It is a great time to be an entrepreneur-in the last decade, technology has leveled the playing field and promoted the turn of the entrepreneur. As a company. It is a smarter choice for making information accessible. You have the advantage over large companies in that they are lighter, more flexible, and faster at your feet. The new market can be made faster and smaller.
But being a successful entrepren. ..
It's tough. :
Product, procurement, ebay, e-commerce, dropship, ebiz, entrepreneur, blog
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It is a great time to be an entrepreneur-in the last decade, technology has leveled the playing field and promoted the turn of the entrepreneur. As a company. It is a smarter choice for making information accessible. You have the advantage over large companies in that they are lighter, more flexible, and faster at your feet. The new market can be made faster and smaller.
But being a successful entrepreneur sees a big picture and requires planning to continue from start to finish. Riva Resonski, editor-in-chief of Entrepreneur magazine, provides practical guidelines to help you get started with your own company:
1. Do not stop your day's work.
Since the entrepreneurship department is online, it is a steady profit as a work that is not forced. It usually takes half a year to get the business going, pay for your home, and your ability to hinge on your company that has been successful overnight Manage what you can do at the beginning of an economic-time scale With the expansion of business up.
2. I will come.
The era of the general store is over. Consumers are looking for specialty stores, especially online. You have to find what a certain group of people want, but you can not buy it in a large chain store. Advises Lesonsky, "You can not compete with the big game, because you have to go to your niche when you find a place without big game."
3. There is online.
Even if you are not planning to start an online retail business, the internet can still play a valuable role in your company Having an online presence unnecessary and marginal maintenance-Maintaining a management system-Employee education The customer base is literally one hundred. It also promotes you and knows people, a great tool for permission in your own area, what you are doing there.
4. Refuse to quit.
A successful business mind requires creativity, energy, and drive to keep going if you fail. He created Microsoft 1.0 and 2.0 before Bill Gates created a very successful Microsoft 3.0. And that decision to give up and refusal is what separates successful entrepreneurs from those that are unsuccessful. According to Lesonsky, "No" or their arms optimistic to get beyond trouble. Nothing wrong with failure-just don't repeat the same mistake! "
3 essential boundaries for mom entrepreneurs and their husbands
These required boundaries make couple entrepreneurs work together.
It's tough. :
Work At Home, Entrepreneurs, Home Based Business, Terilee Harrison, Business Mom Guidebook
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In the beginning, I thought it would be windy when my husband, Terry, joined me working full time in my business. But you can! We already had a sound relationship built on trust and respect. We communicated well. We strongly believed in what we were doing. We understood the need to help each other with the children, protect the home and do business. We planned to allow for fluctuations in income to keep stress over money to a minimum. I have not been prepared yet.
Anyone who thinks and spouses easily transfer to these three mandatory borderline entrepreneur couples:
1. Define your work / home expectations.
Nothing can be prepared for soiling of the peat and the boundary that occur as a transition to working together. When you combine with your spouse, maybe both of you experienced success throughout your career and developed your own working style. You have to suddenly learn that a whole new dynamic works in your relationship with your spouse. I always knew that we had different gifts and talents: Terry is very professional, he loves to write, and I am a gurus of government I should probably have seen However, I was still surprised at the difference in work style. I prefer multitasking all day long, he works on one project at a time. Just like all over again newlyweds, some to know each other at a whole new level so we can work well together
Beth Butler, the creator of the Boca Beth program, has some tips to clarify your expectations with your spouse. "I have lunch every day and try to talk about Boca-Beth's items being pressed. It's our time to reconnect-he works from home for the wine company he represents, I A funny mix that shares my passion for young children and second language learning, but it works! We talk about what each of us are planning for the next day, so there is no surprise I learned very specifically so I can not expect him to guess what I need. "
2. Schedule time for love.
Most entrepreneurial couples are also temporarily disabled from time to time in the project. Working alongside your spouse in the same office all day long, it is possible to speak at a barely personal level. How hard is it to turn off your cell phone and talk a walk with your love? It's essential to schedule the time of your relationship so that the business does not overtake it. Terry and I plan to sneak away for lunch earlier or take a break at Starbucks. If we do not take the time to schedule on these lunch or coffee dates, we can learn to meet deadlines or to finish the project We still plan on "regular dates" Not to help keep our intimate relationships below our list of priorities.
3. Your schedule time.
When you have a lot of time with your spouse suddenly, you can be shocked. In your previous life, they left at 7 am and came home at 6 pm. Now you spend most, if not all, of the day with them and there is nothing new to discuss at dinner. Where is the time for you? Karyn Fagan, founder of the team's woman, "We both have a love that we love outside the house because we have that important time away."
Terry and I certainly have a long way to go as a couple of entrepreneurs, but we made it through the "honeymoon" period of entrepreneurs. Every day we work together to reach our goals and dreams. But as it is our dream earlier, it is not necessary!
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