Liver disease is more common in cats than commonly achieved. It is important to realize that if left untreated, the liver is closed and the cat will die. Literally, your cat is starving. One of the earliest symptoms is jaundice, which shows as the yellow coloring of whites of the cat's eyes.
Because of differences in signs and symptoms, it is difficult to identify cats suffering from liver disease. Some may show decreased appetite, weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, depression and jaundice. Other cats pass pasty looking stools and display inappropriate urination and cleansing behavior. This happens because fatty liver disease squeezes the liver by rapid fat accumulation and simply shuts down.
Recovery from liver disease requires immediate medical treatment. Treatments depend on the cause and may include antibiotics for bleeding, coagulation treatments, intravenous fluid therapy, appetite stimulants, anti-emetics and diet management.
When preparing a diet plan for a cat with liver disease, he needs a moderate amount of high quality protein diet, and most of the cat's calorie intake is a non-protein source preparing your own food If the meal is based on eggs, cottage cheese, rice, liver is recommended. Your cat may also need multivitamin supplements
Small, easily digestible, and frequent meals are generally recommended. Many experts also recommend organic foods because they are not exposed to chemicals, artificial colors or preservatives.
It may seem like a lot of work, but it is worth the effort to prepare the special meals you need. When you can see by supply without needing cats, cats became sick. You need to keep your eyes close to his eating habits.
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