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Personal blog, documentary, history

When it comes to personal blogs, documentaries are
Default genre. There are a lot of serve blogs
Other features, but many blogs are mainly catalogs
Of their author's life experience. There
There are quite a few blogs focused on collecting poetry and
Other forms of creative writing, the majority
Personal blogs are in a way documentaries.

The act of making a documentary for many years
It means that it is an objective act of reporting tourist spots
Filmmaker, writer, or photographer
Encountered but in the present age have it there
Being moved towards accepting subjectivity
Unique to the documentary format. In other words
Modern documentaries are often
Creator's voice and sensitivity, and
Today's documentaries often revolve around personality
Blur the line between the documentary and the memoir. It's tough.
Resting somewhere between these two genres, muddying
Further distinction. Personal blog,
Documentaries and memoirs are now irrevocable
Good or bad, intertwined.

Think of yourself as some bloggers make
Documentary in every formal sense, every time
Someone sitting in front of a computer and typing up
The day's record is that they document their own
Historical moment. It is natural
About our daily life, we like how to use specific
Transportation mode, or kind of product it
People who live very attractive even buying
In a different situation from us, it is this kind of thing
At the heart of many documentaries
project. When thinking about blogs,
Adjectives of not many movies
It crosses their mind, but down for decades
Road it is very likely to see today's blog
Mainly the highly subjective documentary of our time.
Tomorrow people will almost certainly see
Today's blog for an insight into our history

But leiban sunglasses, documentary
The purpose of most people who spend their time posting
My thoughts and ideas on the internet. In some ways,
The documentary side of the blog is more about the side
More effective than the first purpose. But that way
Published and published for interest to many people
Online Diary has a lot of personal blogs about
Just from rebellion. The fact that the blogger is
Interested in questions to be inspired and shared 1
Each other strengthens the idea that there is a personal blog
Meanwhile, the documentary is also released
consumption. The documentary is
Curious about other ways of life, and many people
Looking for reading regularly and other personal blogs
Same kind of new perspective.

Mobile blogs are on the cutting edge

Mobile blogging is an exciting phenomenon.
It's sweeping. One of the many reasons why
I am fascinated by the blogger blog media
The first place is to enjoy what they can make
Frequent updates and posts to keep all visitors
Speed ​​up in the current situation. Mobile blog or
"moblogs" takes this to the extreme by letting the user do it
Mail is literally. This new wave
moblogs and mobloggers keep web surfers up to date
With good and bad events of importance as they happen
Helps make an international, worldwide
Communication faster and more accurate.

Many people feel that there is a limitation on blogging
Geography is a lot. After all, there is only so
You can currently blog when you need to run a house
Start to update it. But mobile
Blogs are the beginning of a thrilling new era
When web-based communication may occur
Voluntarily from any place. Mobbing device
It means that there is almost nothing on the planet
Stay out of bounds for bloggers.

Mobile blog is just getting started
The technology that makes it possible has been a hit very recently
Global market. The first moblog technology is
Available over a decade ago, but it is the only past two
Mobile web device
The more user friendly, the more attractive the consumer is. As
Mobile technology such as camera phones
More popular, more bloggers are getting away
I'm hitting the street from my desk. Tsutsutsu Tsuitsu.
It is spreading much more that it was also
A few months ago, and mobloggers are collecting soon
Blog community and much attention. It's not
It's clear if moblogs will still dominate
The type of blog in the coming years is current
The trend seems to mean that moblogs stay here.

Mobile device
This is one of the places where the current event is deployed
Why Mobile Blogs Are So Thrilling
Possibility of revolutionizing the blogosphere. Moblogger
Most submissions from blogs on camera phones
Podium foot at the presidential speech, or from
Stand at the last moment of the World Series.
This allows bloggers in the same real time
The thrill that live TV coverage offers
More democratic medium. Mobility combination
And the individual controls that moblogging offers
Certainly put mobloggers on the cutting edge of
Today's communication technology, it is difficult
The number of blogs and prestige
It has not continued to grow in the coming years.

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