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Motivating Others-What is the Real Answer?

Whether you are an employer, managers, teachers and parents, some of us keen to get answers to older questions "How do we motivate others" Bob of the National Learning Institute * Selden suggests some new responses.

It's tough. :
Motivation, employee motivation, morals, new information, general recognition-management training

Article body:
Copyright 2006 National Learning Institute

So the economy and statistics are the taste of the month, or more specifically "Freakonomics" (Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner, Penquin Books 2006). In a quote from the website of Levit, "Leveraging the persuasive storytelling and sarcasm insights, Levit and co-author Steven * J * Dubner by the route," and Levit & Dunner, many interesting and sometimes interesting I need to tell a story that is disturbing (at least to me).

For example, take the case of a child care center where some parents had difficulty picking up their children late. It decided to raise pick up the $ 3 fee in the second half. As you guessed, this did not stop the parents in the second half, actually the number increased from about 8 to 20! With the introduction of charges, late pick ups were legitimmised and improved, just feeling guilty parents.

Levitt and Dubner suggest that in order for an incentive to be effective, it requires three economic, social and moral elements. In the case of parenting, raising late fees to $ 100, posting the names of late parents on the public list, and discussion of late pick implications for children and parents-group The answer is "yes".

Another example given is cigarettes. Levitt and Dubner, in the United States, there is no smoking law in tobacco (economics), restaurants (society), profits made by terrorist groups through the black market tobacco sales (moral) And they are correct.

But do you do an incentive job (and in this case it's a big "but")? Do they motivate people? The cover of their book suggests "I think that's fine". They can change people's behavior. But what do you get if you introduce incentives (including those involving three factors)? It is a commitment not to comply with the system. It is basic to repeat what you need to introduce an incentive again! And repeat, repeat! Once you can not stop them start-the right granted is the expected right.

Do you want compliant people or committed people as employers, managers, parents or teachers (or parenting center managers)? Wouldn't it be much easier to become an employer, manager, teacher or parent if the incentives were actually working the way they were intended? Unfortunately, incentives are not motivating but only change behavior, so removing incentives is one way people are likely to return to old behavior, even when those conditions change, they It seems likely to be left motivated. (Be aware that you don't assume anything – all questions, always equal correlation with causality. They are often not the same thing.)

As for the manager and compliance, my colleague Peter Nicholls co-worker recently wrote, "To manage the people just to have their staff decided to serve their vows daily to the organization, until the time of the knock-off they decided on. I served completely faithfully until the end of my home time However, at the moment, the manager will do so because of that compliance is the most common.

If you want as an employer, manager, parent or teacher, and if you want them, you will get them committed, rather than the people you follow.

There are three things you need to do:

1. Choose the best people, train, coach, develop and manage them well (parents and teachers may have some challenges in "selection" but certainly training, coaches, Open

2. Make sure that "the values ​​are consistent" between what they believe and what the organization believes.

3. There is not enough recognition to provide rewards (also incentives), as well as their respective motivations.

The first item, "People Selection and Training" is the topic of the future articles. In a previous article ("Is your employee motivated?" And "Are you evaluated recently?"-Http:// I clearly identified "Item Three," "Aware" Is laying out the case. For the rest of this article, I would like to focus on "value matching."

Why get a pledge as part of a "value" match? Researchers (to present interviews with focus groups as responses to multiple institutions and industries over the last 20 years:

• People combine roles (and sometimes configurations for configuration reputation)

• People leave organizations for bad management and leadership (as they might expect for better work or more money-decided to leave)

• People stay in the organization (assuming management and leadership. K.) Because they share the same value with them and with the organization working.

How do you get (and maintain) a "value match"? You can do it informally or officially.

In a recent discussion with the teacher, she said that her principal always focused on problem students. For example, during a break in the staff room, the principal continually asks the teacher about the problems the student has with the student. This encouraged a value match within the teacher who suggested that the best way to get noticed by the principal was to raise the "problem" student of the discussion with him. The value was informally one of the negative of the "problem" matched by the principal here. This contrasts very dramatically with the experiences of my own children, each of whom had good luck encouraging someone to have a positive sense of values, and as a principal someone he regularly You will be able to talk to the students during the break about what you were interested in and see on the premises. When he visits a classroom or gives a formal presentation to a student, he continually focuses on what positive a particular student has done (this is his informal with him Knowing the student's interest (and value) from the debate, and the positive thing their students were doing was the point of asking each teacher what

In a formal way, it is possible to uncover the "value match" by carrying out some team discussions with your people around the concept of "the world of the ideals" in this ideal situation people What do you do? "The outcome of the subsequent debate gives you a very good lead to the values ​​your people have in relation to work, organizations, schools and families.

About career check

Trust is difficult to come, especially if one does not know him. To achieve this, companies and people perform individual background checks to avoid fraud and damage.

An example is when people apply to work. A company must do a background check to see if the individual is for real or fraud. The human resource performer does this by having the applicant fill the form.

It usually has the applicant's name and other details. ..

It's tough. :
Background check

Article body:
Trust is difficult to come, especially if one does not know him. To make this happen, companies and people perform individual background checks to avoid fraud and damage.

An example is when people apply to work. A company must do a background check to see if the individual is for real or fraud. The human resource performer does this by having the applicant fill the form.

It usually has details such as the applicant's name and where the person worked before. Below, these people seek three people to be used as character references that work or know the individual.

Some companies do this because they are left to the hiring agent to do the necessary checks before transferring the person's application to the client's company

When calling a reference, there are questions such as time or ability that an individual knows that person. If the thing being called is a colleague or employer, there are questions about the person's strengths and weaknesses, why the person left, etc. If there is an opportunity, the company re-employes the person

Another way to do background checks is to go online. A person may have little need The applicant such as a social security number has a criminal record and other important details, but it is all worth it if the person is clean

Background checks are also performed when people apply for a loan at a bank. If this person has not done business with the bank, or if you have just opened an account recently, avoid being victimized by fraudsters or other criminal elements

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