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Indicates Hispanic Immigration; in "Spying" Dictionary "Not illegal"

Thousands of Hispanic Immigrants are shown about what they say is the right to become a citizen of the land of Gringo. We welcome the efforts of everyone who wishes to become a citizen of free and tired citizens, but we are aware that there is a distinction between immigrants living here and those who do so

We examined the problem and discovered that the word "illegality" is not actually in the Spanish dictionary. The English version of the online - Spanish - English dictionary, if returned, results like the following: "Spanish match not found Spanish matching data."

This explanation was too easy, so we pursued the problem inadequately and decided to go back to it. We learned that the Spanish word for the rest really exists "illegal," but as expected, it is spelled slightly differently, as "

Why, we wondered, if there is an intelligent way to solve the border dispute, the distinction is not at least receiving the tip of sombrero here is the decision we included generously in our generosity.

Small tits. :
Humor, comedy, satire, news, news laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh, jokes, jokes, skits, skits, spoofing, spoofing

Article body:
Hispanic immigrants are the right to become citizens of the land of Gringo that it has been demonstrated by thousands of things they claim.

We welcome the efforts of everyone who wishes to become a citizen of free and tired citizens, but we are aware that there is a distinction between immigrants living here and those who do so

We examined the problem and discovered that the word "illegality" is not in the Spanish dictionary. We have entered the English version of the controversial term in the online Spanish-English dictionary, which returned the following result: "Spanish match: sorry"

This is because the explanation of the national view on the subject as "mum's the word" was so easy that we pursued the problem inadequately and we went to it again, "As expected, it is spelled somewhat differently than it is in Ingles", as we have learned that Spanish words for "

We could also judge that the whole illusion concept of the demonstrator participant was "inmigrante ilegal"

Why, we wondered, the distinction did not receive at least the tip of sombrero?

Of course, it is the Spanish period himself who soon became illegal immigrants and forgotten to long for us to love in the United States for a long time.

Once we understood the nature of their early plight, we immediately felt uncontrollable sympathy for them. Rather than being welcomed as a full-fledged citizen, you still imagine feeling right at home in a country considered just another inmigrante ilegal

Is there a wise way to solve border disputes? And, by the way, we take "intellectual" mutually to include compassion. We have also grown accustomed to paying low wages that these no-noble noble applicants struggle for away, bent down the bottom line

Here is our generosity decision. We agree to legalize everything that came here only with hooks and underground scammers and probably will not return it. His step delights them.

In return, those who could scrape enough money together to buy fake thesis are at least as fiercely opposed to their existence

Finally, since we know all things, they agree to leave as soon as they can swing the purchase of another set of viable papers, surely they and the American as a whole You can earn a relatively short period along the economy.

The only other intelligent approach we can think of is interviewing inmigrantes one by one and of everyone who seems to stand upright

Longing and Republican Party

In an interview on Hillary - Clinton, a table on her opponent by not being amongst the famous Democratic party for a long time, not exclusiated by Republicans, by becoming one of them, by extracorporation, Senator Clinton, you already have I will not spend any time trying to get a vote Old political public So I have not had time to spend as a Democrat. "

Small tits. :
 Humor, comedy, satire, news, laughter, laugh, joke, laugh, joke, parody, spoofing, skit, skit

Article body:
Hillary - Clinton, long between the famous Democratic party, not religiously excoriated by the Republican Party, turning the table to her opponent by becoming one of them

In an interview, Senator Clinton will not spend any time trying to get the votes you already have Old political public So I did not have to spend time as a Democrat. Of course I do not get a Republican vote by keeping tar at his aspiring presidential party, so getting all the votes by becoming a Republican, of course I get all of the democratic voting I think that I will eventually be the president's timber. "

According to the rumor, it is said that she suggested making a skilled switch from her husband, who told her, "Look, Sweetie, we are already a one So how about this? Let 's take it there as a Republican.

In general, the Democratic Party has abused her for decisions, but one of the cannier's things is, "I think it is a wonderful strategic move, and as soon as she is elected as a Republican, You can do a democratic president. "

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