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Mom, would you like to leave the house and make money?

Question: I am staying at home mom and I want to contribute to my income. I do not want an online business though. I don't really like computers What can I do?
Take it out from here where you signed!

Get out of here!
With making money, there is still just another way of having the flexibility to be home when you want to be.

Here are just a few ideas.

Craft. If you have crafts, soaps, gems, paintings, or something else that you enjoy, you have the potential. ..

It's tough. :

Article body:
Question: I am staying at home mom and I want to contribute to my income. I do not want an online business though. I don't really like computers What can I do?
Take it out from here where you signed!

Get out of here!
With making money, there is still just another way of having the flexibility to be home when you want to be.

Here are just a few ideas.

Craft. If you have crafts, soaps, jewellery, paintings, or anything you enjoy, there is a potential income. Craft shows are fair, bazaar, church events and see where to book booths. It is an inexpensive way to test from a business idea. All you need is some basic supplies, such as inventory, which you can give as a gift or sell on eBay, and business cards if you do not sell.

Wedding photographer. Do you have a photo talent? You can work for yourself as a wedding photographer. Works only when you want and will be home with the children during the week.

Home nursery. You could do this If you love children and you are at home all day long, taking one child during the day or after school will help bring in a little cash and they will have their requirements As different, but first, check with the laws of your state.

Face painter. This job is in high demand. All and if you love your children, this can be a very meaningful way to make extra money.

House and office cleaning. The hourly wages for your schedule Housecleaners can be a gain, giving you a great try on the process.

As you can see, you can work in these ways. You can still attend school plays and be home when you need to, so be flexible to set your own schedule

Is your mother happy?

I am new to my home mom and I am just miserable. I love my baby but I miss my career and my co-workers. Returning to work is not an option. But I want to be happy. What can I do?
Miserable with Sign-MO

Dear miserable,
Doing a transition from a busy career woman to a stay at home mom, especially if you really enjoyed your work and your colleagues, I've been there!

Don't get me wrong Staying at home mommy is a great job. I have been doing all the time. ..

It's tough. :

Article body:
I am new to my home mom and I am just miserable. I love my baby but I miss my career and my co-workers. Returning to work is not an option. But I want to be happy. What can I do?
Miserable with Sign-MO

Dear miserable,
Doing a transition from a busy career woman to a stay at home mom, especially if you really enjoyed your work and your colleagues, I've been there!

Don't get me wrong Staying at home mommy is a great job. I have been a home mom for several years and I will not exchange home with my children for what. However, it was difficult to adapt to the transition from talking to an adult to talking to a man who fell all day.

So why

Take time for you. Get rid of guilt. You do not have to play with your baby 10 hours a day just because you are at home. I take a foot and a reading to some lotions. You are setting positive examples for your little ones where mommy is important. And every time you choose a magazine or book, reading is also reinforcing the notion that good. (Well, even if it's an excuse, it has been working for me for many years.) Yes, grab and loosen a book. As long as you keep the baby close and safe, you are just doing better.

Spend time on your marriage. Always love him who likes your partner. Whether you go to the night of the day or just sit together on the couch at night, show him that he's special to you.

"Random house syndrome" can not win that fight. Do at least one load of laundry daily-and clean it up. Every morning we have a clean kitchen just sleeping before the load dishwasher. You will feel a good day.

Keep fit. If you are unhealthy baby. Eat well, lots of water drinks, take every chance you get to a nap, and get fresh air and try to exercise daily. It is good for you and your baby. And keep it to a minimum, convenient when there is a drive-through fast food. Its sodium and grease do not help your mental or physical health.

Plan lunch date or grown time. Bring your baby for lunch to meet your colleagues. Or, if your baby doesn't handle the restaurant very well, have your friends during the weekend for barbeque or card games. I still live.

Of course, after the break with cancer Bruce and the unsafe baby around is that getting. I promise that you are not the first mother to enter the doctor's office and shed tears. Mother is a hard work. And that is the hell of adjustment.

Take care of you. Your baby needs a healthy and happy mommy. Your baby deserves it – so.

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