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Oral Contraceptive Comparison – Deciding to Help You

To do oral contraceptive comparisons, oral contraceptives should be known to have been around the market for over 45 years. It was first attached as a pill when first approved by the US Food and Drug Administration or the FDA. This form is the most reliable when women want to get pregnant.

Weight gain
However, another aspect of oral contraceptives is how it affects the female body to gain weight. It dumbfounded because it actually hears such stories from many women who used pills for the obvious reasons of pregnancy avoidance.

However, despite the fact that it causes an additional pound, celebrity status knowing that contraceptives have not declined over time. Women will still relay on these for such purposes whether they get weight or not.

This really depends on the type of person's body. Some women do not have this kind of problem. But women belonging to such a lucky classification were not fighting on the weighing scale as they were getting older. The only thing that tends to gain weight from pills is the intake and the person who easily collects fat through food.

Because of this, when getting weight from a woman's pill, she must also be prepared to counter it by having the right amount of diet and exercise to treat it like your usual weight gain You must. This is to allow you to trust the pill without endangering your pregnancy when you are not yet ready.

Don't be afraid of drugs because of side effects on your weight. They can be solved. Unlike an unexpected pregnancy, you have to live with it for the rest of your life.

Simple comparison of pills
There are actually many types of this pill available to choose from among you. There is no estrogen in the pills only POP or progestin. This is usually called a mini pill. It works primarily to thicken the cervical mucus so that semen can not enter the uterus. Such lines are consistently great results for a fixed time every day.

A combination pill is a pill that has estrogen and progestin meanwhile. Many types under this type are said to prevent women from having ovarian cancer as well as endometrial cancer.
Brief history of contraception

Here is a brief look at the history of contraception. Tablets are in great demand to avoid pregnancy for women, and these are also causing considerable ripples.

The reason for this is that oral contraceptives are known for one side effect. More and more women are complaining that they gain weight with pills. For women who use pills to avoid the risk of pregnancy, this is definitely not good news.

As women gain weight for pills, she sees other options. But no one is affected by this kind of side effect. Some women do not have weight problems with the use of oral contraceptives.

However, for women who are prone to such effects, there are other forms of contraception that can be selected for use. They can go in a natural way or in a rhythmic way. This is a place where a partner is involved in sexual activity only if the woman is not fertile.

There is a way to be injected and inserted into the female genital organ to get the same effect as the drug. And some of the popular ones are the use of condoms. Today, it is a dedicated part suitable for male and female furniture.

The oldest form of contraception can be sexual control. However, apart from that, the withdrawal effect can be considered as one.

This means that the male penis withdraws from the female genitals before ejaculation. This prevents him from sending serious semen that may cause pregnancy to a woman or his partner. However, this requires a lot of self-control on the male side.

It was also believed that Egyptian women used suppositories for their vagina during the old days. This type of term is pessary. This includes other lubricants and oils that kill semen if a woman is complicated in sexual activity.

The women's condom equivalent of that time is the cervical cap for Asian women. This is like oil paper. And for the same goal, Europeans use beeswax. Condoms were not invented until the 17th century. When it was first introduced, it was not as popular as it is today. And it was intended to avoid getting transmission diseases like syphilis as well to avoid the risk of pregnancy.

There are various abortifacients used throughout human history. However, the effects varied, and those that proved effective caused many side effects. In the developing year, herbal media were used to function as contraceptives.

The 20th century introduced rhythmic methods and natural methods. It is still applied today and is as effective as contraceptives, but requires more control from both of the partners.

In 1960, the FDA approved a pill, now known as contraception. It was in 1972 that pills were made available for married women and singles at 21 years of age. This was part of the 26th amendment.

This short history of contraception shows popularity by time. It is also known to cause additional weight, but people get pregnant and their partner when they are not yet ready for it

The third most popular are ECPs or emergency contraceptives. It should be taken 120 hours after unprotected sexual activity. This medicine prevents you from impregnating as a cause of action. It is something like this that can be taken regularly. It is only necessary to submit yourself to this type of pill.

The important thing to remember when choosing the type of pill that suits your body is to consult your doctor about it. It is a field of scientific knowledge from this state that is best suited to the task of knowing about.

This is a simple comparison of oral contraceptives. There are more available in the market. And, certainly, over time, more will be discovered and developed.

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