1. St. Anger
2. Metallica Reloaded
3. Early in early early days
4. Affected
5. Rock Monsters
6. Navigation Napster
7. Master of Dolls
8. Take the lightning
9. Wear Justice
10. Head banger ball
1. St. Anger
The band with metal in heavy metal is still returned in one of their heaviest albums. It is similar to their first album, it is return to the earliest times of Metallica and kills everything. Unlike their albums in the past decade, they are not there. .
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Music, metallica, mettalica, mettallica, band, rock 'n' roll, pop culture
Article body:
1. St. Anger
2. Metallica Reloaded
3. Early in early early days
4. Affected
5. Rock Monsters
6. Navigation Napster
7. Master of Dolls
8. Take the lightning
9. Wear Justice
10. Head banger ball
1. St. Anger
The band with metal in heavy metal is still returned in one of their heaviest albums. It is similar to their first album, it is return to the earliest times of Metallica and kills everything. Unlike their albums in the past decade, there is no single mellow song in this new release. That is the most difficult drumming and flat-out full throttle metal guitar that Lars Ulrich found in the year. This album is all about, hard and fast, straight down-to-business heavy metals.
2. Metallica Reloaded
A great addition to the album is a bonus DVD at the end of the video footage of the band and recording sessions. Metallica as a fun watch is a band that the band should do and not do. "This album is one of the necessities of this summer of rock.
3. Early in early early days
In a recent Rolling Stones interview, Metallica Lead Singer James Hetfield, one of his early days as a hard rock fan it was one of those two days' stuff. On the first night Ted - Newgent and Van - Heilen - No Aerosmith I must have been 15 or 16. I remember according to my friends who were selling drugs. He tore a piece of his ticket - it had something like the edge of the rainbow - and he cut it into bits and sold it as acid. "What did you do?" He spent money to buy beer. "
4. Affected
In the same interview, Hettfield cited one of his early influences, "I was a huge Aerosmith fan, I could not believe they were looking so close, I tried as hard as I could There are things that are not only people who really live as magic, but also photo albums, especially the real coolness of Joe - Perry, it is impossible for him to get cold, I was impressed I was Steven, "Oh, are you supposed to do it? "
5. Rock Monsters
The day of Jagermeister. James - Hetfield also acknowledges, the monster rock tour during the day has a big fog. Complete with Jagermeister shellacking. He says that it was okay to think that he was drunk and confused at the time, but in the end it was not wonderful. Too much negative impact. When the band returned to those towns there were lots of boyfriends looking for his father, mum, husband and him. not good
6. Navigation Napster
Put out your stunned CD burner. Metallica felt that the fan shaking the world of music is furious and they felt that Metallica was bullying the free system when they sued a company that offered a free swapping file sharing application that changed the flow of music history, Napster. After all, it was a band that was hurt by enthusiastic fans. As time went by, it would have been a parasite that dried a fine turnip.
7. Master of Dolls
Strangely enough, however, many fans went to a site where Metallica got a foothold on heavy metal when the band provided demo tape to several tape trading friends "Seven - Song - Album, Tape California From Germany to Germany until being scotched all over the world, dubbed and re-dubbed, and in some of the few short months the band is unclear with the army of world fans for free trade in music , I got up from everything.
8. Take the lightning
Here you need to have a list of fans of Metallica's album:
1. ... and justice for all
2. Master of Dolls
3. Take the lightning
4. Metallica (Black Album)
5. Reload
6. Kill everything
7. Load
There is no doubt that the latest outrage is St. Anger, these favorite.
9. Wear Justice
For the recent Ramones tribute album, Metallica joined U2, Tom * Waits, Garbage, Eddie * Breda, Red Hot Chili Pepper, Billy * Co Project overall was helmed by Shock Rocker, Robzombi. According to the zombie in an interview with the rolling stone, "All started with Johnny Ramone.It is an imitation Ramones to try to make people as familiar with their own way. Everyone who listened to Ramones started the band, This record shows that. "
10. Head banger ball
Hetfield said, "We are looking forward to spreading this new desire we have, Metallica has new strengths we have never had before, there are still horrible parts, but I set it pretty well I am really proud of the new music and I think that we did something that the pedal did not bring up.
Memorizing your piano lesson
People are debating the pros and cons of memory technology that is used in the acquisition of piano lesson lessons. Some of the champions of this technology line up a long list of advantages that they can arise from this technology.
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Article body:
People are debating the pros and cons of memory technology that is used in the acquisition of piano lesson lessons. Some of the champions of this technology line up a long list of advantages that they can arise from this technology. Their main argument for the suitability of this technology is to memorize that once the player acknowledges that they do not need a book to take the lesson or to play the piano, memorize once and start playing the instrument can do. Another advantage quoted by these people is that players do not need to distract attention to books. This focused attention brings better performance. In addition, you do not have to spend time turning over the book pages. Even if books are not available, add the advantage of the ability to play piano everywhere to it. The advantage can be extended to the extent that the player can play the piano in the darkness and can also be done by closing the eyes.
To the contrary, this technology is difficult to survive as a piano learning class for this technology. People with limited memory retention have drawbacks of using this technique. Even if the student is good, he may forget some parts of the lesson while he is going, this is his professional level lesson of plays and the acquisition of plays
It is important to know what you memorize while taking a piano lesson. In other words, which parts must be memorized so that performance is not compromised? One must be a very good listener to have a big chunk of pieces that are easily memorized. In addition, you need to try to memorize something that is starting practice. That is not the other way - you remember the same thing first after remembering.
You or your tutor can obviously separately analyze the piece by dividing it into parts that identify the units of rhythmic melodies and harmonics This analysis needs to memorize before mandatory . Experts also correspond to the language of the art of piano for those who advice. This technique adopts a simple procedure - you need to speak the student's lesson and practice at the same time. The memorization process can be strengthened with the help of visual memory.
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