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Parkes of global warming

Good news! Those troublesome glaciers eventually melt. Initially, catastrophic global climate change news may seem a bit of a shame. Please make it easy. Your faith is about to be restored.

Small tits. :
Environment, weather, hurricane, effect, ice pack, melting, environment, impacting global warming, greenhouse effect, climate change, bush, green house

Article body:
Marya Mannes once said, "The earth we are abusing and the creatures we kill will eventually make their revenge." Obviously Mr. Mannes is a health, sanity, logic, somehow, somehow, I liked somehow. why? Greenhouse roulette was far more interesting.

In the country, the weather will affect everything. For five years, the state of Western South Dakota is grabbed by drought. Water and hay are gone. The farm and farms are blowing away The government relieves the victims from the hurricane, while saying, "South Dawho?" Our cows are urinating mites. Fortunately, things are looking up.

There are some good news! Those nasty glaciers are finally melting! Last year, the reports of the eight countries estimated the area of ​​Arctic icepack Texas and Kansas states are gone. For those geographically impaired, it is a larger area than breadbox.

Initially, catastrophic global climate change news may seem a bit of a shame. Then I read the LA Times article and had a change in my mind. The article began with normal darkness. Our coast where Greenland's ice caps melt floods from rising seawater. Thinning through Inuit Hunter's decline. The melting glacier changes the ocean temperature and salinity contouring the jet stream worldwide due to an altered weather pattern. A crowd of species is dying. It was disappointing.

Then I got to the last paragraph of the article. Bam! My faith has recovered. Times pointed out the benefits of global warming here. Seriously, the article finally ends with saying: "The report is not all pessimistic.The warmer Arctic can increase the number of some species like fish.This is because Canadian wheat For the purpose of extending the growing season of the shipping and resources exploration, such a Northwest Route and the Arctic Ocean Route comparable to Russia, such as the dangerous sea route, now "

Three cheers for La * Times! That's true! Everything is not pessimistic. That glorious sunlight pumped my ski bib straight, I was able to see things in a completely new light. I began thinking about other benefits to global warming. You will soon agree that the people of all lives will benefit.
First of all, it will benefit Inuit's hunter! Once an Inuit remains hunting nothing is necessary because there is a risk that they will fall through thin ice. Plus, by requiring food they are ripe for floating (not Pontoon Ice) Arctic Extreme Wallmart. "Go get them, Sam."

The owner of the boat will contribute! Not only will there be a sailing wind through the former troublesome ice in the northwest aisle, but each summer, the cruise ship is on the Bourbon Street in New Orleans straight street view
Scuba divers will benefit! No more burning coral cuts. In fact, there is no more coral. Once all the coral reefs are gone, you can diver pack a distance first aid kit and dive straight. A small silt does not cut anyone.

Canadian wheat farmers will benefit! You see, there is a 10% reduction in corn yield from Midwest crops for every degree of global warming, see. There is no worry, wheat is now a substitute for corn. Think about all those delicious wheat dogs in a ball game. How about butter and pop wheat with movies on cobs and steamed wheat? Everything screams "delicious" to me.

It is a bit ironic but ethanol is made from corn crops Global warming is devastated and I am aware that some ambitious chemists have developed influential canuck wheat more than the Saudi royal family Imagine a farmhouse.

Become a benefit of Dune buggy lovers! Dakota will soon be resumed for your 4-wheelin pleasure. Let's participate in the 4th rushmore nose crime mountain. It will get in the way of the challenge!

Eco tourism business will benefit! The company can offer a new "Emaciation trip package." When they are too lethargic away from tortuous hunger, "tourists will get closer photos of polar bears and whales. In addition, long trek to Inuit village can be avoided if forced to ask on the street of Nome (or cashering at Walmart).

Finally, it will benefit the next generation of Bush family politicians! Again, because they do not mention that "to provide a new, SPF 800 tax credit at avoiding dealing with campaign issues by distracting dehydrating voters with phrases like a nifty campaign.

Well, thanks to golly, I feel better! What we turn some more Rolette wheels?

Party store

Review by "

Small tits. :
Alcohol, Humor, Party Shop, Party

Article body:
Every now and then I want to frequent our local liquor store to stock my bar. We need to go nearby stores but I need you. As I entered the establishment, I have not paid a lot of attention to the signboard. We not only clarify the sign but we sell it, so we also supply beer and wine to the seller. That's amazing! You may be outburnt at the party and holding a store with party supplies at your disposal is only a positive one.

I walked to our neighborhood establishment and took a walk through the island. It was enough in my bar and I did not have alcohol. Today's journey was for party goods, for what.

I greeted a man behind the counter with a smile. "Hello" as he proceeded to tell me about his day up to that point in time, must be a means "Please tell me your trivial details". Thank you! This guy I care about did not get in the way of procuring my party supplies. I walked on the island and acknowledged my offer to help me find something. I knew what I was looking for, helping the anger I do not want Mr. Because the store is not that big, I think that I can find the party goods I was looking for.

A little time passed and I continued my search for party supplies. I looked for what I needed for the party (therefore name party supplies) After thorough discussion of the store three or more times, I reached an amazing conclusion. My idea of ​​party supply may be slightly different than theirs. Here is "party supply" I found in the store.

Yeah ice, ice is needed for the party. Afterall, what holds a cold drink. Certainly a wonderful party supply. Unfortunately, this was the only one we agreed.

Porn all kinds of porn magazine racks and racks are lined up across the wall. I know that some party people tell that the party is not the most recent problem free party of oily girls. I tend to disagree. In my experience, there is nothing to break such a party. .. That party's time! !! "

Writer. Again, it is not my opinion of party supply. Also, I think that it is a long time ago for pottery parties and banquets too and is a normal adult. My visit Here we are supplying ordinary adult buyers from liquor store.

Beef Jerky Well, I think it really is not necessary to expand this. Everyone buys light things that should be such a beef jerky. If you need to see that beef - jerky is the ultimate compliment of porn, you can do so. I have not touched it.

That's all It was everything I could find It's not a small umbrella for party supplies, drinks, even a solo caught found.

Needless to say, I was a bit disappointed, educated and sickly at the same time. I like to think of it as a kind of human experience.

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