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Is your teen an entrepreneur?

Do you want to have your own Bill-Gates of creating your home? It is a child who continues to be entrepreneurial spirit whether it is easy or not to be able to do as a parent. Some children make it very clear that the normal nine-to-five is not part of the future. For others, you may need to look a little more.

It's a simple question about teens, teens, entrepreneurship. If your answer is "Yes". ..

It's tough. :
Teen business, home business

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Do you want to have your own Bill-Gates of creating your home? It is a child who continues to be entrepreneurial spirit whether it is easy or not to be able to do as a parent. Some children make it very clear that the normal nine-to-five is not part of the future. For others, you may need to look a little more.

It's a simple question about teens, teens, entrepreneurship. If your answer is "Yes", that is probably the case.

1. Does she ask what she can do to get more benefits? Is she willing to take a job around the house instead of hanging out with her associates in the mall? Does she do her chores and use vitality and excellence?

2. Did she have the best lemonade stand on the block? She went extra miles to make sure her position was profitable and her products and services have brought customers many times.

3. Does she value more flexibility and independence than the "certain things" of hourly work? Solder comments Good stuff "" Is it just a flipping hamburger or a pink t-shirt?

4. Is she working well on her own? In her free time is she thinking about other ways to make money or start a business? Will she jump, make it quick and efficient when giving her a job or chore around home?

5. Is she a self learner? Does she spend time studying and reading for and outside of her school work? She has a computer to her advantage

Certainly, if you have a budding young entrepreneur among you, you may still want to start her now with her own business, but before it's in college now and in the future, she I will serve you well!

Is a limited company the right entity for your business?

As an operating company for the day Or do you have another, easier option? Limited liability company (LLC), the latest type of corporation that exists in the United States. Limited-For an ideal marriage between the tax benefits of the partnership and the limited liability feature of the corporation, LLC has the place of your business structure

It's tough. :
llc, incorporate, corporation, small business, home based business, accounting, irs, deduction, business law, tax, real estate planning

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As an operating company for the day Or there is another, easier option. You've probably noticed that in the past decade there are more and more businesses with names that precede the letter "LLC" instead of "Inc." "LLC" stands for limited liability company, in the United States, The latest type of corporation that exists, and for many entrepreneurs it is now available in taxable partnerships with limited partnerships --- even to the non-US. Citizens -In most cases, LLC should have an important place in your business structure.

When it comes to being a corporation for doing business, a limited liability company is the newest kid on the block in the United States. Wyoming first passed the law to establish this new entity in 1977. By 1999, all fifty states of the United States had enacted legislation permitting the formation of this exciting new legal entity.

But why isn't it attractive to legislators because LLC is so attractive? And why so many entrepreneurs chose LLC instead of "C" Ltd, or even "S" Ltd? And most importantly, how do you decide if it is right for you?

Perhaps the most important reason is because of the popularity of LLC, which meets the demands of both accountants and lawyers. Accountants tend to prefer limited * partnerships ("LP") as they are concerned about the risk of "double taxation" if their clients use a corporation In general, they prefer greater asset protection provided by limited liability that the corporation must provide to all owners.

Let's understand what a limited liability company is. Basically, it is a partnership between owners called "members". Because it is a "pass-through entity", LLC is like a limited partnership (and S-Company)-there is no separate tax for each partner's or annual net gain or loss LLC itself. On the one hand, LLC is also like a corporation, because unlike a limited partnership--responsible for all consequences of all decisions and actions of the partner

People basically choose to establish Llc, for the same reason as establishing S-corporation or limited-partnership. An LLC like S-Inc will put in a high tax bracket and be able to offset that income of losses that you can normally expect to bear in your first year of business when I formed my first business entity Twenty years ago, my husband and I chose S-Inc. Both of us put us in high tax brackets and had salary income, and our new consulting business was great in the first few years After all, we faxed them to operate Purchase new equipment, such as laser-printers, personal computers and replaceable supplies We also know that it takes time to build a customer, so the income from the business is a number to take off It will take years. S-Corporate has enabled the company to carry the losses it incurred to individual 1040 tax returns. The loss was deducted from our personal salary and we paid dramatically lower taxes.

If you can get this benefit from S-corporation, why do you care about LLC? LLC has many advantages over S-corporation:

1. First of all, LLC, S-Corporate has no restriction on who can be a member of LLC. Only individuals, property, trusts and other S-corporations can be members of the S-corporation. Individuals (shareholders) must be US citizens or residents. In contrast, LLC is not subject to these limitations. In this way, it was possible to combine with the ideal body, and the business system was created for other actors. For example, legal entities or other legal entities can be members of LLC.

2. LLC has much greater rights, benefits, and flexibility for asset allocation than Company S. That is, each share of the share has the same rights as all other shares. This means that the distribution of profits and assets is very strict. Parties A and B are equivalent shareholders in the company, and if the company decides to distribute its profit of $ 10,000, A and B must receive $ 5,000 each, and must always partner or act if it is fair. Make a profit on LLC enables A to receive $ 2,000 if the business activity produces 80% of the profit and leaves the remaining 20% ​​or $ 2,000. This is very attractive for partnerships where there is a big difference between the amount of capital that the partner is contributing to the business and the ongoing business activities.

3. LLC is not subject to the required corporate procedures of S or C corporation. While still having to maintain proper LLC records and bookkeeping, LLC does not require that it be maintained by the board and maintain a regular board minutes.

4. Unlike S-Company, LLC clearing is generally not a taxable event. As your personal and business financial situation changes over time, maintaining a "pass" entity for your business is also relative to your interest First year or two of your business relatively If you start to turn regular profits after high costs, you (it's a personal service corporation where you are operating as an S-Corporate, you liquidate to shareholders (s) at their fair market value If you liquidate it by selling the asset, liquidation This does not apply to LLC This is one of the particularly attractive factors for LLC to hold real estate.

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