Ne-Yo achieved many successes as a songswriter, a co-authored song for some popular artists including: Mary J. Blige, Marques Houston, Ru
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Shafer - Kimile - Smith is a songwriter at American R & B singer. Ne-Yo was known for the best co-authoring Mario 2004 number one hit, let me love you, then the second single of Lily Ne-Yo of my album, Ill became his first number one hit single.
Ne-Yo achieved many successes as a songswriter, a co-authored song for some popular artists including: Record contract with Mary J. Blige, Marquez Houston, Lou Colombia - Records Failing to fail, Neo was introduced to LAR eid of Def Jam Records who signed Neji on the spot.
In January 2006, Neo, staying thanks to the hit single, thanks to the release of his debut album in my own words to many success, its illness, both in the United States and the UK He is a success as an artist As experienced, Ne-Yo continued the joint writing songs for other artists, and currently Mario, Fantasia, Brito
Ne-Yo's name believed that the "Neo" character of Matrix played by Keanu Reeves could "see" music similar to how it could see the matrix Fri Neyo was Afircan Americans, Puerto Rican, and Chinese descent.
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Nellys' Ridin a succesful music & movie career
In 2002, Nelly got the best male rap solo performance and the best rap / singing collaboration, because of the shared reward with Kelly * Roland for the dilemma
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Nelly is one of America's most popular rappers. Born in Austin, Texas and grew up in its real name Cornell Iral Haynes, Jr., St. Louis, Missouri, Nelly, such a country grammar
In 2002, Nelly ranked the same year for that same year, with the best male rap solo performance and the best rap / singing collaboration, he was due to Kelly * Roland and shared remuneration for the dilemma, he was ranked # 39 Entertainment Weekly 2002 "101 most powerful" list, while also included in teens "25 hot most hot
Tsutsu Otsutetsutsu, tsutsu tsutsu tsutsu tsutsu tsutsu tsutsu zetsu zetsu zetsu zetsu zetsu zetsuzu. All songs of Nelly are released by BMG Music Publishing. Nelly has advanced to other transactions outside the music industry. He also stabbed with acting, starring in Adam Sandler, Chris * Rock, and Bat Reynolds, the longest yard remake.
Nelly is also an entrepreneur who started Vokal, two clothing lines for men and apple bottoms for women. In addition, he is a sponsors juice co sponsor, non carbonated sports energy drink. He is also the owner of Charlotte Bobcats, part of the budding NBA expansion team. Nelly also has a deal with Reebok, who manufactures his own signature sneaker "Derrty One".
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