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When they arrive in the first scene the digital music player, the music world's biggest people do not need to purchase a hard copy of the album anywhere, consumers freedom

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As they fear that consumers will enjoy the hard work of the artists for freedom, they arrived in the first scene in a few years without it buying a hard copy of the album, it is a music production industry, digital music However, it is so, another area of ​​the music industry is the horror of that life, so it collapsed with the weight of digital music players like the iPod holding a 90% share of the player market.

You may have heard the word "wedding on the iPod", but humanity still loses all respect for the sacred bond of marriage, electronic gadget This term is actually different A new, money-saving trend that discards wedding singers and DJs that are advantageous to music intermediaries. Recently married couples are now celebrating their nuptials to the sounds they emanate from their ipods.

And at the expense of the wedding ceremony, every year, it seems who can blame them. It costs a thousand dollars to play a live band at your wedding ceremony, but DJ does not cost so much, but it does not cost much. The opportunity to cut the finance corner for many brides and grooms is slim, huge for storing huge changes in other such songs like many couple rings and bride gowns Set up your iPod of capacity and set the whole feeling to cherish your music for the occasion

There are lots of other benefits of choosing an iPod as an entertainer for your wedding day. The newlywed couple can freely select the music that they want to play with special events without worrying about the strange and wonderful taste of bands and DJs. The IPod is also around the price of about half of the DJ and as the couple can use it after the wedding for their own personal use, the popular tradition to the double Bargain wedding guest By giving the benefits of, the wedding iPod can also use them and evoke the wonderful memories of a happy day every day

IPod is the ideal way to save money on every big occasion and allows you to share music you love with people who care about you. But while the iPod is a powerful tool, the DJs and bands should not just throw in the hat - iPod did not kill the music industry, continued popularity of the wedding live performances and

Music box industry: then and now

Since it was invented in 200 years, the music box has been in 1796. There were many influences and it affected its development. Let's find what they were.

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Music Box, Music Box Melody, Disc Music Box Melody, Antique, Collector

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Copyright 2006 Monique Hawkins

Since it was invented in 200 years, the music box has been in 1796. There were many influences and it affected its development. It was not until the year 1815 that the music box industry finally came to be organized on the basis of the company. Manufacturing practice and technology made it possible to start production of them in 1840. However, only a special design was made with multiple combs or mandolin combs. It was not until 1860 that manufacturers began thinking about mass production.

Initially, the quality of the music boxes produced was pretty good. However, due to the rise in production rate, the technology of the factory could not be maintained and the quality of the music box declined.

In 1890, the disk machine made, challenged the cylinder music box. Disk boxes became popular, and it was manufactured rapidly. When the First World War of 1914 started over a large amount of 25 years' period. Due to the need for accurate regeneration during the war (which greatly helped the ongoing development of the phonograph) and the great ability of the gramophone, the need for mechanical musical forms decreased

The year between World War I and World War II was not only great technology development but also political and social uncertainty. While a large number of Victorian music boxes were bought by the UK, it became an old hat by the music box of 1920. People began to spend their money on something like cars, but the end of the music box industry The modern industry will soon begin as evidenced by the city like Switzerland St Croix and L'Auberson David Thalis "Music Box: Guide for Collectors" and Say: "Also manufactured in St Croix We have Brightler SA, founded in 1929, Jules * Jacaldo"

Today, in these two towns there are more than nine registered companies that will repair and make musical boxes on the market. There are also many other companies around the world that also have this job.

In modern times, Japan also has its place in the music box industry. This country now generates competing musical boxes and music movement for Swiss companies. Some of the main manufacturers are the Tokyo pigeon Orugoru Company, Tokyo Seiki Orgal and Sanyko Sieki Company.

Today, I will make big movements of high-quality music box to see boxes of less antique music box antique collector.

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