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I am overwhelmed by the feeling. First, there is a lot to learn: what works?

Bird bird

I am overwhelmed by the feeling. First, there is a lot to learn: what works? What's a waste of your time? Energy and money to invest?

Next, you need to prioritize it. If you do nothing else for a while, what is one thing that is your best first step?

It's tough. :
Marketing strategy Marketing market

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Then you have to figure out how to get it all done. Marketing is not your normal job, but you can work it full time.

And do not forget --- How is the work of the night track? Indeed, it is a thing to be inspired during marketing workshops or by ideas from books. But then set it to the reality of execution.

Believe me, I feel your pain. Now, working on my own some major, next-level projects, it's attractive to stick my head in the sand and say forget it. It's literally easy because I'm writing from the beach this week.

Instead I am taking it "bird by bird."

Author and writing teacher, Anne Lamott, cast this word to encourage her book, the author of bird germination by birds. Refers to a school report on a wild bird that his younger brother wrote as a child. He postponed it until night before it was the cause. Sitting at the kitchen table surrounded by a pile of books, he was overwhelmed and frozen by his work at hand. His father, also a writer, told him to just take the bird by the bird ... First write about one bird. Then write about another bird. Then another. Well, his report is done.

Face your own pile of marketing tasks? Here are some things you can take by bird:

1. Do not start with the whole bird. Start some feathers. It's a beak foot My point is to spend 15 minutes brainstorming your positioning statement ... one starts with the little ones (and you). Then stop. Come back to it tomorrow and spend another 15 minutes. In the end, you are done.

2. A poor initial draft is fine. Creativity experts know this. Famous writers count it. Whether you're working on your website, decide where to put your client suggestions, network or actual articles Just your head Don't worry about complete sentences, clever themes and details. The point is just to start.

3. Investment by carving out time. If you want to attract more customers for long distance transportation, you have to cut off from the time working on this raw material. It does not happen by itself. Look at it as an investment in something most important to you (your future? Your sanity? Your family? Your freedom?). And we will open up the time to invest. Small start – 15 minutes of uninterrupted, honestly I am God-not anything to go-every other hour-then expand to 30 minutes and more. I discovered that daily discipline is what makes this magic.

4. Protect and protect this responsibility. Others will try to seduce you (its important client's meeting ... the crisis of the latest staff ... family and friends), taking food to make their needs more important There is none. Make your commitment to this investment more important. Julia * Cameron shows how to keep from being blocked by falling in with the plans of others "for us in the way of the artist

5. Use a timer. Some things have changed a lot. ... but it works. I learned this from my friend, Susan Rose, a book, 'Bourbon? Baby's coming out this fall. I deleted the review Instead of emphasizing the time I don't have, I just set the timer and work. I will stop when the alarm goes off. The alarm decides for me – it's very open, so I don't have to decide when to stop. Every morning I experienced life in a country that made it very big.

6. See what happens by opening up Time to work on marketing is half the battle. The other half is open to what you can think of during the time you set aside. If you do not judge your effort in advance, the best ideas come to you. Why did you put such pressure on yourself?

7. Be kind to yourself. Remember the poor first draft? Go easy again. Julia Cameron "Gently, slowly go ... not high jump, please take us a page from the artist's way of encouraging! Mistake is necessary. Stumble is normal. Progress, not perfection we are It is something we should ask ourselves. "

8. On the other hand, no crying. With his little red book on sale, Geoffrey Gitomer gives us a tough love message, gives Leah a quick kick by himself when in doubt (His word his main advice: no whining And kick your own-!

9. Don't go alone Yes, you need to appear to break through time and stop whining. But you do not have to go alone. Create a system of support. Schedule a weekly check-in meeting with someone. Contract hedging instruments cash-flow-newsletters and online. Markety My Top Marketers Marketing Players, Performers and Executives, have ongoing support --- Why?

At first it is the hardest part. I will notice progress as you open up your time. And that progress-but acts as a small-magnet. It attracts you to the job of being a marketer, in a way you can not imagine now.

Cameron Julia-The word "artist" "I" Marketer ') to use the point of Kush Naddy Nova

"Remember, to recover as a marketer, you must first be willing to a bad marketer. Give yourself permission to be a beginner. By being willing to a bad marketer "You probably have the chance to become a marketer over time, something very good"


Cameron, J. (1992, 2002). Artist's Way: The Spiritual Way to Higher Creativity. New York: Turtle penguins.

Gitomer, J. (2004). A small red book for sale. Austin: Bird Press.

Ramot, A. (1994). Birds by Birds: Writing and some instructions on life. New York: Anchor book.

New items "New items" New items "New items"

Wheel signboard

Mobile billboard advertising is the top growing advertising medium, as it offers your customers flexibility and improved message delivery on the street

It's tough. :
Billboards, advertisements, printing, services

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Billboards make good marketing material. Have you ever seen a car on the road printed on either side of these trucks or this seemingly colorful catchy and often loud advert? That kind of advert is so common today. This markety mobile billboard advertising is the top growing advertising medium as it offers your customers flexibility and improved message delivery on the street, so they want to stand out from competitors, so owning a business Often choose this kind of strategy. Basically, mobile ads can be used not only for product launches, but also for exhibitions and events, store openings, election campaigns, and seasonal sales.

Perhaps what is the end of the mobile billboard advertising to other media in marketing, ask? One, it has attracted a lot of attention. It is a unique way to get your target customer's attention. Your customers are going through your store, who sees your poster in the corner of the street, as well as walking on the street and drinking coffee in a coffee house Mobile advertising also spikes the stores of competitors . It can probably put your competitor one step ahead.

You are the business owner who has recently been availed of mobile advertising and on this way you got a great saturday on your way to the mall There's a sudden so there's this track played with speakers Adjust the feast. It's a paradise that looks like this colorful picture of a beautiful resort when turning And you realized that it was your own advert that gently makes its presence on the street. Look around the area how many people are aware of it. Most people who are surprised at the noise are the sound tracks of the check. It's a great feeling It's not that people just check out your ad for a few seconds.

However, it means that mobile ads are limited. Certainly you can not afford another expensive ad. But the good news is that mobile advertising costs are lower than other outdoor media for advertising. Mobile media cost cheaper compared to print, radio and regular billboards. If you choose to try Mobile Billboard Advertising, you are probably offering innovative marketing tools to your business at an affordable rate.

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