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It is easy to confuse the concept of


It is easy to confuse the concept of "virtual reality" and "real computerized model (simulation)".

Small tits. :

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It is easy to confuse the concept of "virtual reality" and "real computerized model (simulation)". The former is a self-contained universe and has sufficient "law of physics" and "logic". It can withstand whether it resembles the real world. It may or may not be consistent. It can interact with the real world. In short, it is an arbitrary environment. In contrast, the real model needs to have a direct and strong relationship to the world. It must obey the physics and logic rules. If there is no such relationship, it will be meaningless. Flight simulators are not very good in the world without airplanes or in the world neglecting the laws of nature. Technical analysis programs are useless in the absence of stock exchanges or in mathematical mistakes.

However, the two concepts are frequently confused computers that reside in a cell. Computers are self-contained (but not closed) universe. It is software of operation data of hardware and data which is included in the software. Therefore, by definition, it is virtual reality. It has versatility and can correlate the reality with the outside world. I am trying to refrain from it. This is the sinister "what if" of Artificial Intelligence (AI). What happens if a computer refuses to correlate the reality of its manufacturer with its internal (virtual) reality? What if it imposes our own reality on us and makes it privileged?

In a movie that appeals visually, "matrix", a variety of AI computers take over the world. It harvests human embryos in a laboratory called "field". It then feeds them through a strict viewing tube and keeps them immersed in gelatinous liquids of cocoons. This new "machine type" draws energy demand from the power generated by the billions of human bodies stored in this way. A sophisticated, popular computer program called "Matrix" generates a "world" where the consciousness of unfortunate human batteries resides. Calm down on their shells, they walk, talk, work and see you making love. This is a tangible, olfactory illusion skillfully made by the matrix. The computing power seems to be distant. This generates a minutest detail and data sequence with a stunningly successful effort to maintain the illusion.

A group of human villains succeed to learn the secrets of the queue. They form the basement, live on a ship, and loosely communicate with the city of Halcyon called "Zion", the last fortress of resistance. In one of the scenes, Cypher, one of the rebels' deficiencies. (Fantastic) rubicund wine and (spectral) on juicy steak glass, he raises the main dilemma of the movie. Or is misfortune survive that freedom of freedom - is it better to live happily with complete detailed delusions?

Matrix will control the minds of all humans in the world. That is the bridge between them, as they are interconnected through it. It makes them share the same vision, smell and quality. They remember. They compete. They make decisions. Matrix is ​​complex enough to allow this lack of determinism and the universality of free will. The fundamental question is, is there some difference between decision making and making sure of it (not making it)? If you do not know the existence of a matrix, the answer is no. It is the same state that makes decisions from inside, as part of the matrix, and seems to be making them. Only external observers who possess perfect information on both matrix and human can know the difference.

In addition, if the matrix was a computer program of infinite complexity, the observer (finite or infinite) is that decision is matrix or human, and the matrix is ​​arbitrary for all intents and purposes Because it is infinite compared to a single heart ,, tube nutrition, individual - it will be "to make a decision" and "to be decided" Individuals within the matrix can not tell the difference his or her life The matrix may be deterministic, but this determinism is not accessible to individual minds due to the complexity.A trillion deterministic When facing the way one is justified to feel that exercising a free and unrestrained will in choosing one of them is justified. Free will and determinism are at a certain level of complexity Ward Can not.

But this matrix is ​​this world. It is not the same. This is certainly intuitive knowledge, but this does not detract from its firmness. If there is no subjective difference between the matrix and our universe, there must be objective things. Another important sentence is uttered by Morpheus, leader of rebels. Although the matrix gives the impression that it is, he says to the "chosen" (Messiah) that it really is the year 2199 1999.

This is where the matrix and the reality diverge. Although both experienced humans find them unidentifiable, they are objectively different. In one of them (queue), people do not have objective time (although it is in the queue). The other (reality) is dominated by it.

Under the spell of the matrix, people feel like time passes. They are working watches. The sun rises and sets. The seasons change They die old. This is not completely an illusion. Their body is decaying and die like they are we are not exempt from the law of nature. But their consciousness of time is that there is sufficiently sophisticated knowledge of the Computer Matrix to maintain a close correlation between the human physical condition (his health and age) and the consciousness of the passage of time There is. For example, its asymmetry - basic rules of time are part of the program.

But this is exactly that. The time in the minds of these people is not induced in reality but is generated in the program. It changes there and is not a derivative of an irreversible (thermodynamic and other) process. I think that it is part of the computer program of the head computer program. Their body is static and degenerate in the protective nest. Nothing happens in their hearts. They have no physical impact on the world. They do not introduce changes. These things distinguish between matrix and reality.

As a reality "face-to-face interaction must take place to modify, the data flow is when the reality affects the minds of people (like the matrix) Front side, but also the required type of data flow It is when people know the reality and influence it.The matrix causes the sense of time of people as much as the universe causes our sense of time.Something happens there, In this sense, the matrix is ​​genuine, it is these human reality.This maintains the requirement of the first type of data flow.The people have it They do not know or do not irreversibly affect it or they do not change matrices. Paradoxically, the rebels affect the matrix (They almost destroy it.) By doing so, they really make it, and in reality it can not change anything irreversibly.

Applying this dual track test, "virtual" reality is a definitive type of reality at this stage, but in reality. It only exists in the heart of the town, it has an influence. Our choice and action irreversibly changes the state of the system. This changed state, in turn, affects our mind. This interaction is what we call "reality". With the advent of probabilistic and quantum virtual reality generators - the distinction between "real" and "virtual" disappears. A matrix is ​​thus not impossible. But it is possible - it is not real.

Appendix - God and Godel

At the encounter between the second movie of the Matrix series - "Matrix Reloaded" - Neo ("One") and the architects of the Matrix (light camouflage god, white beard and all) Six, which is a reincarnation, Zion, a shelter of people separated from the matrix, was destroyed before and even destroyed again

Architects reveal that the attempt to make the matrix "harmonious" (perfect) failed. In this way he was forced to introduce an element of intuition into the equation to reflect the unpredictability of human nature and "grotesque". This built-in error accumulates over time and tends to threaten the existence of the matrix itself.

God seems to be unaware of the important work of the eccentric, Czech-Austrian mathematical logicologist, Kurt-Gedel (1906-1978). His two theorems and acquaintances will save a lot of time to the architect.

The first incompleteness theorem of Gödel is that a sufficiently consistent axiomatic logic system to express mathematics has a truth but not provable statement ("can not decide") in some cases (the system is consistent with omega If there is sexuality), both that sentence and its denial can not be proved. Because all the texts are not determined as true or false by being proved or refuted.

The second incompleteness theorem is even more surprising. A consistent formal logical system can not prove its own consistency. The system may be complete but then we have not shown consistency, using axioms and reasoning laws

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