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Next level of managerial communication career

The words for all presenters are important. But if they don't give the audience a good reason to listen, they adjust quickly. At the age when the bite of the sound is king, cutting by scattering is now important.

It's tough. :
Speaking, presentation

Article body:
Too long ago, I entered a room where some of the country's top oncologists were preparing to launch new cancer drugs. The opportunity was a group rehearsal before a big presentation on federal drug management. Given that these men and women are the best in the field, I thought it would be easy to rehearse. So, I can sit down and help pen ready for the onslaught of media I tweaked their presentations and confirmed to follow

What a disappointment. Small space, Small space, Small space, Small space, Small space, Small space, Small space, Small space It wasn't important that what the audience actually said because none of it really listened to anything from that too, closing the eyes and looking at the other in order not to be seen Solitaire: We are looking for those presenters who can contribute to the world in any way, We also thought to triple the consultation fee on the spot.

The words for all presenters are important. But if they don't give the audience a good reason to listen, they adjust quickly. At the age when the bite of the sound is king, cutting by scattering is now important.

<h2> <u> Please consider the following 7 points before you get in the limelight: </ h2> </ u>

<b> Take Home </ b>

No matter how many years and dollars you've spent on research and development, regardless of the technical complexity of your subject matter, when talking to a group, it's aggregated over your 10 seconds of your talk If you have to, what do you want your audience to know?

<b> Ask yourself the appropriate questions </ b>
I think I need to know a listener I always want to know that listener. Put yourself in the seat of your listener and ask the following questions: so what? Who cares? What does this mean to listeners, readers and viewers and me? Do not care until you have assembled your message from your audience perspective. If they don't care, they never get full attention.

<b> Speak in Nuggets </ b>

It is common to be careful of holding with a strong communicator. They learned that speaking is for the ears, not for the eyes. Instead of preparing a presentation as a research paper, it is necessary to condense complex information into a bite-sized nugget and turn the audience towards the desired outcome.

<b> Not currently reading </ b>

It was a period of announcement. Is it written in sentences? Do you allow room for pausing so that listeners can join? People don't talk in long sentences. We speak in short words. So write on the phrase or bullet point. I will talk and read database search system by myself. Also, take time to pause between key thoughts so that you can digest what your listeners are saying.

<b> Draw a picture </ b>

It may be important to explain the function of your product, but the unexplained explanation does not make sense. People can not remember all of the facts but remember the impression. By comparing and contrasting, offering similar and visual images, your presentation comes to life.

<b> Slide show or presentation? </ b>

No one comes to the presentation to view the slide show. They come to hear and speak the idea of ​​the share of the knowledgeable person. Describe what role to play as saying that the visual should be enhanced. Instead of the slide at the beginning, create a greeting to help you properly. Let your words drive the visual, not the other way.

<b> Knicks of terminology </ b>

It does not mean that you should speak a jargon just because your audience is stuffed with colleagues or providing information for corporate trade publishing. Get rid of buzzwords and throw up phrases. Rather, look for the opportunity to put your word in context by humanizing your material and telling stories or anecdotes.

As I work with the oncologist submitter and bring many of these points to attention, I am afraid that simplifying information will hurt credibility and is totally contrary. Instead of throwing too much information to them, by making an effort to connect with their audience, they are excited to inspire listeners and finally, they believe that cancer drugs are on the market Made a lot of good press!

Business Growth Requires Individual Effects

When reading about the business growth of the top business periodicals, they always refer to multinational companies. I am not a big company. I have not built.

But for this discussion, think of your business as a corporation. You hold the office of the president of this company and you are responsible for its success or failure. You and your team members are shareholders of your company, and it is your responsibility to view it. ..

It's tough. :
Growth, effectiveness, individual

Article body:
When reading about the business growth of the top business periodicals, they always refer to multinational companies. I am not a big company. I have not built.

But for this discussion, think of your business as a corporation. You hold the office of the president of this company and you are responsible for its success or failure. You and your team members are the shareholders of your company and it is your responsibility to make sure that the value of the stock will increase in the future.

If your company grows, you have a tendency to keep growing as you are doing things right. Conversely, a company that is retreating or shrinking tends to keep retreating until it is acted upon by an external force. All responsible company officers know that as long as the company is not growing, it shows the first signs of death. As the head of your corporation (if it's 1, 5 or 50 people), you must know that this applies to you as well.

However, because you are also a person, you also have significant advantages over the largest companies. Think of every big multinational company. Is it possible to double that production in one day? Of course not that can it double its sales in one day? Of course it may be preferred but growth must be gradual and stable due to the complexity of such a large organization. But a person can double, triple or quadruple his / her effectiveness on the moon or less. Small businesses have the flexibility, control and sensitivity lacking in corporate giants.

Can I grow and improve at least 10% as a person? Of course you can. In fact, experts estimate that a person can increase his or her effectiveness anywhere within 50% to 100% and within 30 days. Apply to your whole business now.

Some examples:

I increased the readership of this newsletter by 300% over the last 60 days.

My nephew in the year of his new student at college got a 2.1 GPA first semester; however, I am motivated to study, apply myself, and deliver 3.6 second semester GPA.

I remember the day of sale when my datebook looked like pure snow (no appointments). Then I accepted the challenge every week to have 10 appointments in the book (most of my peers averaged 3-5 appointments). My previous year's sales became my monthly sales.

The history is filled with people who incredibly exceeded their previous performance (artists, athletes, musicians, orators, military and political leaders, corporate groups in the story of wealth

It means to think of If you even waste time on all working days, it adds up to 250 hours a year. If there is an employee who has wasted so much time, do you keep him on a payroll or fire him?

What is your time worth per hour? If you multiply this by 250, you can see what you are throwing away. Summarizing the costs for each member of your team is compounded with benefits. It does not matter whether your business pays for this wasted time. Rather, what can you do now to improve the effectiveness of all the members of your team?

Here is the challenge from Ahr Nightengale:

"How much value do you deserve as a company right now, today? Today, what is your value to yourself, your family, your company? I was you an external investor, a stranger , Do you want to invest in this company? What kind of attention to your company's growth? "

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