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Interview with Avon

Interview with a successful Avon cosmetics representative who is building his own successful business. You can do the same!

It's tough. :
Avon, MLM, working from home,

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Avon has thousands of representatives worldwide who sell cosmetics. Most 'Avon Ladies' (and many men! There are now an increasing number of them working full-time in their business), selling them in their spare time.

Interviews have been conducted by several Avon representatives on how their Avon business is. Experience may help you decide whether to benefit from the union of the Avon team.

I'm talking to a man this week! Dave * Carter lives at 31 in Sunderland, UK.

Q: Dave, why did you join Avon?
A: My partner Debby first joined, about 18 months ago. I was selling another MLM company's products
But I was not very successful. I like the idea of ​​network marketing, also known as multi-level marketing, and can see the potential; but that's why Avon then started network marketing here in the UK about two years ago, and here on the ground Getting on the floor was fascinating. I never dreamed to be as successful as I have.

Q: You have succeeded, and how are you doing?
A: I don't want to be too specific about money, but to give an idea, I achieved a mission level just before Christmas! Debbie and I run separate teams and she soon You need to join me at the top level.

Q: That's great. You need to enjoy the task of reaching the top level in such a short time.
A: I really enjoy it. Most of my team of nearly 100 are within 40-50 miles, but I also travel, especially to meet potential sales leaders. I love being my boss and I don't think I can go back to work for someone.

Q: So, do you really think it would be best to meet the members of your team?
A: It is one of Avon's rules: I have to meet potential recruitment faces. We can not sign up with people by phone.

Q: What kind of management recruitment covers a wide range, especially as many people. Is it from?
A: I have a website and receive many queries from visitors to places. I then arrange to meet the person myself or I pass the inquiry to one of my sales leaders. If I do not have a sales leader nearby, I will know the Avon business and others in other parts of the country and we will exchange leads.

Q: So I would recommend other people to join Avon, right?
A: I'm sure. I point out that you will never join such Avon: Each one of us is a self-employed representative and we are hired by the company so a few pounds that earn a taste, hope, budget Collect the brochures by delivering weekly-welcome that you have received an order. Or, you can really build a great business like me. You have a job now, but if you are not enjoying it, then the part-timer is part of the activity with Fusaoi boss as it is, until the income from it is enough to pay all your bills.

Thank you Dave, the best wishes for the future. It looks bright.

Infant artificial food

It should be as breastfeeding as possible. It is obtained by a mixture of milk, water and sugar in the following proportions:

Fresh milk, two-thirds, boiling water, or thin barley water, one-third, bread sugar, enough to sweeten.

It's tough. :
Baby, feeding baby, baby diet, toddlers diet

Article body:
It should be as breastfeeding as possible. It is obtained by a mixture of milk, water and sugar in the following proportions:

Fresh milk, two-thirds, boiling water, or thin barley water, one-third, bread sugar, enough to sweeten.

This is the best diet that can be used in the first half of a farinaceous food may be combined.

In early childhood, mothers considered that lighter diets would not nourish, thick chopsticks, panadas, biscuit powder, and the habit of giving such problems This is a mistake; these preparations Because they are much too solid; they overload the stomach and cause indigestion, flatulence, and griping. These again reduce the need to digest, create and need the need for anthelmintics and purgative drugs that perpetuate the evils they need, by unnatural irritation. So many toddlers are incessantly round of replenishment, dyspepsia, and from their physic or doctor if their diet is in an amount and quality suitable for their digestive power

In preparation for this diet, it is very important to get pure milk, or mixed with water and not skimmed; and in warm weather it is necessary to prepare fresh with every meal It is best not to heat the milk on fire, so it was best to not take it at once, as it was taken by the child at one time, but when it is mixed with it it will boil the water, Give to infants with lukewarm water or lukewarm water.

As the baby's age advances, the proportion of milk can gradually increase. However, if the child's health is good, there is no change in the type of food, and the appearance must be perceptually improved. Nothing is more unreasonable than the concept, in its early life children need different food; only one kind of food by nature

There are two ways by spoon. The infant's digestive power is very weak, and food is naturally taken into the stomach very slowly and is taken from the breast by the act of sucking, and a large amount of saliva is secreted, which is naturally in the mouth The process should then be emulated as much as possible; and the food should be absorbed by suction from the nursing bottle (for this purpose): it is thus obtained slowly, and the suction used is a great deal of digestion No matter what kind of bottle or nipple is used, never forget that cleanliness is essential to the success of this plan to raise a child

 The amount of Te in the food to be given at each meal ust is adjusted by the age of the child and the digestive power. A little experience will allow a careful and observing mother to quickly determine this point. As children grow older the amount must of course be increased.

However, this can easily be avoided by pursuing a systematic plan with respect to the time of eating, and then, only to surrender to the index of appetite, once this effectively indigestion, intestinal Complaints, and the only way to prevent nervous system hypersensitivity, is common in infancy, is safe for infant health nutrition, and as is well observed, "Nature is in infant The stomach was never intended to be converted into a container for laxatives, anthelmintics, antacids, stimulants, and astringents. "

 The frequency of feeding food is not determined as a general rule by allowing such intervals between meals so as to guarantee digestion of the previous amount This rule departs from children If you receive a fresh supply of food every hour or so, no time is given for the previous amount of digestion and this process

 Attitude of the child at feeding:-It is important to attend. It should not receive a lying meal; the head of the nurse's arms, the most natural position, and the wrong way to go there because there is a risk of food going after food, after each meal, the little ones go to bed or the mother You should rest for at least half an hour on your knees. This is necessary for the process of digestion, as exercise is important at other times for health promotion.

 As soon as the child has any teeth, one or two about this period will do its appearance, a solid Farina substance boiled with water, sieve or tops and bottoms to be sweet Add fresh milk and bread sugar and soak in hot water. And children can now supply spoons for the first time.

If one or two of the large grinding teeth appear, you can continue the same food, but do not have to go through a sieve. Beef tea and chicken soup can be added occasionally; as, and more fully, as an introduction to the use of the animal diet, and now, for poached egg;

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