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Network: Your Career Center


This smart carrier moves and is constantly tapping the network, etc. If you do not need help at this point, build up your networking power with other help.

It's tough. :

Career Coaching and Consulting, Career Transition Career Services, Career Thesis for Ford-r Myers Career Possibilities, Career Resources, Career Self-Assessment

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After creating all your "self-marketing documents" and verbal presentations, take your work survey on the "street" and start preparing for networking goals within the hiring manager of helping the contact person achieve It is a target company. Networking can be done by phone, e-mail or even "by snail mail, directly."

Ford-Myers, M. Ed., President of Career Potential, Haverford, "New Year to Achievement of Career Success in 2006, PA-Based Career Consulting Company in New Career Power Plans, and You Are Effectively You don't have to be a good "schmoozer" to the network, in fact, the best networkers are often great listeners, for big talkers. "

And don't allow it in your networking efforts. Ninety five percent of my clients network through the work of earthquakes. There is a continuous network that this private beach is unlikely to be dangerous! Networking is your job, if you're in a career transition. It is your primary focus. The quantity and quality of your networking time is directly related to the personal, professional, financial satisfaction you have at your next job. "

Who should be on your contact list? Who should you reach out to? The answer is: everyone you know. Everyone? Yes everyone Thank you very much for knowing how people live. (The only exception is people who obviously do not like you)! It does not matter where these contacts make for a living, or where you live, or how much power or money you have. It can be the judgment or assumption of a person without a key. After guiding a large number of customers through the networking process, I firmly through the fewest people expected most new jobs to be help

Let's "de-mystify" networking process seems overwhelming or no longer confused with you. The following is a highly structured and intentional approach that consistently produces superior results! To focus on a specific person to contact using your contact list, you need to perform the following basic steps:

1. Build an intimate relationship. "I was referred to by our common colleagues / friends (named) that I suggested it to" (I named the common friend / colleagues), or ". (Find some areas of common interest to discuss) I'm in touch with you about career issues, but let me guarantee that I'm not calling you to ask for work. Let's start by telling you a little bit about yourself and my professional background ...

2. Use the positioning statement to state "where did you go?" This is a statement of concise, pre-prepared words that specializes in "who are you". Example: "I am a financial and business expert and have graduated from Western General's financial management program. I have over 15 years of experience in manufacturing and services. My strengths are: Includes analysis, problem solving, communication and innovation I have specific expertise in financial analysis and reporting, cash and risk management, and productivity analysis I am focused on financial reporting I am seeking for

3. Share "What happened" in the Exit statement. This is no longer a brief explanation of why you are in your previous position, or why you are interested in leaving your current employer Example: "As a result of the merger between two business units More than 1,500 positions are affected, including I. Now I have the opportunity to explore other career options for financial services that leverage my proven strength in analysis, problem solving, communication and innovation. Because the statement of exit has to be expressed in a positive word, there is no doubt that you have done the wrong thing to lose your job.

4. Ask for help. "Are you willing to help me?"

5. "Thumb off" – take off pressure-reassure your contacts again that you are not asking for a job. "As I said, I am not asking you to work, and not expecting you to know the right position. However, I am not in touch with any networking you can offer In addition to being interested in the guidance or advice that you can provide (please name the common friends / colleagues) told me that you would be a great person to speak for this purpose. Are you willing to review some of the credentials and give me a straight-forward feedback? Can also send materials "

6. Ask again for help, ie expanding contact network, guidance, advice, feedback. Ask for contacts from your contacts – leverage the notion of “six degrees of separation”! And always "coming from generosity." This means that you are looking for an opportunity to offer something worthwhile in return.

7. Share your main documents and set the time to get back to them. State, "I will email (or fax) to you a list of professional biographies and target companies in one page. I think it would be better to have a conversation that you want to do, Wednesday afternoon is Friday morning? Thank you very much for entering the basket, but thank you very much.Follow-up after your networking meeting will keep the conversation going with the face-to-face value exchange Note: If the contact is "center of influence" Conduct follow-up discussions directly, not over the phone, unless the contact is outside your area.

This smart carrier moves and is constantly tapping the network, etc. If you do not need help at this point, build up your networking power with other help. In general, people will want to help you. Will you feel very good? It boosts self-esteem to be considered as a "connector" of people with opportunities and information, making them feel important. "Networking is a big investment in your future, and in the long run, it always pays big dividends!"


Permission to Reprint: This article may be reprinted, if it appears completely of the following attributes: Copyright 2006, Ford R. Myers and Career Potential, LLC.


Negotiate your value by Coach DQ, CPCC, CPC


Are you prepared to negotiate for happiness? It may be unbelievable, but everything is really a deal! Each new job or performance review adds to the base pay, bonus, benefits, stock options and job satisfaction, and ultimately, more money You are your new job offer before your Take control of the job search and achieve your ultimate goal of financial security and happiness Are you prepared to negotiate?

It's tough. :

Career, motivation, time management, balance, salary negotiation

Article body:

Are you prepared to negotiate for happiness? It may be unbelievable, but everything is really a deal! Each new job or performance review adds to the base pay, bonus, benefits, stock options and job satisfaction, and ultimately, more money You are your new job offer before your Take control of the job search and achieve your ultimate goal of financial security and happiness Are you prepared to negotiate?

With each new job offer and performance review, you define, communicate and achieve what you want for your financial security. To achieve this, you must understand the basic principles of negotiation You must.

The first step in the negotiations is making decisions to reach your goals. Once you make that decision, plan your approach, gather information, support, consider alternatives and perspectives, communicate among others, and respond effectively to your strengths and weaknesses. Must be able to, and know your competition can negotiate your position more accurately

Here are a few tips to focus on during your research and negotiations: 1. Be persuasive Trying to force your boss to increase your compensation is hard to do so Possibly the organization pays for thinking and persuading your work.

2. High goals and many researchers who are realistic have found that there is a strong correlation between people's aspirations and the results they have achieved in negotiations. At the same time, I would like to propose an idea that your boss can realistically say yes.

3. Start with the right tone you want to let your boss hear and try to understand his opinion. At the same time, you expect your boss to do the same for you. Avoid last notices, threats and other forcing actions.

4. Your reward should meet not only your salary but your needs. Make sure that you are also thinking about other points of value-like profit sharing, stock options, bonuses, big work right away

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