The procedure for making your own unique music box is as follows.
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Can creative crafts like challenge that enjoys human love and can not contain your own music box for this? Here the direction is unique and the music is done in the world.
Things necessary
Unfinished recipe box 5 ½ wide * 3 ½ deep * 4 high 18 notes key wind musical movement T bar winding key, ¼ "de 'coupe sandpaper wood sealer. Stamp with a photograph of the trip, greeting card or postcard Decorative accessories for a music box like the classification of Brown Super appellated strike of Brown
Acrylic paint color: blue gray, adhesive, spray sealer, industrial strength adhesive Adhesive adhesive gloss spray sealer, tool and brush, drill ½ "drill bit hammer old picture
Collect in stages
1. Use sandpaper, sandbox, apply old paintbrush and apply wooden sealer to box by following manufacturer's instructions. Dry thoroughly.
2. Paint inner and outer box with blue gray acrylic paint, use a paintbrush.
3. Apply a thin layer of decoupage to the side of the box and lid by working with an area of about 3 "square at a time by using the old paintbrush.Position the stamp on the side of the box and lid, The stamp should be laid out so that it can be cut later opened at the beginning between the lid and the box. Using a ruler and an X-act knife, cur greeting card to fit in the top of the box Please apply a thin coat of decoupage over the lid and place the card in place.
4. Apply a thin layer of sticky adhesive to the wrong side of one super suede strip using the old paintbrush. Push the strip into the box, start from the front left corner below, __ "from the side and 1½" box. Slide the buckle and make a small hole to accommodate the buckle stem at the center 1 "from the end Corner of the 45 degree angle super suede strip cut using scissors. Remaining Repeat the Ultra Suede Strip at an angle of 45 degrees.The remaining Super Strip side box for the process is to be thoroughly dried.
5. Now use the X-acto knife, carefully cut the opening between the box and the lid and start the back.
6. Next, drill from the bottom "Holes in the middle of the box" φ. Use industrial adhesives, gluing the movement of the music in the box and confirm that the winding key shaft is in the center of the hole. Dry it thoroughly.
7. Carefully hammer the corner bracket of the box. Rotate the back side of the box, catch the center latch, carefully hammer the nails. Then catch the hook key latch and the wind. It is a picture of a vacation favorite vacation.
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Make your own beat, instrument, track, and demo Cd
Many people make excellent living things to sell internet thier samples, trucks, and no major record labels and no cd's. Just look at the internet. People are paying $ 30 to $ 60 for small beat and sound package, $ 50 to $ 100 for small loop set and beats and $ 100 to $ 300 for the instrument, not .. "It is not about money"! They sell millions. .
Small tits. :
Beat, makeup, beat, instrument, track, demo, cd, song, music, rap, hip hop, hip hop, drum
Article body:
Many people make excellent living things to sell internet thier samples, trucks, and no major record labels and no cd's. Just look at the internet. People are paying $ 30 to $ 60 for small beat and sound package, $ 50 to $ 100 for small loop set and beats and $ 100 to $ 300 for the instrument, not .. "It is not about money"! They sell millions of their cd's. There are lots of people and companies searching for new music everyday! They let you!
In the music industry, dream of big things or just make the necessary resources on this resource to write if you are interested in making some extra cash do what you love, your own beat There are loops, instrumental tracks, tracks, full demo cd. Also, it was possible for the necessary resources. As it is said, let's go to the part you are waiting for. .
Part I: Make your own beat, instrument, sample, loop, track, and complete demo Cd. .
Several things are necessary to do this. Please note that it is recording studio software. With recording studio software you cd to the customer's copy track with a song rap that records that you will be able to make beats, melodies, chords, samples and routes to create your own customized instruments and tracks.
This type of software is the Internet. Just search "make your own beats" or "recording studio software". As you search, on average you will notice that this type of software runs between $ 50 and $ 200. Now (you will see why) So now you're going to need beats, melodies, chords, samples and customizing looping studio software, alias for your recording studio software: sau Again, simply "beat "Or" Loop "will be searched. They are usually $ 200 in a package of about 200 sound sets, $ 60 in a loop set of 300, or $ 60 in a loop set of 600 with a sound set of 600, or $ 150 in a loop set of 900. Do not buy them too!
Well so at least, $ 140 will get your low end studio * software, 200 sound set, and 300loopsets. .. If you want a little better quality studio * software and more sound sets and loop set, high end studio * software, 600 it means you have your own beat, instrument, sample, loop, track, complete Demo is all you need to make cd. But why did you say I will not buy it?
Studio software and hip hop Starz record producer and mixer studio (at the bottom of this article this is unprecedented price for everything you need, it makes me want to do it because you can get it all) I have dedicated the entire page of Snoop Dog's website, it is loaded with many features you will find in ceiling software you sell for $ 100 or more.They now also have Doug E Fresh and Records Holds winning the Contest Contest.The use and winning of this software!
So now you know how to make your own beat, instrument, sample, loop, track, even full demo cd, this is my next to the part ..
Part II: I will do it and earn money. .
There are many, many ways to earn money with your own music. The first thing you need to do is destroy it, though to the parts or parts we call them.
There are four main parts, or songs for every track. You have a sound set, but this is beat, sound, scratch etc. You can loopsets, soundsets and you can loop together. You have instruments that have completed tracks without voice or lyrics. Last click "Please click the track, basically in lyrics such as instrumental.
When you saw music from this angle, you break down into components, you will begin to see many ways to earn money by yourself. In the first report said like, pay only for people Completion track is an increasingly increasing part. You can create cases, people only good parts can buy.
Again these parts are for the Internet search. You can sell it as a result and you can sell it to places as well. As long as people are listening to music, there is always a demand for it and you can not see people stop at once.
If you are interested in learning how to make money with your own beat in more detail, I will check you Bob-Pants websites Bob * Baker to gain exposure with writers, indie musicians To the music of the former music devoted to showing all kinds of musicians He is also the author of guerrilla music marketing handbook, as seen in the main movies of rock school ... and VIBE, Music relations, electronic musicians and American Songwriter magazines. This is the man you should listen to. Here are some things to find on his website ...
- 197 promotional tips, independent tricks, and resources for independent musicians.
- Submit a press release 101 Places to discover pr connections and promote and review your music on the internet. Submitted to the exact web site or e-mail address of the item is music news.
- The 29 most important elements to create burning hot music promotional material. Required media kits are editors, writers, booking agents, program directors, and other industries.
- 50 ways to promote and sell your music on the internet.
- And more, such as guerrilla music marketing handbook of his spoilers.
I hope this report has proved useful to you, and if you make your own beat, track, even full demo cd
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