We provide microsupport for IT support by regular volunteers or very cheaply. We can support IT for long-term customers because there is no good stone that can be used by small and medium-sized enterprises.
It's tough. :
IT support, IT support, computer
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Even before you print your business card or pick a company name, you need to know where to fit in the highly competitive market of IT support. You don't have to spend a lot of money and time to fix it later, so you don't have to make many expensive mistakes.
Where do micro SMEs get IT support?
Micro SMEs have 1 to 10 PCs from anywhere in the US with annual sales of $ 100,000 million. Where do they get IT support?
In addition, this list is an independent hotline, 1-800 numbers 900 numbers, different hardware vendors, software vendors are independent vendors as Isp.
That's where you see the service that meets anywhere from $ 1.99 to 2.99, min 3.99. There are also many different websites and forums. I'm looking for a forum for both vendor sites, a forum for independent sites.
IT support for volunteers for micro SMEs
The huge thing about small businesses is that it depends on volunteers. These businesses have PC savvy friends or family members who do their IT support for free. They can be frustrated that the in-laws that happen to know about computers can not get there from Saturday until a week, but he works for beer, pizza and donuts.
How do you compete for free?
Well, that's difficult. However, it can be used as a foothold for micro SMEs. Micro SMEs also get IT support from system builders, too. The White Box System Assembler assembles the system to basics from branded parts and assemblies.
Sometimes they will get support from retail store clerks 6-store clerks of the hours working in $ 10 consumer electronic stores, basically for those company mail orders equalivant
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