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Brand-Marketing The purpose is to make your brand name the top of the mind of the consumer with a mere mention of common terms related to the service of your company.

It's tough. :

Business, Internet branding, branding, web business, web branding

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Brand-Marketing The purpose is to make your brand name the top of the mind of the consumer with a mere mention of common terms related to the service of your company. Definitely the best way to keep that mindshare is by having a certain presence for your customers. With this day and age of e-commerce, there is no better place to turn than World-Wide-Web.

It is said that the market is a conversation. And the web is about the world of lightning speed as people are in e-mail messages, forums, chats, or blogs, and the conversations that are the largest in terms of information exchange are the way people talk about your brand on the web, as a company Make your reputation or your brand's reputation as a product or service

This is where blogs come in handy. Massive democratization of content-the emergence of the so-called Web 2.0 has begun with an unprecedented concept in the media and related industries. Web 2.0, among other things, can basically be the creator of the information consumer content itself. The web is moving away from central editing control, such as newspapers and magazines, and content. Today's most popular website is not controlled by a single central group, but most communities are included at

Blogs have allowed individuals or groups to join in a large conversation. Write about anything online, someone will eventually read your post. If it seems that the person can choose to speak, the conversation begins. The great thing is that this conversation is open to the public and anyone can join.

At the start of the blog, you can talk about your company's services or the companies you currently have. It's great to read what you wrote, write on your blog, comment on you and respond. You now have a direct line to your consumer base. Is that great? You can now get a feel for what consumers want. What's more, your presence on the web improves your brand awareness.

Also consider adding many to your own team blogger-employees, customers, customers (or hiring free) effects. Your company is no longer represented by a cold facility. Your brand is represented by name, by face-that blogger!

One of the notable successes of the "Brand" blog effort is "Evil Empire to a large number of people considered Microsoft's software giant." For so long, Microsoft's cold establishment of stone It is a microcosm. For important figures such as Bill-Gates and Steve-Valmer, there were no human faces for officers and officers that people really don't know. The Microsoft brand name was also suffering due to the antitrust case being filed here and there. Is supposed to do something, or "bad" from the Microsoft brand

In order to shift away from this all, Microsoft, in 2004, decided to allow employees to blog publicly-one's mid-level manager with Robert Scoble's name in 2004 Stood out with his deep opinions and innovative ideas on technology. He was able to communicate with the rest of the world about the internal workings of his company successfully, and wipe out the myths about the company along the way. He is now considered to be the Microsoft persona in the blogosphere. The blog is now part of his job description. He is also one of the most popular blogging personalities in the world.

Any business company-no matter how big or small-can use blogging to the benefit of their brand. If you are a startup that needs exposure, or you support a more human approach to doing a better business, that stone cold

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