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Located in Muslims who love peace, expressed ordinary human concern

Muslim masses and most inexcusably, Muslim clergy, in general Scythe Dallas talk of murder terrorists and frenzy about lunatics defenders So there we are such a rare and wonderful tidal stream We began our insatiable quest to find out if we might find it.

We are willing to tell you that after a massive search, in fact, we were able to find at least one such exceptional discriminating soul, willingly revealed, There may be other people, but not only is it visible to the eye unless it is judged that the manga is aggressive.

Small tits. :
Humor, comedy, satire, political satire, laugh, jokes, news, news laughter, newslaugh, lol, laugh, spoofing, skit, skit

Article body:
Muslim masses and most inexcusably, Muslim clergy, in general Scythe Dallas talk of murder terrorists and frenzy about lunatics defenders So there we are such a rare and wonderful tidal stream We began our insatiable quest to find out if we might find it.

We are willing to tell you that after a massive search, in fact, we were able to find at least one such exceptional discriminating soul, willingly revealed, There may be other people, but not only is it visible to the eye unless it is judged that the manga is aggressive.

Please do not hesitate to contact us, customer award Muslim? Why in the most appropriate place - at ground zero, he is hired as an engineer and is working on rebuilding the area after the 911 murder crime. He invited us to meet him at work, just as we are concerned that Muslims are involved in such a noble and ransom construction process

Below I will detail the interview with him and our completely fun and encouraging, this, we hope, inspirits better in all the Muslims in general

NewsLaugh: According to the questionnaire, are you a peace-loving Muslim?

Muslims who love peace: Yes, I am.

NewsLaugh: Good for you. We also understand you are contemporary oriented.

Peace-loving Muslims: I am sure.

NewsLaugh: I am glad to meet you.

Muslims who love peace: I am happy bullying.

NewsLaugh: Do you think that only you love peace and are contemporary Muslims, may there be other people?

Peace-loving Muslims: Oh, there are millions of things, I guarantee you.

NewsLaugh: Really? How do you contact them?

Peace-loving Muslims: people who love peace usually do not news. They wake up, work, do something like going to feeds for kids.

NewsLaugh: Yes, of course. We are such a well-known myself. But why do Muslim clerics rarely talk about all violent activities committed under the name of Islam?

Peace-loving Muslims: There are few, but I agree. But you must understand it, because they love peace, if you notice they are not shouting loudly like Muslims, crazy people generally do not I cry, but peaceful people like to continue such conversations.

NewsLaugh: Yes, of course. Thinking that quietly suspects monster perpetrating those of Allah's crime?

Muslims who love peace: I think not. I can not really imagine religious people Allah is looking at the side of murder. But, of course, you need to allow all the possibilities. My Muslim priest is a very peaceful person who thinks that Osama and his companions are mad men who unjustly hurt our religion.

NewsLaugh: I congratulate his insightful butt.

Muslims who love peace: I will inform him of what you said.

NewsLaugh: Where were you born?

Muslims who love peace: Pakistan.

NewsLaugh: Oh, Osama - Bin - Laden is probably hiding.

Peace-loving Muslims: I think President Mushararaf thinks that as the country that he is able to do to help the United States catch him

NewsLaugh: Good point. Are you an engineer?

Muslims who love peace: Yes, I am.

NewsLaugh: It means that you read the number of books other than the Koran. How did you derive that wonderful result?

Peace-loving Muslims: Well, I felt that Allah gave me a brain, so he wanted to use it for me. There are not a lot of mathematics in the Quran, which was always good at mathematics. So I think that it was not very interested in Mohammad. Everything in Allah's work that reveals nature by looking at elements is a perfectly natural way. It corresponds to all events like a perfectly natural movement of waves. Allah is the only mathematics that you only know.

NewsLaugh: Well, there are not so many mathematics in religious books I can think of to convey the truth to you. But it is another interview. How did you come to love peace? Read the thesis, watch the news, people get the idea that Muslims are generally quite violent and a lot backwards in all.

Peace-loving Muslims: There are many, I admit it. It is not that I think wrong. I do not think there is something like erroneous knowledge, so they can not be said to have erroneous knowledge. I also do not believe that much knowledge is necessary to love peace. My parents who are receiving very little education are very peaceful people. So it is not an educational problem. That is a matter of prospects. I am loving the murder by Allah, that I love the latter, and I think that Allah prefers my actions for that, and he wants a paradise for us If you are preparing, peace-loving action there

NewsLaugh: What do you think? Since the logical approach expecially, Allah is another masterpiece by God. How did it become a modern mind?

Muslims who love peace: Well, that was pretty easy. I grew up with eyes and ears open. The world around me was often backwards, but I knew the outside world. I wonder if it is modern or not, because it is a potential thing Allaah added to it, I adjusted it and in fact I helped to move it, I am a modern world, an antibiotic And I think that I have blessed my life with enhanced inarguable functions such as air conditioners.

NewsLaugh: Is there any possibility that other Muslims will come to think like you?

Peace-loving Muslims: Well, it depends on what they hear loudly, scattering outside world, scattering each other, or their inner voice, they are the whole one, they are also Muslims You can also blow up It's running around running blowing other people acting as if they do not have a life or wealth This is one reason why their behavior is harmful. Every time a Muslim blows something or someone, we decide to teach us that non-Muslims are not one way like this behavior

NewsLaugh: Yes, we are also wondering about that.

Muslims who love peace: To paraphrase you, bless their cigarette butts. But how violent Muslim actions can harm non-violent people and their property depends on how much peace-loving Muslims are afraid

NewsLaugh: Well, it is certainly a pleasure to meet you. We are pleased to know that there are modern-oriented Muslims who love at least one peace in the world. It will give us hope. I hope your idea will spread.

Peace-loving Muslims: Otherwise, I may decide to become Buddhism. I have read about their beliefs, and if you have to trust ancient religions to make life and peace, it is a pretty good choice

Newslaugh: Well, it is certainly a more peaceful choice. We do not hear that many Buddhists will blow up non-Buddhists. If you decide what, we will deliver the information.

Muslims who love peace: Thank you. Now, if you forgive me, I must return to rebuilding the ground zero, it is a Muslim who I am humiliated other Muslims

Pat - Robertson confesses! God upset with him, tell him he lost his mind

Pat * Robertson, God reported that he said there was a possibility that a storm like the tsunami hit the US coast this year, triggered by his report transparent, he said, "Pat, You lost your mind. '

"Of course, I was surprised and asked why he would ever think of something like me.

"God began to ask," You reported what I said to you in the United States America needs to assassinate the leaders of Wugo Chavez, Venezuela '

I confessed "Yes, it was."

"And you recently taught the people I told you that this year I am planning to send a horrible storm to batters as batters?

"I also confessed.

"But Pat, if I am a benevolent human, please ask yourself the people expect me to do and how I am telling those horrible things'

"Did not I?" I asked.

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