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Microsoft Vista to support only Microsoft products.

Microsoft's new Vista operating system is only available for products at Microsoft. "Since Vista is a Microsoft product, what kind of reasons are there to support products created by other companies? If you want to use the program as it is, we are ourselves a desktop system.

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Microsoft's new Vista operating system is only available for products at Microsoft.

This announcement quickly caused a tsunami of fierce reaction from all other software companies and a new keen eye from regulatory authorities.

The company refused that this movement does not indicate monopolistic practices.

Steven - Ballmer, known to insiders from competing companies as Microsoft CEO, Embalmer said, "Because Vista is a Microsoft product, if you want products that other companies have made, , It is our own desktop system.

His announcement did not sufficiently ease representatives of other major software companies.

A Google representative said, "The new version of Internet Explorer has insufficient default settings for MSN search, now we do not exist there when people click on the option, which is not fair It seems, I admit, he is the default setting of Firefox by Google.

Bill Gates, who questioned the question of controversy, said, "I am strongly influenced by my surname all the time.

The problem is how to make Microsoft's claim that the court allows other companies to freely create their own desktop operating system

As far as the economy of the United States is concerned, the most important development seems to be happily adopted countlessly by countless lawyers as a result of pending gusts litigation.

Microsoft Postpones believe there are few plans

Your main original idea has been so far lower than Apple's price, not to mention a complex, the world's largest software

Of course, unless low down prices can be interpreted as a contribution of such a welcome, Microsoft often has at least one olive in the poor world

Let's see the imitation, not the history of innovation, but innovation.

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Humor, comedy, satire, political satire, laugh, jokes, news, news laughter, newslaugh, lol, laugh, spoofing, skit, skit

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Your main original idea has been so far lower than Apple's price, not to mention a complex, the world's largest software

Of course, unless low down prices can be interpreted as a contribution of such a welcome, Microsoft often has at least one olive in the poor world

Let's see the imitation, not the history of innovation, but innovation.

The Mac had a point and click, a drop-down menu, and the ability to leave multiple programs open at once, but Microsoft

But, until now, wit was never innovative, Microsoft was able to imitate the function in a way that kept the bar and the company in front of the finish! , The world had a window, then had an office.

How about the search? Google invented it in fact. Yahoo entered the game by obtaining proposals. Finally, we have trundling Microsoft with oaths to chase Google and Yahoo at favorable venues.

As recently as the news is not being embarrassed enough, now, Microsoft said it's own Billy-Cam - chasing the iPod with recently-held music and video players

And it adjusts to the amazing technological innovation that brings to your fingertips. Microsoft players have at least one feature on the iPod: wireless internet function. Therefore, those who express device preferences at the cash register can download music without connecting to the PC.

Tres strange, it is not, because of any advantage, Microsoft is longing to present to us the features that encourage users away from the PC

However, let's not admit that unfairly important and strange innovation also has a more sophisticated video screen.

In fact, let's say we always strive to be consistent, and let's say that Apple is actively justice as mentioning that it is not on imitation. After years of searching for the opposite soul, for example, Jobs and the crew finally went on so they did because if they were compatible with software controlling 90% of the world desktop.

The only costume that seems to be bent on sending a creative flame burning across the page in a way that is not compromised is goggles. But let's not let that founder's duo of the invention move the hook in small ways without a bit of dunk in a wide area of ​​imitation. As we learned all things, one of Google's greatest frontlines, how software is the same task that Microsoft sells on disk is how great its innovation is.

But taking tasks with Apple, Google, and Yahoo is a relative phrase.

A seemingly hopeless waiting time is due to the emergence of at least one revelation idea from Microsoft. Given the host of experienced technicians they have on their employment, the most unusual surprises is that we are still experiencing only sluggish expectations.

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