Music is experienced by individuals within the range of social settings ranging from being alone to attending the big concert. Musical performance takes different forms of different culture and socio-economic milieus. In Europe and North America, it is often divided what type of music is considered "high culture" and "low culture". "
Small tits. :
mp3, music, art, artist, album, song
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Music is experienced by individuals within the range of social settings ranging from being alone to attending the big concert. Musical performance takes different forms of different culture and socio-economic milieus. In Europe and North America, it is often divided what type of music is considered "high culture" and "low culture". "" High culture "Types of music typically consist of western art music such as baroque, classical, romantic and contemporary age symphonies, concerts, and solo works
Other types of music such as jazz, blues, soul, country, etc. are often done in theaters where bars, nightclubs and audiences may be able to drink, dance, and until the 20th century after the latter, The division between "high" and "low" music forms widely from the popular style of music heard in bars and dance halls, better quality, more advanced "art sound
However, from the 1980's to the 1990's, music scholars studying this recognized division between "high" and "low" music genres, this distinction is a rather different kind of music, This distinction was mainly based on the socio-economic position or social class of players or audiences of different types of music. For example, audiences of classical - symphony - concerts usually earn more than average revenue, but crowds in the center of the city wrap - concert gains income below the average Non - "art" music performers, audiences, Or the venue may have a low socio-economic status, but blue, tapping, punk, funk, or ska,
When a composer introduces the style of music that breaks up with the convention, there may be strong resistance from academic music experts and popular culture. Late Beethoven String quartet they were first introduced, Stravinsky ballet score, Syrianism, Bebepp era jazz, Hip hop,
Such themes are being studied in sociology of music. Sociological studies of music, also called sociology, are often pursued in the sociology, media research, or music department and are closely related to the field of folk musicology.
Music in us
Everyone of us has music. And it is a scientifically proven fact, not an abstract statement. The molecule of DNA is the "sound" inside us, and it is very important if the music from the outside matches the music inside us.
Small tits. :
Research on the influence of music, sound, music, synthesis of science and art, Veda, chakra
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Everyone of us has music. And it is a scientifically proven fact, not an abstract statement. The molecule of DNA is the "sound" inside us, and it is very important if the music from the outside matches the music inside us.
Scientists pay great attention to research on the influence of human music. The interest in such research has increased recently, and the result is interesting and persuasive. For example, after listening to classical music, cows increased the yield of cow milk, mimosa and petunia grew faster and bloomed two weeks earlier. 120 Milk breast mother participated in the experiment in Japan. Some women listen to classical music and other women listen to pop and rock music. In the first group the amount of milk increased by 20 percent, in the second group - twice decreased.
Such research is an attempt to synthesize science and art (music). However, in ancient India, science and art was considered to be part of a single creativity. All knowledge of ancient India can be found in Vedas (Holy Indian Bible) and one of the four major Vedas Sama-Veda is fully devoted to music. According to Veda, the creation of the world began with the primitive sound "OM" that appeared during the division of Almighty (Sadashiva) and his creative energy (Adi Shakti). "OM" is the foundation of the universe, it was the sound of the first music.
Human subtle system consists of 7 main chakras (energetic center) and 3 spirit of man, emotional and physical life activities, 7 channels of our subbodies are specific Frequency and shape and form an octave consisting of seven tones of appropriate altitude. Make each chakra an interval that should be reflecting the interval. These tones were called sound tones ("svars" of Indian music). They sounded sa, re, ga, ma, pa, da, ni and they are tailored to chakra from the beginning to the seventh. 5 notes can create 5 additional sounds (left and right sides of the chakra) and change (rise and rise). Therefore, these notes are a subtle body built in, representing the ideal "repository" of information, repository of those emotions, feelings, wishes and thoughts, composers and performers
While listening to music, people are affected somewhat by subtle levels that appear in the body later. The same note can bring destruction or good, which depends on the person's internal state. For example, anger, attack, drug addiction with the power to dominate the minds of composers and musicians is reflected in his music. It is a maliciousness that only reflects that style and music. Such music may harm not only musicians but also those who hear it. Obviously, people are carefully minded, as there is no mind. They created only classical music that has its roots in a wide variety of folk music and folk music.
Let 's listen to the music that suits our music.
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