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Italy - San Diego

Little Italy in San Diego rapidly
Living in the perfect city neighborhood,
Shop, meal, or visit. Little Italy offers a great offer
Bay view, celebration of arts and culture, and
A wonderful cuisine.

Near street sign for Little Italy created with,
In 1999, the region shows that it is a heart and a soul
The signature of the inner community of San Diego really
Signals of peace, and can be found in the streets of India
Between the date and Fir.

Every year, there is almost a dozen festivals
Little - held in Italy. There are tons of holiday
Celebration, music, and art expo. During this
Time, Italy is alive for a moment.

The center of Little Italy is India Street. this is
There are lots of outdoor cafes, restaurants,
Gallery, and specialty store. Nearby Amici Park
Washington Elementary School's playground is offered
School and community park
Botch - Ball - Court

Big new than a little Italian region
New York, San Francisco, San Diego
The San Diego area is a little bounced back
Italy, proved to be a great place for sightseeing

La Jolla's Cave

La Jolla with the beach will give San Diego
There are also some very wonderful caves in the area. cave
It's amazing for La Jolla tours, exploring, or for
Everyone wants to see La Jolla's best.

Engraved on the sandstone cliff of La Jolla, there
Seven caves In most cases, you can visit
Seven of any of these caves at the sea kayak. However,
Everything is accessible on foot, but you should
Very carefully when the negative tide sweeps the area.

The sunny Jim's cave is one of the most popular ones
Well known cave in La Jolla. I will.
Through a cave shop by paying a small fee. there
145 steep steps is to get through the cave,
Which area is great for exploring and watching.

'S cave store There are a lot of things
Cave, including tours. If you plan to visit
The La Jolla area of ​​San Diego, the cave can be wonderful
A place to explore. Those guys your kids are coming
Along the way, I should remember the trip
Caution - As caves offer a lot of beauty -
They can also offer many dangers as well.


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