We honor and gree the professional flight attendants as they indicate their 75th anniversary of the flight. This article provides cabin safety, examines the origins of those women and men, the security and comfort of large and small jets.
It's tough. :
Airlines, commercial crews, group crews, combined airlines, Boeing
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The following article serves as a tribute to eight women who were the forerunners of today's crew of modern day numbering nearly 250,000 women and men worldwide.
In 1930, it was the dream of many young men to marry the Boeing Sky Girl. These "original eight" women, single nurses, were invited from their homes to marry ideas to rich and lonely business passengers. But ultimately they play a vital role in revolutionizing the air travel by ensuring the comfort of the passengers and by promoting the safety of the air travel.
Meanwhile, the United States was the beginning of the economic downturn, and ultimately spread deep to affect the entire world. Nevertheless, new advances in aircraft development have continued to be driven, and the accessibility of air travel to the general public has been enhanced.
Boeing's First
At that time, Boeing was the first airline manufacturer and the first airline carrier providing cabin services. In 1928 Boeing introduced a specially designed airliner for passenger comfort and convenience. The Model 80 has sold a separate, enclosed flightdeck for the pilot and a spacious cabin for the passenger. The original model held twelve passengers and lasted a year later by the larger, 18 passengers, model 80-A.
Original eight
Originally, young boys were hired to comfort their passengers, serving food and drinks when they got on the plane. Soon, however, it was suggested by the Ellen Church, registered nurses, that woman-can act specifically as a nurse-steward. She cares for the comfort (and illness) of the passengers, promotes women's presence to show the safety of the air travel, and frees the pilot for more important flight duties.
Boeing's manager accepted her proposal, and on May 15, 1930, eight women were hired for a three-month trial. Thus started the position of the "Stewades" modern flight attendant predecessor.
Wide variety of duties
The stewardesses of the execution of duties are in-flight services offering beyond what goes. As a tour director, she pointed out places of interest such as cities, towns, rivers, mountains, and paths. She loaded the luggage she took the ticket, rode the plane, and helped the pilot push the plane to the hangar!
Due to the low ceiling and narrow aisles, Boeing lives in that Stewardess is short in height with a limit of height not exceeding 5'4 "and a weight of at most 115 pounds.
Replace Boeing
In 1931, it merged with three other transportation companies to form Boeing Air Transportation Co., Ltd. This time will return to the "original eight" and live in the traditional.
In 1996, Clipped Wings historian Vicy Morris Young pays tribute to the original eight, who described a previous interview with Margaret Arnott, the last surviving member of the herded group. Just before her death in 1995, Margaret is waiting for the hip surgery how she got her doctor brought a photo assembled from her wife. Laughter, Margaret said, "I will never end with an antique store," he said. thought! I got a boring sign and my surgery! "
Margaret always liked to meet a late-day flight attendant who asked about the early flight experience. Known for her sense of humor, she was talking on the plane to a young woman about an emergency landing on a muddy cornfield. Is Jetball Chicago seriously working on the question of asking her listeners? "The solemn reply, backed by a naughty laugh," is not that day. "
Subsequent years
Soon after the introduction of the "Original Eight", other airlines began to hire "Stuwardess". Stewards (esses) Government Regulations, Civil Aviation Administration, now known as Federal Aviation Administration, to provide at least one Steward (ess) for safety reasons, FAA to read in 1974 "Read and write aviation rules (FARs)." This step was important for specializing the role of flight attendants.
Formal governmental standards do not exist in the United States to regulate business and business flight attendants. Most large companies and airlines hire flight attendants as they recognize the importance of providing excellent service from both comfort and safety aspects
Today's crop of flight attendants consists of a large number of men and women of nationality who work for various commercial, business, and private enterprises. Unlike the "Height" no-loads of the plane hangar, the cargo is an aircraft with fuel. However, thanks to jet travel, they are longer, higher, and even more likely to interact between cultures than their counterparts, and the possible emergencies of Ellen's Church ideas have become reality After nearly 75 years, the benefits of using flight attendants are enormous. We salute everything that is following their footprint with the "Original Eight".
"Original eight" bite
Ellen * Church, Margaret * Arnot, Jesse * Carter, Ellis * Crawford, Harriet * Fly, Alba * Johnson, Ines * Keller and Cornelia * Peterman.
The first flight of the Ellen Church was on May 15, 1930. She flew from San Francisco to Cheyenne, Wyoming. (Source: www.kwtv.com)
The church is from Cresco, Iowa. In 1959 the city built a new airfield and named in her honor the "Ellen-Church-Field" (CJJ). Source: Iowa State University Extended Website: ww.exnet.iastate.edu)
Can you guess how long the first flight attendant was paid in 1930? They received a grand total salary of $ 125. Per month!
The first stewardess from Cresco, an extension of Iowa State University, WWW.EXNET.IASTATE.EDU.
Model 80, Boeing WWW.BOEING.COM.
Special Tribute-Original Eight Stewardess, Vicky * Morris * Young, Clip Wings, WWW.CLIPPEDWINGS.COM.
Opportunity to explore different career paths
Career and technical programs provide students with hands-on experience and enhance the skills of the employer's prizes.
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Opportunity to explore different career paths
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Parents, educators and congressmen want to give students the highest quality education base possible, today's career and technical education programs are educational for many students
Career and Technology courses give students the opportunity to explore different career paths, to find out if the job involved is attractive or not
The Career and Technology Education Association (ACTE) wants to ensure that students and their parents are aware of the value of career and technology programs.
These programs can be the student's first exposure to the real world aspect of the career field. They allow students to build a strong skill that every employer needs to consider: understanding and readiness of a functional time management program that communicates well
A career in hotel management, food service, engineering, biotechnology, agriscience, recreation, nursing, graphic design is challenging
The US Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the average annual salary of technicians in some medical areas is more than $ 44,000, Dental hygienists earn more The annual income of chefs and bakers is $ 40,000 Reaching Motorcycle technicians earn over $ 29,000. Engineering technicians earn more than $ 40,000 and bioscience technicians can earn more than $ 38,000.
What's more, the number of careers and technical programs, as part of the curriculum, is an internship that combines work and classroom research, hiring of practice and co-ops. Therefore, students can gain practical experience while learning Have the opportunity to gain, and to step into potential doors of future employers
Career and technical education is an important aspect of high school education, providing the skills needed to improve academic performance and succeed beyond high school. These courses prepare students for college and work.
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