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Newborn kitten health

Pet health is important, but people new to the world may need special attention and caution to stay safe and healthy. If your cat has a kitten recently, you are the family of these new little additional second mothers. It is important to make sure that you provide the best possible living environment for kittens as they grow during the first few weeks of life

For the first few days of litter life, your mother's cat will spend most of the time lying with the kitten. This is a natural instinct. You should move food and water so that your kitten is very close to where you are, so that your mother does not have to go far to find nutrition Milk to produce a few times a day to check mom is. If the mother is not with the kitten, something may be wrong. First-time mothers are particularly vulnerable to anxiety attacks. When the mother is worried about her kittens, she can move them. If she feels so threatened, she may kill her as a form of protection. If it is, put the cage of examination of mother cat's display on her activity and kitten of temperament monitor.

Kittens need very warm temperatures to survive. If the mother is not with the kitten, it needs to supply heat from an external heat source like a heat lamp. Big litter usually stays warmer using body heat. Make sure that the box the newborn kitten is staying at about 85-90 degrees Fahrenheit for at least the first week of life. However, the mother feels too much that kittens may be dangerous. You can put calm mother on blanket by gently putting it on the box.

Don't worry if the kitten isn't moving too much at first. Newborn kittens eat 90% of the time in the first two weeks of sleep and life. It is common to cry if the mother leaves for any time, but if the kitten cries excessively, telling them that it is not enough to eat or is ill will happen on the phone It is You can also ask your veterinarian for special instructions if you have five or more kittens in the trash. In general, it is best to talk to your veterinarian about what to expect from your new kitten.

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