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Overcome perfectionism

Perfectionism can be gained in a way that builds or sells successful businesses. It can prevent us from quickly going forward or taking advantage of business opportunities. Instead of an effort for perfection, consider adopting an attitude of effort for excellence. Just look at the failure as another teacher. Whatever your project is looking for, you can do it for your business!

It's tough. :
Marketing, business, customer, perfect, excellence, attitude, goal

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Perfectionism can be gained in a way that builds or sells successful businesses. It can prevent us from quickly going forward or taking advantage of business opportunities. We set ourselves with goals or unrealistic expectations that can be harmful to us personally or professionally. I try to be able to complete it so that I don't feel self-esteem. Instead, consider adopting an attitude of effort for excellence. Just look at the failure as another teacher. Whatever your project is looking for, you can do it for your business!

1. Start to act. One of the best ways to overcome perfectionism is to do something when you get into action. For your marketing, put it there yourself. Show the world you are in by giving your website, business card, brochure, or speech. Don't wait until you get all these things done. The truth is that they will never be. All you do is a work in progress. Somehow get feedback and make corrections as you move on.

2. Say "No" to an unreasonably high demand. We often set high standards of performance for ourselves that would be difficult, if not impossible, to meet under the best of situations Learn how to say "no" to yourself. We always set a much higher standard for ourselves than anyone else, and with big images, it really doesn't mean anything. It is surprising how most people meet with your part's average performance. I'm not saying that you should sacrifice quality in what you do, but you incrementally increase your personal energy spending your marketiness

3. Set realistic goals. Unreasonably high demands go hand in hand with the placement of unrealistic goals. You can not expect to do everything at once or with the same level of quality. Creating a plan of what needs to be done in your business is paramount. Break it down into a few goals that you can easily accomplish for the items you need to accomplish or for each major project. Your web site However, drafting a plan for your site, getting your domain name and getting easier to break through on a number of other goals including interviews

4. Find support. Find the other support for what you are doing. If you think that you may not consider asking a friend, colleague, or family member to give their sign-off of some approval of the project you are working on, what you think might be the support of the people I gave a slightly biased opinion on whether I could serve the team. Sometimes we get caught up in what we are doing, but we do not know that it is perfect. Recruit a support team to help determine when there is enough.

5. It's perfect. Whatever you do, consider adopting the idea of ​​doing the right thing and the best thing. This powerful attitude can make all the difference in creating a successful business. Potential customers find your sense of attractive personal strength, but also take things more risk and take more risk to make things happen sooner and business more Ask with confidence, and you work effectively at all.

6. Failure is my friend. You see failure and redefine how. Failure is a natural part of life, naturally affecting your business on various levels. Failure is not the end of anything, it does not mean that you are incompetent. This failure is an innovation that teachers can do. It provides valuable information that goes in the direction you are doing something or not delivering the results you want. We understand that you can quickly lead to your success and reorient yourself in another direction.

7. Restructure your attitude. Perfection is defined as the quality or condition of being free from defects or defects, or being saintly. What does that mean to you? The words we use to describe who we are or who make a tremendous difference in the success we achieve. How do you define perfection for yourself? What about you adopting a perfect attitude like you? That you are enough. What integrity means to you, post it on a place where you can read it daily?

8. Make a lemon from the lemonade. It is a great opportunity to see it when you are not surprised. For example, it may not dress properly for networking events, and does not feel "perfect enough" to talk to anyone. However, there is an opportunity to chat with someone standing next to the hors d'oeuvre table with the next thing you know has created the potential for a new business. In fact, you did not think that you were perfect or did not meet your high standards Let's look at the last few things you did and what was the result of what you did? What other exciting things are the result blossoming?

9. Achieving that is more important than perfection. Telling people about what you can do for them, put yourself in action, things ... all of these things take another much more important time, people are in perfection Not attracted, attracted to people who make things happen. If you are in the office trying to complete anything in your business, the tradeoff is important to surround yourself with someone who likes to take action somewhere where you can make valuable business contacts. Not only do they motivate you to do the same thing, but they can also directly witness the consequences they have by getting out there.

10. Be kind to yourself. Perfectionists often feel themselves well ... for perfection, perfection. Perfection is not ideal reality; it is impossible to achieve. Learn how to forgive yourself is good enough or perfect enough when you do something that you don't think about. Gyoren and know-how all spins individuals who have businesses. Prospective customers are not attracted to you for your business card or website. They are attracted to you for who you are.

Copyright 2004 by Alicia * Smith

Overcome defense with a discussion of employee performance assessments.

Sally sits on the other side of the desk during her performance evaluation.

It's tough. :
Employee performance

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Sally sits on the other side of the desk during her performance evaluation. She is frowning. Her arms are folded tightly to the chest. Her lower lip is found in a way that conveys both rejection and contempt. She reverses the performance rating she just read upside down on your desk, as if it were a bad bug. She slowly shakes her head back and forth on the negative model. Seeing straight with eyes, she says, "Do you call this a performance rating?"

George is the opposite. His employee's performance rating, like what you wrote about Sally, is that the quality of his work in the past 12 months is not what you expected, but George is not a dispute; It is not negative. In fact, he is bafflingly positive about negative reviews. He agrees with everything you said and does not need to give you details or examples. That's right, he understands. You are almost apologetic about writing such a negative, but honest evaluation. I promised a new leaf immediately if I asked anything, but I walk.

These are two completely different responses to negative employee performance assessments. However, both reactions can be expressed in the same language.

Defensive responses come in two forms: battle or flight. What Sally displayed—displayed as a refusal of the anger that says or says what the appraiser fighting the response said. Individuals may deny the accuracy of the information provided by the appraiser or blame others for problems or shortcomings. Non-verbal indicators of reaction to the fight are usually clear: one may hit the desk or point at the finger. Because of this, her voice is a first-class love for the politeness of people with double arms and phone counters. He is glaring and refuses to engage in regular business-like conversations.

The flight response-what you saw in George-is quite different. Here, the personal voice is quiet and not loud. He looks away, will be away. He speaks quietly and easily matches to change the subject. Individuals who show the battle reaction discount the fact that the individual has the responsibility for the problem being identified, and the individual who is demonstrating the flight reaction actually has the truth of the problem

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