An article on why information overload and IO are still a threat of underestimation of productivity.
It's tough. :
Information overload, knowledge management
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Information overload is an interesting phenomenon. Everyone knows that it is a major obstacle to productivity, but asking people and thinking about how they can handle it in a systematic way
For example, do you agree that information overload has adverse effects on your day? And: When did you finally take the time to think about how you could handle it more effectively and consciously? I'm not just talking about quick fix solutions that just reduce information consumption (which is often a subconscious solution), but
There are many of these two issues that answer honestly to oneself and the particular paradox. It may be a bold statement, but information overload may have problems with one of the most "negative consequences" of "what is being done about it".
One is the incremental cost of IO, people underestimate them and the other is that the cost of information overload is less noticeable.
The incremental costs of IO can be best demonstrated when trying to quantify them. For example, a US research firm, Basex, has made this attempt by focusing on the cost of disruption to the communications media. Basex begins to examine the impact of IO on knowledge workers per hour before extrapolating it across the US economy. The damage being done is a frequent interruption (which reduces productivity) which feels a little annoying at the moment we experience them. However, at the end of the day (or year), if we take all the costs together, it has accumulated in something of huge size.
I don't want to be too philosophical here, but it seems that progressive underestimation lies in human nature. For example, most people once realized how quickly a small amount of money spending can add up to something important. Or if we first hear about the impact of interest rates over a long period of time, for example, if we invest in a certain financial product today, about the same decade for them the same phenomenon undermines the damage we are taking overall It may be a task with too much information to evaluate.
However, information overload is even more troublesome than this. An example of spending money is to realize it sometime (when you see the statement of the bank at the latest!). Unfortunately, there is nothing to count the cost of information overload, so it does not look very good even after the damage is done. Therefore, we are not fully aware of damages and will continue as before without adapting to address the issue.
Therefore, information overload, despite its well-known presence, still bears the full treatment worthy of it All knowledge workers treat IO in the best way possible You need to spend some time to think of a way. Advice for this post.
Information overload: Do not be careful not to overwhelm them
The manager is immersed in a lot of information from the people who report to them, it. The answer is in my hands.
It's tough. :
Information overload, communication, management, people management
Article body:
It has become increasingly difficult to sift through nuggets of true knowledge from piles of data thrown to us from all directions. Of course, in the age of unlimited access to information through the Internet and traditional sources, most of us try to embrace too much, and we have no wonder the overwhelming feeling.
But if you are an executive or manager, there is one way you can cut back with this data dump: email messages, notes, reports and
I do not propose to refuse to accept information from your people. Honestly, half an inch thick when you want a remarkable fact or a main figure
You ever sit in front of the slides covered with figures, turn around them, read them out, and then sit through a monthly financial presentation These presentation messages are generally "here" The budget is what we actually did. "
Just think of all the time this took, both for people who worked hard to put it together (they are afraid of much presentation much, did it really help you? Or just add data to the dump Did you do?
Fixing this universal problem not only saves, but also reduces the possibility that corporate money is so significant at all levels of stress in the workplace. But it does not fix itself. If you don't speak, listen to these presentations and read those long reports monthly until the end of your career!
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