Just teach her what to do and say hello to children she does not know.
How to go
Have kindergarten children start school from tomorrow. He is my little boy, my handsome boy I am anxious. He is not the first kid to start kindergarten, but he is definitely my most stubborn. An opportunity to grow big as children who care how to learn him?
I am going to try my own advice. Children need to reach a point where their confidence starts to bloom, we cling to the shadows and watch all their movements, they oblige us, we are ours We are willing to trust the children and allow them to see their own wings stretched and see how far we can go alone It is when we need us, we It does not mean that it does not exist, but we do our best with our children
Leaving I remember watching my other parents when I took my older kids on their first day of school. These parents did not leave. They took their children to the classroom and stood behind and watched. It was for them to rest themselves that their children had to wait for them so there is still a need. So walk away.
Trust the teacher. I am playing "what if" games myself today. If he gets lost What if he doesn't remember where he goes? if? Trust the teachers-they went to school to learn how to become a kindergarten teacher. They have done this before. They are as smart as you. They are probably parents. So tomorrow I walk and trust. This will be my mantra.
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