Before you go to the interview, why you deal with potentially difficult questions in a positive way you are asked, such as why you want to do this when you are leaving your current job Use these hints to do. .
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Questions about your current or recent work may be difficult. So make sure that it is prepared.
In an ideal world, we think that we will love every minute of work - we'll be on excellent rides with all our bosses and our colleagues. In this case, you rarely find another post. In the real world, the reason why you want to leave work is that you will not be with your boss or your direct superior, or the routine is boring and boring
However, I am considering it because it is not a job interview that is terrible. You must be a professional, and if you are providing a position, people in the interview will be your boss or colleagues and they will be on the first occasion
What are your questions about the history of your recent work? How do you get with your boss? How is your colleague? Why do you want to go out? What do you dislike about your work?
Let's start with the first two.
How do you get with your chief or your colleague?
Whatever the reality has to give a positive answer. You can say, for example, that you have a good business relationship, you have always discovered support that your boss is useful; asked for a specific flaw in your boss or cooperator If you do, do not be tempted to move anyone. This question is not about them, about you and your loyalty. It works as expected in a real environment where anyone worked against nothing, and it gets high. Honestly if you feel that none of the above answers can be given you can actually say about them and you can say about what they are positive
Why do you want to leave your current job?
The employer does not want to think that you jump onto the job from work, get bored soon, you are more interested in your activities after work, so this is the end of your contract, redundancy, or If you have obvious reasons such as moving to another area, say so. Because the redundancy many people hesitated remembers, it will be redundant posted.
Does nothing happen to be tired of death?
Please think carefully why you are applying for the job in question. What do you think you are doing, is it your current job? Money and long holiday are wrong answers. If these are the real reasons, you may get bored with this work. Examine what the company has to offer. It will give you the opportunity lacking in your current post, for example to develop existing skills or learn new things? Or specific qualifications or abilities not required in your current post, Do you have a chance to use like a foreign language? Is there a possibility to receive new responsibility or receive mentoring that you can not do now?
What do you dislike about your work?
Again, attention is needed. If you say that you specifically hate something, it may be part of a new job.
You enjoy your job but feel ready for something more difficult or you learned a lot but now you have more responsibility
Bottom Line - Before applying for a new job you can give a positive reason to leave a clear motive for choosing old and new things
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