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If writing is art, then blogging is one way to use words to come up with the art.

Blog 101

If writing is art, then blogging is one way to use words to come up with the art. Those who blog are those that are artistic in their sense, carefully choosing words that will best describe their feelings, feelings, wishes, desires, and all

Basically, blogs were first introduced as "weblogs that reference the server's log file." It was created when the web log hit the virtual market. Since its inception in the mid 1990s, weblogs have gradually saturated the virtual community making the Internet a more viable source of information.

However, with web records, you still need a website and domain-name, but with blogging, you just don't need anything just with a blog provider. In most cases, these types of blogs are free.

With the emergence of blogs in the industry, personal journaling has become a common foundation for people who want to be known around the world. However, since it is literally famous, it is famous as a popular case.

Generally, blogs are created for personal use. Like a journal, people can write daily adventures, emotions, and ideas they want to express online.

Nevertheless, with the emergence of online businesses, blogs are gradually becoming a business that offers the opportunity to boost productivity online, this is where business blogs took Limelight.

Business blogs basically create advertisements to enhance the online sales of a particular website or online business of a service or product.

Also, business blogs are another way to promote a company, as other readers know that a particular company exists online. With Blogs, entrepreneurs can establish a virtual market name through articles that can be very useful to the reader's life.

These are blogging blogs syndicating to your corporate website. This can be done by RSS technology.

So if you're thinking of creating a blog, whether for business or pleasure, get through you and make your blog interesting online

Here's how:

1. The audience to think about

It is good for your blog to be generally personal, yet consider your reader's mind. You need to think about something interested in them

After all, most of the reasons for blogging people are not limited to their own personal motives. Most of them love to "hear" (or read) and they love to be known, even in a few minutes, in some way or another. Thus, these people can relate to it, but writing that they can understand it does not necessarily mean that everyone can understand

2. The picture speaks a thousand words

To make your blog worth the browsing effort of your readers, it would be very nice if you put some pictures on it. That doesn't necessarily mean you have to place your own photo. As long as you don't pose any danger or bribe to anyone who reads your blog on any photo.

3. Make a constructive and informative blog

Still free to write anything you want to tell the world, it is good to create some writing lifts that are advantageous to your readers.

After all, the information technology you have there tends to provide information.

4. Avoid multi-faceted and complex blogs

Be sure not to use some very technical and highfalutin words in order to have an interesting blog. After all, it's not a science discourse or discussion you're making, so it's better to stick to simple facts and short blogs.

It is important to keep in mind that most people on the Internet use regular scans more scrutinized than the words on each site. So, with these long articles, it would be better to just come to a blog that will not bore your readers.

5. Interactively

Must have been created as an ability was interactive in the blog. You can have some video or audio staff blog.

There are regional comments in places where you can. In this way, you can get other people's impressions and reactions. Some friends you might know are also blog sites.

In fact, blogs are not just created for the mere fun of it. It also has its own purpose in the Internet world.
Thus, as far as writing is concerned for people who want to use their skills, blogs are the best way to do it.

As they say, blogging is a modern term of creative and commercial writing.
RSS Tool Guide

RSS is an abbreviation that has evolved as follows, depending on its version:

· Overview of the RDF site (also known as RSS 0.9; the first version of RSS)

* A wealth of site overviews (also known as RSS 0.91; prototypes)

* Really Simple Syndication (aka RSS 2.0)

Today, RSS stands for 'actually simple Syndication' and has the following seven existing formats or versions:

* 0.90
* 0.91
* 0.92
* 0.93
* 0.94
* 1.0
* 2.0

RSS tools refer to a group of file formats that are designed to share headings and other web content (this is a summary or just one all of this data is provided in the form of an XML file (XML Is an abbreviation of eXtensible Markup Language):

· RSS feed
· Webfeed
· RSS flow
* RSS channel

These are usually displayed as orange squares on web pages and usually contain the characters XML or RSS.

RSS feeds can be used to convey types of information. These 'feeds' include:

· We will send a batch of blogs for each feed of the blog. This makes it easy to scan blog posts and allows "visitors" to zoom in on items of interest.

· Article Supply-This alerts the reader whenever there is new article and web content available.

· Forum feed-This feature has been expanded without a hitch on the forum posts and latest topics that receive users.

■ We can feed on schedule, and we discuss in broadcast event or presentation schedule change or meeting to school, club, other organizations.

· Discounts and special feeds-used to enable the user to "provide" the latest specials and discount offers (such as retail and online stores)

· Enables ego and news monitoring and receives 'filters' for specific phrases or keywords based on the found news.

· Industry-specific feeds-by technical experts to market, promote, or communicate with current (and future) customers and customers within a particular industry

RSS feeds allow people to track multiple blogs and news sources simultaneously. To produce an RSS feed, all you need is an article or content that you want to publish an RSS text file you have licensed and / or if your text file is registered with various aggregators (or ' News readers'), every external place then updates your RSS file

RSS tools are useful for sites that add or change their content regularly. These are used in particular for activities that include "web syndication" and regular updates and publications such as:

· News sites-used by major news agencies such as Reuters, CNN, and BBC.
 Tsutsutsu Tsuitsu.
· Bug report
· Personal weblogs

There are many benefits to using RSS feeds. Apart from being a great supplementary communication method that streamlines the communication needs of various sectors, RSS tools and supplies are also

Launch RSS tools and feeds for users online for free (cheap) easy advertising or online marketing opportunities. Below are some of the more effective internet marketing strategies to help you contribute to RSS functionality.

1. Ease of content delivery service. With RSS, your business' spans can be captured and displayed by virtually any external site, giving you an easy way to advertise them.

2. Facilitate regular content updates. With RSS, the web content about your business can now be automatically updated on a daily basis (and on an hourly basis). Internet users can change the information in their own files (new products and other business related releases, etc.) and subscribe to RSS

3. Satisfied service for customers. With RSS, visitors can have personalized and satisfying services, giving them total control over the flow and type of information they receive. Depending on their interests and needs, visitors can subscribe to their content just as they are looking for (such as real estate or job postings)

4. Increase in traffic (and targeted). With RSS, traffic finds readers interesting on your site Readers of your content outline (or one to two lines of your articles) readers link to your site

These are just a few of the many things you can do with RSS. Its possibilities are endless, please feel free to contact us with an effective internet marketing strategy with the goal of providing everything.

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